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Okay , first things first.
I actually wanted to make a little bit vacation this weekend after the Final release of Milky ways last weekend but... i started with level design for the new game. (more on that next weekend)

I actually just wanted to write a little bit about Milky Ways as a project. Just some meta files data and the realization that I will properly never rise like other game Patreon projects do.

As you can see, the file size for the whole project is about 300 GB, with all source files included. 

And i realized that I created about 1470 animations for the girls and devices. (not including the player animations)
Soo... my standard is at least a 100 frame animation  and that means roughly 3 seconds per animation clips and... that means...
1470 times 3 seconds is... 4410 seconds of animations.
Or... About 73.5 minutes of animation.. oh, my... i actually did not create a game. I made an animation movie O.o. (a lewd one)

What kind of saddens me is that no one (excluding Neko14789) bothered to use the modding function to generate the own stories. I wish I would see something not written by me, but... well...  I can not have it all.
I bet nobody even bothered to look into the "Mini mod" tutorial folder where i generated 3 example mods >_>

So... after my second big project, I guess it is time for the next one in the hopes I gather a little bit more attention. I even thought about creating a monster girl game, but somehow it would alienate all the people who came for AATOFL and Milky Ways. So I can not really stray from my path now.

Maybe.. Maybe.. Once i can live from my Patreon stuff i will look into this, but for the moment... well... i wrote too much text.

I need to continue my work... always work.




I actually did look at the modding tutorial at one point. But..I have my own games to work on and it was too complex to work on casually 😅. Honestly, I think you're doing fine in the niche you have already. There are VERY few games that do any serious amounts of bondage, and even fewer that run with the chastity component. Your issue is primarily that you don't really advertise. It's something I struggle with myself. I'm very much a developer and writer...not a marketer. I've had the best results increasing traffic to my own patreon by posting release notices over on Reddit. There are several subreddit communities specifically for adult games...and I don't think I've seen either of yours on them more that once or twice?


This is true, kind of my fault, actually. I should post a link to the finished game (I completely forgot about Reddit actually< >_<)


Don't despair, Kerni maybe someone will. I've never made a game before, and I thought about it, but the learning curve for your tools -- on top of everything else -- was a bit daunting. I'm working full time now, and don't have enough free time to try it, but maybe in the future... if I ever manage to get my own dream game going (Janeway Trainer) I'd likely use your tools, and credit accordingly.