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I was able to create a mini free roaming event for Aemi and Vivian for the alien plant so that the girls are able to use the plant on their own. But the player need to trigger a little event before this can happen. Because the plant can do more than make the girls happy xD

The player can make himself happy with the plant once more but after that the plant needs a bit offtime so the player can concentrate onto the girls ^_^

The second thing was mainly debugging , and as always this is a floating task for me since you guys find more and more bugs i need to solve and apply bugspray on.

For the next public release i want to include the plant parasite into the game and therefore i want to create more animations for the girls next weekend. And then i can give out the debugged version of the game as public release.




Well done Kerni, you are making amazing progress


Triffids rules!


Eeeee!!!! sounds fun!! :D<br> Are you planning on their "laying eggs" in the hangar to allow them a localized equivalent of the plant? If so, it may need a little something to grow in lol<br> Hydroponics probably has plenty of spare material to work with


I settled for another type of parasite (more symbiotic than parasite) for the girls to work with.. each other.. I hope i don't disappoint you guys with the idea but.. we will see


Excellent! Great work :)


Ooookay, so i've got a problem. Whenever a girl bends over, the geometry in her anus/vagina area starts sticking out like this: <a href="https://i.gyazo.com/cdedb9c4f4391ce8b997bbee6c4eb58f.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.gyazo.com/cdedb9c4f4391ce8b997bbee6c4eb58f.png</a> <a href="https://i.gyazo.com/2d50d5008718a275eff136dc13f13cff.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.gyazo.com/2d50d5008718a275eff136dc13f13cff.png</a> I don't know if it's just me, or is this the same for every one? Or i just never noticed it before, but now i do and it creeps me out. Happens both with Aemi and Vivian in every scene when they bend over. If it's a known bug, i'm sorry, but i haven't seen anyone mentioning it before, so there ya go.


So, i tried different graphical settings, different resolutions and such. The bug dissapeared after i moved the game folder from my desktop to a different directory and ran exe as admin. Everything is fine now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯