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Okay a new weekend and new goals.

But first  --> We have new soundfiles for Vivians naughty scenes those soundfiles are from Maeve (BIIGGG thanks to her!)

I already implemented those and those will be in the next beta , i hope you like them because in my mind , she did a great work!

and.. to my goals now 

My first goal is to create the function to extract all ingame story text so you guys can edit it without having the game open. The extraction part is the easy thing to do but then i need to create a c# exe so you guys can safely edit/save those files without making any changes to die seperators.

The features i want throught about that should be in the program : 

- Open/edit/save the spellcorrection file.

- Find not allowed chars and inhibit save if something like this have been found.

- Trim file , means that not changed sentences will not be saved to save time on loadup in game (it takes about 50 seconds to exchange ALL text)

- search function (Maybe you just want to exchange only a certain sentence))

My second goal is to create the shower scene we mentioned last weekend (when there is time left)

My third goal : Maybe a new beta ( but i heavely doubt that there is time left for this)
