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This is a post that can only be seen by 4$ patreon user and above!

The idea is to give the 1$ patreon user the current version (0.25 with a few bug fixes) as a gift for cristmas.

I can not just decide this on my own and i would like to ask all my 4$ (and above) patreon user if i am allowed to do this.

Please use the pool i created  , i will let the pool run until 24 (UTC+1) and then.. we see =)


Have your say: Can i release the current Beta (0.25 with some bugfixes) as a Cristmas gift to my 1$ patreon user ?

Voice your opinion on the poll: Can i release the current Beta (0.25 with some bugfixes) as a Cristmas gift to my 1$ patreon user ?



It is a nice and generous Idea, I do not mind and neither seem the other 13 ppl up to now. Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch;)


Des is lieb! Dankeschööönnn =)


Go for it.


Sounds fine to me :)