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As you can see i am still working in the whole hydroponic story.  This weekend i want to add another 200 VN frames and i want to update my VN framework middlewaretool (the tool i write the story with).

And.. to be honest.. i am kind of suprised how many people want to be a beta tester O.o.

I mean.. the version i will *prepare* for this tier will be really a beta which will include the story of the hydropnic deck without much detail debugging. They could be some majory bugs in it or anykind of weird behaviour from the NPCs or something like that.

And i better do not forget to deactivate the debug window or else you have soem weird text on your screen everytime xD

Anyway.. i still need some time for the hydroponic deck story and i *hope* i can build the beta version before Xmas. (Depends on how much time i have for this game in my two week vacation )




Thanks for the update Kerni, we believe in you


courage kerni ^^ and don't forget to enjoy the Christmas Days


Two week vacation? That sounds like 2 weeks of working on A:ATOFL :)


I hope so xD it depends on how much my family/friends needs me to do something for them .(mostly fixing something ^_^)


Forced vacation by the German law? :) (Once I had to take the last two week of the year because I didn't take 2 weeks in a row in that year.)