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As you can see i was busy with the main story and added about 300 VN frames to the story. Now i am at 8000 VN frames overall (not over 9000 obviously xD). Well and besides this i had to alter the hydroponic deck a bit so i can include [SPOILERFREE OBJECT] into the section and use it in the story. 

The main reason i only included about 300 VN frames it that it is not only the spoken sentences (with grammar and spelling errors made by kerny) i have to add but also new little animations and all the event trigger.

And.. in other news (the thing with the new tier)

No , please don't do this! : 6

No , please give every patreon of yours the game as beta tester version : 16

Yes : 27

Sicne there wasn't much movement in the last few days i think it is decided. I will introduce a new *Beta tester tier* for about 5$ (later).

I will create beta versions for this tier when i have something i want to release as beta. For example : If i am done with the hydroponic story  but not with the extended free roaming mode then i will make a beta release for all the beta tester tier guys.

The Beta tester tier members will not be charged for every beta tester version i make (that would be unfair.. i think ) I will only charge all my patreons once for one version (not for every beta/fixed thing i upload)

Would  this be okay  or do you guys have another idea ?




Its a fair Idea with your Version charge. Iam with you and waiting desperatly.


Kerni I think that would be a great idea


I think a $5 tier is ok for those who decide they want to play in beta. The way to do it without penalizing anyone, is to produce a beta when you think it's worth it. in a way, that beta tester tier permit to impatient people to play first; other supporter will simply play it once you make the global release after each "chapter"


$5 for "beta tester" is becoming the norm on patreon now, so i fully support it. With this change I would recommend a switch to monthly charges. Do you think you could do monthly updates? If yes this could work well, release beta at the start of the month crunch some bugs than release bug fixed build later in the month. Rinse and repeat next month. What do you think?


Whats the difference between promised monthly Updates with monthly charges and Charge per Update? Nothing, except you force the creator to monthly Updates. You have a curios way of thinking.


Yes , good idea. I mean my game in a whole is still beta xD I just release beta versions of the current chapters and after those chapters are mostly clear of errors i give the chapter to the others so they can play without much bugs (hopefully).


Can't pledge 5$... Just hope non-beta versions will come shortly after


I did not created the new tier yet , please be patient =) First i have to create the beta version anyway (at least finish the story for the hydroponic deck) and then i deliver the new tier.