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This weekend i was not able to do that much due to a birthday party on Saturday.

But still , on Sunday, i got to work on the animation for the "winning" event for the generic monopoly game. A little animation set for the girls this time in the bondage cross.

Furthermore, i implemented the new spell corrected text from Github.
(big thanks to dubsington/A3D/Chipserapine/ and Qwerty for helping with the story)

The new alpha with the version 0.93 is currently in the oven and i hope i can compile it , there seem to be an issue with the audio importer i use for the TTS voice. The DLL is referencing windows.forms.. and i have no idea why.. Anyway. I try my best here in the hopes that i can compile it and ship it to the alpha testers soon.

for the future plans , i guess i will slowly diverge to the new game , since i promised the alpha tester a build every month i guess i will keep adding little things to Milky ways while starting on the preparations of the new game.
I need a new story developing tool for example ^_^




So you have the next game already "lined up"? thats neat i would have really missed these weekend logs i barely read patreon stuff but enjoy these lol


Please (so we do not misunderstand each other). I need to prepare several things for the next game. First i need to re-create my development tool for the story dedevelopment since Flash isn't up to the task anymore. Then i will create a project and build all the technical stuff into the game. (which also costs time) And then.. then when i have something to actually play then i make a alpha for the alpah testers for the new game. But i am talking months here. many.. many.. months >_<


Hahaha im not worried about the game i was worried the weekend Logs would stop because i enjoy reading them xD


Oh.. this is what you mean. Sorry. I doubt that i will stop making weekend logs. I do not want to end up like many other creators making one post every.. 3 months or so O.o


Sounds interesting! So you're about to start a new project. That's great, good luck to you!


I started dropping people who don't update frequently and charge a bunch, it's fine if the updates are just some screenshots and some "Here's where we are" but to get nothing and expect to have money thrown at you, yeah no... we all have to work to get paid, so that's not happening from my perspective.


Ahh! Dr. Maraklov. I hope you liked the implementation and story of your special "belt and bra" inside the game :)


I like the "major update" structure better than the monthly payment. I'd have been back sooner if I'd known when you changed that.


BUG - current public version: 𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤?! Go to (unlocked) bunker. Call Girl while inside. Let's Play, choosing a sex act defined to occur in bedroom, such as anal. The pair are "teleported" back to the main base, and furthermore, the sun has gone out! AKA bunker lighting conditions applied to outside. Restore by walking to bunker (in the dark) -- e.g. cross the bridge from base and continue straight down the rock face to get close (you'll see the generator's lights) -- enter and then exit the bunker. Easiest fix would be to disallow such acts away from base, dialog "There's no bed/sybian/etc. here!" Maybe "I'm not doing that in a filthy pirate's bed" if the sleeping quarters are open, which is not guaranteed.


Quality Of (Game) Life fixes I'd like to see in final version: Chemical Processing: A command at the processor "FILL ALL CONTAINERS" to do all in inventory in one shot, or as many as the processor tank can fill if somehow what it has stored isn't enough. Also maybe a new container that holds more than 5 Chem units? Remember This Place: notable locations that will be returned to, such as Chem Processor, Nomad Pod, bunker, etc. The map graphic for the drills comes close to this. Maybe add "remembered" sites to that, yellow or cyan circles to differentiate. Remember This Outfit: each girl should have 1-3 slots for favorite custom outfit/device combinations Toplessness: as it stands now toplessness is defined as a sex act (under Let's Play) instead of being a fashion choice. To get the girls walking around topless (before Naked is available as an outfit) is possible, but their outfits get RESET back to default full coverage after a girl self-bondages or does some other activity. Either make it an option on the outfit selection page, or a "Why Don't You..." [leave your breasts exposed] option that appears pretty much by default, so that the condition gets re-established every time an outfit reset happens (which is kind of a kludge, but that's typical for this game)

Kerni (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 09:08:15 Oh my.. i will do this container thingy but i am not so sure about the clothing slots. This is kind of a game breaking change if i do this >_<
2022-09-30 15:48:05 Oh my.. i will do this container thingy but i am not so sure about the clothing slots. This is kind of a game breaking change if i do this >_<

Oh my.. i will do this container thingy but i am not so sure about the clothing slots. This is kind of a game breaking change if i do this >_<


Well, if you can set up auto re-establishing toplessness after a routine "chair session" outfit reset, that would accomplish most of what I wanted the saved/defined outfits for. I like red bikini + "expose your nipples", especially early in game; when I put her in that state, I want her to stay that way until told otherwise (or a plot event changes her outfit). Speaking of chair sessions, the girls seem to really like the basic purple "bondage exposer" chair a little too much. In addition to frequent returns, instead of working/painting/watering/whatever, if there are multiple chairs (I like having one for each confirmed slave), she will go from one chair directly to another! Only control option is to deny altogether, all or nothing (Do Not Selfbondage). Please adjust the timing/frequency of choosing that action and/or impose a cooldown where that action is unavailable to that girl...or a longer cooldown if one already exists.


Another thing: girls do random bondage chair stuff even when wearing the red chastity suit, maybe they shouldn't? Seeing as the integrated dildos kind of get in the way (and those are under the Main Character's control!)


Mhnn A specialized device cooldown. I need to think how to implement this actually.


The bondage chair , do you mean the one withthe two dildos underneath or the one where she is only restrained ?