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So , as mentioned last weekend i was not able to do that much due to a birthday party i had to attend on sunday. I managed to add about 50 VN frames and that's about it.

It even got worse when i found out (friday) that my power supply was doing things which it is not suppose to do. (fortunately i still had time on satureday to fix this)

Next weekend i need to finish Junas Roleplay introduction into Yukaris base as a milky girl and then i will try to add at least some generic AI life commands for her so that she can be interacted with.

And of course after this , on monday, if i am fast and did not added too much bugs there will be a new public version of Milky ways.




hope all goes well on your side.. really like the suit design (^__^)


Sounds good to me :) <br>Haven't been able to play games recently due to an overheating issue (know the cause, just need to fix it), but looking forward to seeing where this goes


Well, I still think you will succeed and you will catch up with everything! And we look forward to the public version of Milky ways