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This weekend i quickly worked on the introduction of Juna to the things she may has to do once she becomes... you know ^_^
and.. i compiled and uploaded the beta version for Milky ways 0.79

As mentioned above i had quite the work to do this weekend . I added a event for Juna in which she is getting introduced to the tests she may has to "suffer" through as well as the things she may feel during said tests.
I also finaly added some animations to the medical bed in the medical section from Yukari base. This bed was planned to have very special animations from the start but i never got to it. Now i have some bed the possibilities are... well.. the bed has some more functions left to see xD

An of course i uploaded the patreon beta version of Milky ways 0.79 and i hope the version is not as buggy as i fear >_<

I think i will release the public version next month since i have tons of stuff to do to get Juna updated with all possible events. (she shall be able to do all the things Maya, Malia and Yukari is able to do)
And this.. willl. take... time ... arrggss ~_~




Hehey, after you have completed the new events, you can still show the new googles to the girls and the event where everyone sits at the table repeats, locking you in a dead end.