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A big thanks for a special someone (the one who created the first chastity device for the game) because he is also the one who gave me the motion data for this dance. And as we know , some girls really like to dance :D

Anyway ,this weekend i worked on the beach scene with Yukari and the event that will also lead to this scene shown in the GIF. Of course inside of the game Maya does not like to be fully clothed and..

Next weekend i am not able to do that much since i need to be at a event where i am a voluntary security guard. I hope i can generate at least the patreon Alpha on monday after the weekend so that the alpha tester can go and do some bug hunting.

The next month i will create a patreon beta for the beta tester and then a few weeks after i think i will release a new public beta. (at least these are my plans)
But as always... no big super duper promise >_<

And yes... in the new version you can equip the girls with a Fox tail and Fox ears...
And the tail is.. also.. a... you know... it needs to be sticked into something.
(those who know... know)




Did a dream come true and Maya gained a ´n even bigger set of .. twins?


maybe... you know.. after every night the twins may grow xD


Okay, your busyness for next weekend is understood, but we still hope you can make some progress.


dont give me hope on more breast expansion :) Still think it would be cool if one could choose toys for the girls to wear that have visible effects on their bodys. Like Bigger twins, an inflated belly or a bulge from a large toy...