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First part of the weekend was to continue the main story a little bit and i added about 50 VN frames.
The second part of the weekend was getting the cosplay ears into the game as generic events , as well as the "insert" thingy which allows the player to ask the girls if they want to also have a tail for the ears.

Annnddd.. then after all was done i had to compile the whole thing and smoketest it Annnddd.. then upload the new alpha version for the testers.

Currently we are at 23700 vn frames and i guess this game is getting even bigger than AATOFL with ease. (AATOFL had a VN frame number of 24500).
So... well.. and i still need to implement the story around Juna.. and all the devices from the thrid person game.And... some new ideas from the guys from F95 zone.. >_<

So.. much.. work... wahhhhhh.....




Ok, this is just wishful thinking but can you make malina's succubus armor from the dream a generic outfit to wear? :D


This is not really wishfull thinking , once i am done with the main story i would like to make every outfit in the game also avaliable for generic use.


As you can see, the weekend was not in vain for you and the overall progress of the game. Glad to all the improvements in it!


Yes , this is true. But progress is as always slow. One of the downsites of game creation is that it is extremely time consuming.