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So.. without further ado ^_^

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Linux and Mac versions are as always unsupported.

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What is actually new in this version since the last public version ?
Mainly the 3rd person bondage spy minigame , i added a savegame from the end of the last public beta so you can just dive into the minigame ifyou want to:
Furthermore i added a minor sidequest for Maya in which she gets all wrapped up and stuff xD

An i added a minimap button : M
And i fixed some bugs but this is all in the changelog

And here is the changelog :

change log : Version 0.75.5 (Open beta release)

- Added A minimap (trigger with key M)

- Fixed a bug in which the "resett the keypad" quest is triggerd again

change log : Version 0.75 (beta release)

- Added about 500 VN frames (mostly repeatable events)

- Added simple mouth gag as useable device for the girls

- Added a few more events for when the girl is gagged

- Added the blindfold as equipable item

- Added a new cltohing set which can be aquired via Mayas optional event

- Fixed a bug with the mining droid

change log : Version 0.74 (beta release)

- Added about 500 VN frames

- Added three new devices for the thrid bondage spy minigame

- Added automatic DE-cuffing restrain machine (spy minigame) + puinishment machines

- Added END of bondage spy minigame

change log : Version 0.73 (alpha release)

- Added about 250 VN frames

- Added third level of the spy minigame

- Added automatic cuffing restrain machine (spy minigame)

- Added bound milking machine (spy minigame)

- Added new milker cups

change log : Version 0.72 (alpha release)

- Added about 500 VN frames

- Added second level of the spy minigame

- known bug - thrid person char can get stuck on railings for some reason

change log : Version 0.71 (alpha release)

- Fixed : Naked option is not permanent (except for main story)

- Added about 500 VN frames

- Added first release of the third person spy minigame

change log : Version 0.70.1

- Fixed A serious issue with the AI life system which corrupted the game and savefiles

- Fixed When played in one sitting , the chastity suit was not able to be given to Maya

Soo.. i hope you have fun with this and if you found some bugs during the game please let me know so i can at least try to use some bugspray xD


2.89 GB file on MEGA



Pretty impressed with the changes. Thanks for the list of all the changes you submitted here ...