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Such a wonderfull middleware solution. You just bake the occlusion culling into the map and save a ton of performance!

(At least this is the theory >_<)
The moment you press the "bake" button magic will happen (after a long wait time) and in most cases it is unfortunately black magic (as seen in the picture)
so.. anyway.. had some problems with occulsion culling and i think i found a solution ( need to test next weekend)

And in other news , i created one more machine to use for the minigame (maybe also later in the normal free roaming mode) and i started to work on yeat another machine for some testing purposes iside of the minigame.

And.. well this is it for this weekend. Next weekend i will continue with the machine and i think i can build some story into the third level of the minigame. (and i also need to build the new alpha test version)

Once i am done with the minigame there will be a beta version for the beta testers and then if the alpha and beta tester say it is enough to for a public version i will create the public version.



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