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This weekend was mostly used for story creation and to create a special suit (from the ground up). I created some simple animations too but not too much.

Saturday was mostly used to create a suit from scratch ( i need one with sensors on it) and on sunday i created a bit more story.

So.. not much to say this weekend. Just the usual work :)




I know that you do a great work on storyline and upgrate (especialy in outfit, new places and cute sextoy). But i've a little question : do you know when you gona put a new version to play ? Still wanna touch your game with new features ^^


Well, if you have not finished work on the costume, I wish you good luck in this, and yet a good job was done on the weekend. Go ahead!


No idea unfortunately , as always i can only work on weekends on this game and therefor i can barely plan anything. To be honest my own quality control gets also in the way of planing , since i create many sexmachines but some of them do just look.. bad.. so i need to recreate them. Currently in the game are 2 machines which are "there" (technicaly in the gamefiles) but not implemented in the story since they just look bad >_<


The costume is ready. (and implemented) but the story around it is kind of missing.


eww the android has the wrong skin :D


I am already keen for the release of the next update, hope it will release somewhere next to the 17th of April (my Birthday^^).