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Okay this weekend was also only writing generic events for Malia. I only did that and added about 600 VN frames this weekend alone. (we are now at 6200 vn frames)

And.. i am still not done since i can do so many things with her which i need to build into the free roaming mode. 

Guys i am really sorry to say but i guess i have to shift the new release into the next year. 

The reason for that is that i want to add something to find in the pirat base for the player (maybe a device or a some more clothes) and since you guys want to use those found things even in the free roaming mode i need to implement unique and generic events for this and... ohh.. so .. much .. work...

Anyway.. i need to continue to work on this (maybe i have some free time on  christmas to even work further on it)

...and i did not even talked about the implementation of the AI live events in which Malias is usingthe machines on her own >_<

....and since those machines are now dynamically added to the scene you may have several at the same time which she needs to know in which she is in after loading the game... arggss... debugging hell...




Totally fine if it's next year, don't sweat it ;)