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Last weekend i created the insides of the new pirate station (still not entirely complete) and this weekend i concentrated more on the outsite of the base.

(at least this is what i did on saturday)
ON sunday i had tofight a weird bug which doubled the speed of the game by 2 times for... whatever reason ??
I worked around that and started to contineu with the story. I Also created one more simple device for a dream sequence and next weekend i need to create animations for it and impletement it into the story.

And yes.. the work continues >_<

And.. one more thing. Another creator of a naughty game contacted me about a year ago on how his game was perceived by me and he made (i think) a better version (the first was looking.. you know.. not attractive)
So long story short he asked me to make a little shoutout for his game and here it is :


( i have to say i did not play the new version since i try to use every free minute to either work on my game , play WoW classic or Vrchat >_<)




looks nice, good work


I smell update in the air :) Side question: I think i saw answer to this somewhere, but have you considered releasing AATOFL source code? Or do asset licenses prevent that?


The source code is the holyest thing i have :D As long asi life i would like to not just give it away. And.. not just because it is very dear to me but also to abig part that it is unusable if you do not know exactly what you are doing. It is actually a mess which can be taken as an idea how to do it (just use hashtables =P) but i would not recommend to use this for other people. ANd for the update , as i mentioned several post before , i have made good story progression but the new pirate base is lacking of everything except its existance. So much work ahead of me.


Kerni, your games are better


Two questions re AATOFL. (1) is there a better editing tool that can be used? The modding tool you provide is very...basic...and doesn't behave well on a merely standard definition monitor. (2) After working fine for a week on my desktop, the game now freezes at the loading screen - music plays but asteroid animation is frozen. Deleting the game folder and restoring from the zip file hasn't fixed this, are there settings stored somewhere?


for question 1 ; IN AATOFL there are two spellchecking methods. One old one with just basic text and the new one which extracts all the events. I assume you are refereing to the new one and this is actually the framework i am also using to create the game. ( the programm with the flash executeable) So.. no , they will not be any changes to that ^_^ For question 2 : Yes they are called playerprefs and are stored in the regristry. under Hky current user -&gt; software -&gt; kernis not existing company -&gt; abandoned... If you erase them.. well i do not know if this helps but you can try. And another thing , on startup you can also choose the graphics quality in the splash window.