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Yes , i know...Yukari looks weird with this thing. >_<

(And yes you can change her skin to a more human form within the next beta)

Anyway , this wekend i created th animations for the machine i created last weekend and implemented them into the game. (to use them.. of course ^_^)

Furthermore , i also implemented a new clothing set for Juna (and the other of course but i need to create the generic dressing function later)

And i added about 50 VN frames so.. i would say this weekend was pretty effectivly used and not so much compromised by family events =P





Is that a pacifier function I see?

Izayoi Ulven

Aww I can't wait for the next beta.


Is it posble to put more lingerie in the game, like corset or so 🤩


I am on it , but as always with game development , it takes time.


Kind of ^^ I am mean if you referring to the Yoke then this is what you used on Maya when she was drunk. Or do you mean the mask ?


&gt; you can change her skin to a more human form But can I not change her skin and leave her all robotic as she is?


When you post the updates or additions to this story and we have already taken the download, will it be automatically updated or will we have to re download it to get the most current form? Enjoying the game so far.


As i mentioned you "can" change her skion , you do not need to :)


THe game will not update automatically , i will upload a beat version to the patreons who have beta access and after a while i will (after beta testing) create the public version of the new update. But until the new beta is happening , i need to implement many other thingys first =)