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So.. many people told me many problems with the game. Mostly minor ones and i tried to figure use bug spray and some more things ^_^

All the things described in here is in the dev version currently!

First of all i rebaked the navmesh and hopefully Malia will not try to climb her little cabin anymore.(hopefully , neeeds more testing)

Second thing is that i implemented a textfield which tells the user that they are able to use the up and down arrows in the dialouge view (when you talk to people) sicne many people did not know that the arrows are clickable.

And the last thing i did was to implement a new option in the gameplay menu. Instant text. Yes i know.. basic stuff >_<

I guess next weekend i need to continue where i left off with the story , Yukari needs her new bathrobe and Malia needs some... other things...

And then there is Maya , with the helmet...




Sweet! Everybody loves quality of life improvements, and many kinky games lack in that shine and polish. It's very good that you take your time to improve on already good state of things in that regard :) Now, i dunno what you have planned as far as content goes, but i'll reiterate what i suggested long long ago (long before i became a patron) for AAToFL - please give player the choice to either let the girl finish or dany her in interactions (not the story ones, the repeatable/sandbox ones). You implemented that choice in some of the interactions in AAToFL, but for me, it would THE feature of the game, should it become reality :) Have fun with the dev process :)


So you want to tease them ? you want to let them float on the brink to heaven ? MHnn... i think i can build some events with this topic in my game xD (and of course some generic events)

Izayoi Ulven

Great game so far defiantly looking forward to more. Since I guess that most of the bugs and grammar issues have already been reported I'll skip those. The only thing I would request is to turn down the volume on the jump sound effect since it is a bit loud compared to other sounds in the game. Also if possible could the headbob be reduced a little since it feels a bit much, while you can turn it off it might be good to reduce it a little for those that want headbob on. Also is there any particular place to report bugs/issues and give feedback?


Of course one way is in here , but you can also report them into discord in the bug Channel. (also noted the sound problem on my little to do list)


i am only here for the girlfriend sex :D