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As the title said i di a bit of everythign , first was some debugging since C# really does not like  nullpointers and does not like to access them.. understandably.

Furthermore , i addd one more clothing item (no not the Bikini , this was done last weekend) about 100 Vn frames and as you see above one new animation.

As always , the game creating process is very slow but steady. 

I need more time... Wahhhhh >_<




Wow. Looks hot.


Here's some hints how to handle null pointers with more ease: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/member-access-operators Cheers!


Specifically; have a look at this paragraph: Null-conditional operators ?. and ?[]


I believe this notation is pretty new and I was happy to learn about it a few days ago. It really helps out doing all the null checks, although I understand not related to your previous issues.