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Last weekend i was purely occupied with the creation of a few models and the animations to go along with the models. (the gag is notr going into into the mouth on it's own ^_^)

And this weekend i want to implement a few more little level detaisl into the game. something abandonded here... and some rusty stuff there. Not much. And i need to think about the ingame log reader the player can use to read logs from machines and e-mails from other persons who inhibited the island.

little steps every weekend...




Any plans on a first release?


uff... good questions , next question xD Currently am working on the story and i have around 800 VN frames so far. I would like to have at least 3000 vn frames and decent amount of animations/events i can show. Don't pin my down on that but i would say i will release the first public beta before July or earlier.(but do not pin me down on this)