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Last weekend i started with the inside of the underground pirate base and many interior props are already in place. 

This weekend i want to continue and maybe finish at least the raw base with all props inaplce as well as the lighting. I still need to think about a solution for the outsite lighting (sun , environmental lighting) since (as in AATOFL) all the levels will be in one scene. I guess i jsut deactivate them and go for realtime lighting again xD




Oooh, that looks pretty cool. What does "all the levels will be in one scene" mean? The maps seemed independent to be in AATOFL. Is "scene" a Unity thing that causes maps to share environment or something?


Yes , scene is a unity thingy. wich is the same as Level actually. it means that in the same -level- are all sub levels included. This will mean that you will also load the sub scene but you do not have to load the scene anymore once you are in the main scene. in milky way the levels are just faaaaaarrrr away from each other so you can not see them but they are in the same level.


where my letters with comments that I again not so made..