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This weekend i was able to add the end scene of the game with the credit role scene. It is really nothing fancy and it's only purpose is to have a official end to this game with credits and stuff ^_^

Furthermore i implemented a workaround for the -falling through world bug- if you fall through the world you should trigger a event where it will set you to the position of the last VN event played.

I also created a new option in the gameplay menu wich will deactivate the full story mod injection. That means if you leave this -full story mod injection - field disabled and the story mod enabled then it will only load the textvariables for each scene but will NOT change the other stuff. This will hopefully prevent that you are not able to continue with the story if you have a old story mod activated.

that aside... barely anyone used the story mod framework so i guess i will not continue to add any features to this thing.(for now)

So.. and next weekend...well... i need to compile the game , then make a full playthrough (Debugging maybe!!), then zip it and then i need to upload it.
So..maybe... perhaps... and under very good circumstances i can release the public version next weekend. MAYBE!
I guess debugging will kill me >_<




Good luck, comrade.


Hört sich doch super an. Und wenn du es nicht schaffst, mach dir keinen Stress. ;)

Adam Bliss

Things are finally coming to an end it seems, so what are your plans for after AATOF?


I think i will do something a little bit smaller as my next project. Maybe a story not placed into the future. We will see :)