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I can still see the light at the end ofthe tunnel and i need to work towards it to end all my misery...

Anyway , this weekend i need to continue my work on the generic events. As stated last time i started off with the secure wait device and i already implemented all the events for Vivian. So i neeed to generate them for Aemi this weekend.

Btw i think i should make a public release of 0.75 in the near future because that would be a nice thing to do. I hope no one is angry at me if i include the one generic event i created into the release and make it a 0.76 public releasee with some bugfixes here and there ?




I'm patiently. Waiting till final release. Have fun Kerni! ;)


You could also just hold out and do the one public release....


that is pretty awesome!


If the others can wait for so long then that is not a problem.