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This weekend i need to work on another animation set for Vivian , Aemi and Victor since i accepted one last request. I guess this will be the last new animation set i will create in this game.

After that i need to create all the generic events for the other devices the player encountered in the command section during the last beta and then... then there is only one way into freedom xD




The last one? Wow! End of an era. (I sure hope you got a Aemi/Vivian oral sex scene in there somewhere before you closed up shop!)


Hello, I am still interested it two-side advertisment post :)


What exactly do you mean , Dubsington ? Wasn't there a dual bj scene with Aemi and Vivian at the end of the command section story ?


Ahm.. i never did that before and i am not sure if advertisment would help since your genre is vastly different than mine. My patreons are expecting something bondage related you know xD


these plants looks super awesome!