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Okay.. a weekend starting post once again..>_<

I guess i can only tell that i will do -business- as always , expect for Sunday , because sunday there is a little family event and i will be not on my PC most of the time ( i guess).

Other  than that i will try to do something on saturday at least. Maybe i can create about 100 VN frames but i will see.

Other than that..mh.. not much to say. Just the usual naughty business while creating a naughty story with often naked girls :D




Hmm, a moving box, what can it be inside? A machine or an animal? Or maybe even worse :D


What is more important in the game? 1) Get more devices? 2) To get more things for girls? 3) Long gameplay? 4) Good story.


I guess this question is headed towards me. Ahmm.. Get more devices and more things for the girls is kind of the same since with new devices comes new ways to play with the girls. Long gameplay is kind of tricky since this could either mean that you have a long sandbox mode or a long story mode. Good story is very very subjective , i guess many of you think that i am a horrible story creator xD To answer your question i can only say that i would like to implement many things to do in this game (free roaming mode) and a story much much naughty things to do xD long gameplay isn't really my focus to be honest.


What's in the Box? What's in the BOX!


Nothing important (really , it is nothing naughty or lewd)