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As i mentioned last monday i created some new animations for Aemi for a new machine and now (since i made this big... big error when i started this project) i need to do thje same thing with Vivian.

Furthermore , beside the animation work i also want to start to create another new machine i have in my *mind*.

And.. well that's pretty much it. Business as usuall. Many smalls steps lead to a final finish for this game.. i hope ^_^

And then.. i can finally.. do something.. else... >_<




When you finish this project, you can, try to "spur", with your enthusiasm "xmoonproductions" with their 4.0 "XStoryPlayer". It's certainly a joke, but suddenly ... :)


I am just a hobby developer , they are far more professional :)


VIvian wearing new lipstick?


The lip color changer has been implemented in public beta 0.54 and.. that just was a savegame from back when i tested it :)