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Well i guess i can not do that much this weekend since there is this one thing.. ahmm.. this thing happens every year.. it involves a tree as far as i can remmember :)

Anyway , if i have time my goal is to create the generic events for the android delivery device for Aemi and Vivian. I think i make activateable in two ways , one if you just walk up the device and tell them to get someone and one to make it remotely via the communication device.

I need to see how far i am able to get with this. There is stil the thing with family and this tree this weekend xD




Frohe Weihnachten :)


Frohes Fest. Der Androiden-Lieferdienst darf sich über die Feiertage ruhig verspäten. :)


In the gif it looks like an alien is getting ready to burst from Vivian's abdomen. That's a fetish I don't think I have. :-( Enjoy Christmas! Your mom would probably not want to hear that you need to skip it so you can create space porn. They don't understand things like that.


that's the problem with clipping , i can not make every outfit work with every device :(