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Okay , this weekend i finished the generic towerdefence events for Aemi and started Vivian's. As you can see from the GIF above i used the mega sale on the unity asset store and buyed a new enemy just for Vivian's generic towerdefence story because... ahm..

Anyway.. this weekend i was mostly occupied by creating the animations for Vivian with the inflatable simple chair (not the restrain one). I will use this thing for the *reward* animations and i guess i make it also avaliable as a generic *playtime* event.

Next weekend i need to develop Vivian's generic towerdefense story further and i guess i need some more small animations.. maybe .. i don't know.

Okay now back to the usual work week :)




Dude, that hair. Also, if you let us pay you once in a while, you could buy more assets. Just sayin'.


This is her original hiar like it always was =) Well okay.. now from behind you can clearly seee where i had to cut *polygon* corners so that this is runnable on normal PC's. And don't worry about assets , i have tons of them but i lack the time to implement them.