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Okay , the current status of the towerdefense event is that i started to create Aemi's event and then when i needed the new animations for Aemi i finished these. But while i was able to finish the animations i did not finished the whole event for Aemi so i need to finish this next weekend.

I guess i will finish Aemi's generic towerdefense events next weekend and then i start with Vivian's events.

After i am done with Aemi's and Vivian's events i will concentrate on the *Android delivery* device and then i would like to script a new spellcorrection system into the game with unique ID's for every VN frame in a event.

I am kind of planning on giving you my current work *framework*. This is a simple program in flash in which you can alter all events. I guess i will change the program a bit so that you can not change the commands i use in the game but only the texts.

Maybe later i will make it that you can even change the whole story and add new VN frames as well as changing existing ones. But... these are just *plans* ^_^




Thanks for the Update! Oh btw, is Aemi wearing a dress with a dick shaped hole ? ;)


xD no.. but the mesh is not really skinned well and this reflects my.. ahm.. non existing 3d modelling skills. But to not worry , she does not wear this thing in the dungeon. I just gave her the clothes for this gif.


Will there be a way to submit the corrections back to you? Be great if they could become part of the game.


Mh.. you could send me the file directly as always but i suppose you want another more comfortable way of doing so. My idea would also be a sql server which will save the files so that everyone with internet has them instantly but uff... i hate sql ~_~