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The nipple things on Vivian and Aemis Suits look a bit ridicoulus.
Me also bad in fixing clothing errors from clothes from daz3d (they are genesis 1 to genesis 2 auto fit clothes)  ~_~

Anyway , this weekend i finished the animations for Vivian for the table and i  also finished the unique event if you *won* against her in the towerdefense game.

That leaves me with the task to make the table generic moveable.   Furthermore i need to create the AI live events for this thing and the events in case Victor ask the girls if they want a *table session*.

I guess i will create the generic events for the table and the other bondage device in Vivians cabin and then i make a new beta version. It would just take too much time to make the towerdefense and chastity trail game a generic event so i leave this for later. (Since i need to think about a new story for this , playing the same story twice is boring)




This looks promising. The amount of effort you are putting into this is appreciated.


looks good


I hope this game never ends...


Unfortunately , it will. Currently the Command section will be the last level and then.. well.. =) Furthermore i have to change several things regarding animations since i have (yess... i know i repeat myself) made a terrible error in the creation of Aemi/Vivian