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Okay.. here it is =)

I had to upload it two times since i encountered a bug when i re-downloaded and tested it. As alsways i left you a savegame just before the crew quarter story start (just speak with Aemi about it).

I hope i got rid of all the worst bug and at least the story should be playable to the end of the crew quarter section. Furthermore since i introduced armbinders in this update many events could look weird if Aemi/Vivian have them equiped. Please tell me if a events looks weird with the armbinders on (the armbinders are flagged as *not blocking* so they will not be undone in sex scenes)

Okay.. and here is some data for you

Change log : 0.35 to 0.45 

- Added : About 2500 VN frames (free roaming mode and story)

- Added : Crew quarter section and story

- Added : Milk machine generic event

- Added : Armbinder (only the rope for now)

- Added : More AI live events 

- Added : one more teasing event for Aemi/Vivian

- Added : A few more clothing options

- Added : Chastity trail minigame (only used in the story currently)

- Added : Several little things i forgot >_<

- Added : Selfbondage AI live events (can be disallowed after crew quarter section story)

- Fixed : Several issues with the free roaming mode AI live script

- Fixed : Aemis hancuff event can now be finished

- Fixed : Several clipping issues (mostly doors)

- Changed : Many events , if the armbinders are equiped (hope i got all xD)

- Changed : More time for the hacking game

Please telle me if you encounter any bug or weird behaviour so i can apply bugspray :D

..okay.. and now gardenwork >_<



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Thanks Kerni, it's time to get kinky.


woohoo, finaly!


New bug: The new gag causes an odd clash and when the girls need cleaning, the game thinks you're using the old gag and won't unplug meaning you can't unplug to talk and clean said girl.<br>Also, Vivian doesn't appear to have the new gag. <br>(Edit) Found the gag, typical preset where if a girl is wearing the ring gag, the other won't show.<br><br> Another item of note is that you must NOT move the milker until after you have milked BOTH girls, or you lose the ability to milk Vivian...<br><br>Good to see you got the other restraint device down from the hydroponics, what did you do? add a hidden item to it to make it a unique item like I suggested?


I have to say, you are one of my 3 favorite creators I just cant unsubscribe because you have one of the best games what someone can buy today. Thank you for your hard work.


Thank you! *runs off exploring a hidden base*


Big tanks for pointing this all out :) @Cleaning and plug - fixed in dev version @Moveable milk machine , i made it that the machine can only be moved after you milked Aemi and Vivian.(in dev version) You can not equip one gag with the other still in place , that is not intended to be a bug xD Oh.. forgot to mention the other one in the changelog but yes you can now use the two restrain machines. Every machine is a unique entity with unique events (unfortunately) but i hope this will work ^_^


Thank you, wonderful work! All the devices in the game are designed for one girl. Why not make the mechanism at the same time for two? Found on the base or made by characters?


That's because each girl is a unique model and it causes programming issues, as a result, he has to manually program the event for each one separately. Its an issue he's aware of, and I understand he plans on changing the models to reduce compatibility issues in future games. I imagine that is also the reason for the additional memory and game volume. neither of which is a problem :)<br><br> Similarly, Kerni had a serious headache trying to get both restraint devices to be useable, I believe he used my suggestion of adding a hidden extra to one of the toys to make it a separate morphable "entity"


I have to agree with that, however, I have his game as #1 out of my top ten so far, second would be Fek and his rack 2 game, but there are a few major bugs that need ironing out before it reaches that level. Biggest issues on the rack game for me is how the look mouse option is hyperactive and unmanageable without crippling your mouse dpi settings and how everything has a noticeable lag which cause movement to be somewhat... erratic, causing me to run into EVERYTHING lol. <br><br>Kerni's game does NOT have that problem and actually seems to be cleaner and considerably more stable than when I first discovered the game XD

Bernard Mouchet

Waoo, super work Kerni! love that........


You are the man! Great job!


Love your work, thank you!


Nice work Kerni :) And I especially loved the dream and what it would suggest. Might I suggest to let the player choose what "body" it involve (from a male or female point of view) again ?


This was just a dream in the game , Syssiah. If you let the player choose what kind of gender they want to play the game with , then i need 10 years to finish this game since i need to code routes 2x , one for male and one for female. It is just too much work :(


loving the game can't get past the locker puzzle tho


Once the minigame started , just press ctrl + W to win the game :)

Francis coyle

How do I start the "Card Game"


Frist you need to make Vivian avaliable for naughyt scenes (talk to Aemi about Vivian and then talk with Vivian to get her chastity set) Then you just need to find the card set in the maintaince section when in the big start area look at the table on the left. Then just find a table in the hangar+ bay , set up all things by placing them into the hangar bay and then ask Vivian if you want to play.


Question: Once you get the two restraint machines onto the hangar deck, how do you get the girls to use them? I've been waiting around and they don't seem interested, and I can't find any dialogue options to trigger it (like the assembly-line test machine or the enema machine has).


Both of them are triggered via the AI llife function , the problem here is that she could do about 30 other events before the one will be triggered. A good idea to limit the amount of events Vivian/and Aemi can do is to bind their hands. And then... wait xD