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As i stated last friday i wanted to implement the chastity trail minigame into the story and.. (Thanks to pfingsten (Pentecost ??) ) i was able to do it for Vivian and Aemi.

Furthermore , along with all the story lines i needed for the minigame i also reached my goal of 200 VN frames (okay.. a little bit more but that does not matter).

Now i need to think about the story which will happen if you NOT get captured by the robots and suceed in guiding the robot through the spider guards.

...mh... *grübel*  *grübel*  *grübel*




I know this will be an epic update when you release it in a few weeks or months! Keep it up!


I agree with Kimble this will be epic. Your work and effort are worth waiting on so don't sweat it taking a bit to accomplish.


Quick suggestion about that is that maybe Aemi finds the program or whatever when you've captured the area and says it appears to be something important relating to unlocking what tests were needing to be done and what had happened in the station. So that way it's optional but has also got incentive for the characters, no?


Looks great! :)


They would need organic combined with nanotech components for that to work, the result would definitely be interesting though, a perfect organo-nanotech hybrid is definitely intriguing


This idea (despite in another form) floated around in the loverslab topic. The problem with this is that i do NOT know what will comes next as *tests* since i usually write the story when.. welll when i write them xD seriously.. i just create the level as i think it would fit and then i think about the story as i write it. I have a littlle very very very little raw goal but usually this is something i think about only a few days before i start to write the story. Currently i am planning (because it is on my loonnggggggg *to do list*) a dialouge with Aemi where she tells the player what kind of toys he can find and what he already found.