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I was able to finish the animations i wanted to create for Vivian and Aemi but not much despite that since the animation itself where harder to make than i throught it would be (link constrains are a necessary... evil... >_<)

Anyway , i still need some more animations but these are mostly unique 100 frame animations and not a series with about 1500 xD (for each char.. because of the skeleton issue.. damn i am stupid... really...)

Anyway , next weekend i want to continue with the story of the crew quarter deck. This will be a long way and after the long path there will be the beta tester upgrade and after the beta tester version comes the longer path named.. debugging... arggss...
(I can not find all the bugs myself.Even though i implemented them in the first place.. unknowingly)




Oh I wouldn't worry about the bugs too much, you know we'll let you know about them in detail and tease you mercilessly about them ;P


I guess all you've learned by creating A;ATOFL will help you if you ever think of making a new one (what i really hope!). I'am curious about the continuation of the story in the crew quarters. - I wonder myself is there somewhere an updated spell correction file for the actual beta version?! - keep up the excellent work Kerni!


Hey Kerni, I'm curious; on a weekend like this past one, how much time gets eaten up with rendering? I know animation can take quite a bit of time and waiting for it to render can be a large part of it. But, you seem to get quite a bit done for the short time you have.


Since my game is realtime 3D i do not need anything to render. The rendering does your PC when you execude the game :) The most time i *waste* during the *animations* weekends is in the detail work. For example : -I have to figure out a way to hide that the 3d models can not bend there hand like a normal person does. - i have to watch out that hands and general al meshes do not overlap or make weird sudden moves - After i imported the animation into unity i have to set where i want to have sounds in the animation.


Look into the *community post* tab. Mike uploaded a spellcheck file once (he renamed the text file as a image and just uploaded it so you can download the file and just rename it to SPELLCHECK.txt) But i have no idea how far he came :)


It's a great job! Wonderfully turned out this girl!


Shouldn't you be off copying more of Akabur's games?


Translation to german so far: <a href="https://mega.nz/#!kyQDVKCD!srbb6MLdueijS1krvsO5A3ccyXYwR_C7wkzauZ4lQL8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Mega.nz</a> Only the first part is translated by human. Rest by google translator (human translation in progress)


Thank you Funpacer, I downloaded it and i will include this in the next beta upload :)