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--- Update: It's finished! (23:00 20th April) ---

Hey everyone,

I've written 20k of chapter 76 so far, and I'm settling down to write some more this evening. I had hoped to be finished by now, but unfortunately my keyboard died over the weekend! I've replaced it with a basic logitech one, but it's just a temporary replacement for the moment until the one I ordered online arrives.

I suspect the chapter will be finished by the end of the week.





It may be basic but those Logitech ones will last a long time.


I have a Logitech g19 I've been using for.. 6 years now? Maybe actually more like 8


Ouch, that hurts. I have a Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000 and I don't like life without it. Thanks for the update!


I had to help my mom troubleshoot a keyboard issue a couple of years ago. Odd actions on the computer typing different keys. Turned the keyboard over and (no joke).. orange juice dripped out the keys. "can't you fix that?" No mom, that's sugar. Never going to be the same, lets go to Best Buy ok?


Logitech G910 Orion Spectrum (not the spark, as it has strange shaped keys) is an amazing keyboard. Marketed to gamers due to the lighting and such, but the action on the keys is amazing. I bought one for my work computer just because the action was so good.

Lord Winter

That is a nice keyboard. Very similar in overall design to my Saitek Cyborg keyboard with holes worn in the keys. Might have to save up for the Orion.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Sorry to hear about your keyboard. One you have had that long is hard to change from. I hope you are taking this as a signal that it is time to get than new system. Keyboards rarely go out before the system unless you spill Orange Juice into it...LOLs @ Towed. Been there btw...only my friend spilt coffee, a whole cup, into her crt monitor 25 years ago. I turned it on to look at it, not knowing, and almost started a fire at work. LMAO. "Oh, by the way, I spilled my coffee inside it, is it ok?"


Anything with Cherry MX switches. Brown, I think if you don't like the extra "clicky" sounding ones.


Always sad when it's time for a keyboard elegy. I have to change out keyboards once every 12-18 months, as soon as the nubs on the 'F' and 'J' wear down.


So why not change these two keys? Should be much less expensive depending on the keyboard.


Thanks for the update Tef! the knowledge stops us from being antsy. .. :)


Keep up the great work Tefler! Tis always one of the highlights of my week when a new chapter drops :)


But the worst part is waiting the 1-2 days for editors input 😭😭

Hinterlands Man

What kind of keyboard are you getting? Mine is a corsair RGB backlit mechanical keyboard, it's tops and I have a Rosewill to fall back on (but the keys are not lit). I like the feel of the Rosewill and they are both Cherry MX brown.


I like mechanical keyboards, but they're quite noisy, and I often end up writing quite late into the night. I'm not sure the wife would appreciate all that clicking. :-)


Are we there yet?


I've just finished! The chapter is 30k words long, although that will increase a bit with editing. Just handing it over to editors now. :-)

rich ed

looking forward to this chapter. exciting days.


Really excited so see what you have come up with now Tefler, thank you for not suffering from terrible writers block!


Justin!! STFU! Wow...are you _trying_ to bring that on? Never even MENTION that b-word to a writer.


Great, Tefler. I know it will be exciting and a great read. Light a fire under your editors so they will finish.


Yes great news Tefler; I know you will get it out to us asap. Hey, you never did tell us what keyboard you have on order?

Jedi Khan

Hey, guys, I don't mean to alarm anyone, but I think something's wrong. Crazy has been oddly silent the last few days. I have no idea where he is or what he's up to. I know I shouldn't be, but I'm kinda worried. Anybody have any idea what might be going on?


I think he met with his own version of TSM girls, They are keeping him busy.


Am I correct in saying that Crazy normally only goes missing in the 2-3 days when product has been passed to editors? Maybe he is an editor but has not told you.


Small chapter... (u know in comparison to the previous one) So what do you guys think? He started editing yesterday. Will we get a new one today? Is it futile expecting one?


I normally aim for 25-30k words per chapter. The last was basically two in one, because I was tired of all the whining on literotica about the Tashana/refit story arc.

Jedi Khan

Wookey, that's when he's the most annoying, as he knows a new chapter in imminent and gets increasingly antsy. For him to be completely MIA at this time is quite unusual. While it is a nice change of pace, it is kinda worrying. What is he up to?


Sorry, I was one of those whiners. My apologies.


He might be off getting one of those Unicorn drinks from Starbucks. Wonder what Crazy is like on a sugar high?


I don't think there was a good stopping point without creating a huge cliffhanger right before the "battle", it was better long IMO.


I love this group. We can talk all day about keyboards, plasma cannons, ghost monsters in the closet. I hesitate to get it started, but just for fun....Tef, what's your favorite coffee?


That too.


I'm just sitting down to make a start on editing. I should be finished with Part 1 and a first pass of part 2 tonight, but it'll probably be Sunday when the editors get back to me with detailed edits on part 2.


thx for telling us :) I just refreshed in the first of what would have been many every half hour. Cheers! cya Sunday


No problem, that's why I mentioned it, to save your F5 key! :-)

Jedi Khan

Honestly, I don't think sugar has any effect on him. Actually, it might be more accurate to say that sugar isn't strong enough to really do anything for him.


Am interested to see how Tashana arc travels from here on. She could stay with her mother & help unite Maliri against BSP. Alternative is to have her join Invictus as Chief Lizard Frier. Will be interested to see how much she can remember/ utilize of her skills.


maybe i should buy up all the stock of cherry mx F5 keys


Actually, Tefler could easily have John remove her memories of HER having these experiences, and substitute them (overlay) her experiences of reading about them happening to another. Tashana, having spent decades doing research, would be no stranger to gathering data from multiple sources, both in person and via the writings of others. Perhaps the only memories necessary to add would be memories of making contact with a merchant - and we do know John knows several merchants who would cooperate in this story, not to mention John himself having been a merchant for the requisite number of years, and having done business with the Maliri multiple times before during that time period - who provided her with copies of the memoirs of a Maliri to whom this happened. Tashana could even have memories of having envisaged what it would be like if she was in such a horrific situation, without having to experience the visceral horror of it happening to her. The last update could have been something she read just days ago, in fact.


It's Sunday. The F5 button is getting a workout.

Anthony Kester

I know Tefler will release every chapter when it is done and not a moment sooner but I think I broke my F5 key. So my name is Anthony and I am a 3SM addict.


Step 1 - reread the previous chapter(s) (again).


I don't know why, but this week the waiting is much harder for me. I'm getting more anxious by the minute lol.

Jedi Khan

I think someone on here has been working on developing a 12 step program, but it hasn't gotten past "Hi, I'm an addict" yet.

Anthony Kester

Admitting you have a problem is always the first step. I might have to start a 3SM Anonymous forum.


Evan...Once you start telling lies it can only led to trouble ,mistrust & eventually possible disaster . How many would be brought in & can they remember all their stories in times of stress or casual chats , a slip means Tashana would start to doubt any of her memories & mistrust all around her . A simpler way would be give her a case of "amnesia" say they found her floating in her damaged research ship in the aftermath of the aborted civil war . Only the Matriarchs & the Fleet Commander knew who Malifica was under her mask & they (John & crew) could float the story she was in league with BSP to weaken the Maliri before he move in to enslave them . No one would recognize the scared faced woman Alyssa captured & the beautiful Tashana . Then they wouldn't have to make up any memories that could trip them up at a later date . They just tell her (Tashana) that she was injured some how in the Waste lands while doing her research & John had to heal her , with her permission , but can't reconstruct all those missing years due to the damage done physically to her brain . Then it would be easier to also reconstruct Edarele & Irillith's memories to hiding Malifica's true identity(so they wouldn't have to affect what happened with the civil war , & how they rescued Tashana . just my ideas how to handle the situation


Either way is lying, but which is the bigger lie and which is the bigger harm? My thought was to retain her knowledge, but to conceal the source of it. Yours would remove that knowledge from her entirely. Either runs risks of the 'truth ' coming out!


Tefler's Ch 77 on its way by Sunday. Yippee