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*** Updated - 31st July. I've added more scenes to the chapter bringing it up to 9.5k. I'll keep adding to the chapter as I finish the rest.***

Hey everyone,

If you're impatient to find out what happened next after the cliffhanger at the end of chapter 163, I've included the first 2k words of chapter 164.

Hopefully those scenes should make the previous chapter ending a little easier to understand.

Obviously I'll expand this chapter with more scenes as I write them.

Best wishes,



Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!


Didn’t think Venkarys was going to get destroyed. Gahl’ seemed to have arrived slightly before the station was under attack. But now that the station is hidden it’s time for John to wormhole to Venkarys and catch Gahl’ while he’s on the ground goofing around with skyscrapers. Maybe a broadside of quantum flux cannons to blow a leg off or something fun like that. If only Clara was a good enough shot to hit a progenitor the size of a skyscraper.

Antoine Scrivener

Stcking with you all the way. Many thanks.

Jedi Khan

Yeah, I think I'll wait for more of the chapter, thank you. Please do focus as best you can, Tefler, as you have a lot of catching up to do.

Robert Barr

*nibble* thank you kind sir!


The first 2K words are awesome. I do feel for the planet though, but there has to be a reason for it.


It’s just another cliffhanger lmao

stephen mincher

Thanks tef, does this mean we might get 3k>5k per week?


Yes! Great im really loving your stories. I remember starting to read and thinking about how a story about one guy with four balls can interest me. We’ll still reading and looking forward for more.


Yes it is too bad , so sad about Venkarys . That Gahl has 2 fleets . We can only hope that the annihilation of the first fleet they are finally engaging is quick . Allowing John to meet Gahl'kalgor on Venkarys . For their epic battle . I so hope this story doesn't end after that . There are still a lot of little Malari babies to make . And other progenitors to fight . Lol Right ?


Is there a up to date document or site for TSM weapons descriptions, capabilities & comparisons?

Vizth Hal

All the description you need for weapons and capabilities is OPAF


.18: Okay Hal, WTF? ... OPAF? ...? -- The Often-Puzzled Armed Forces? ... The Old Persons Activity Fund? ... Ordinance Piled-up Away from Friends? ... or maybe The Ordinary People Are Funny? .... any hints? ;-) ttfn


.19: Hey, if Tef has any of that new weapons info already compiled, then he could publish that and wipe out a placeholder, ... just a thought, ... ;-) ttfn


I suspect that he means "Over Powered As F%&k"


Previously I would have said the wiki but it is currently being overhauled bit by bit. So watch Discord to find out when it is relatively up to date again.


Well even with 4 Quantum Flux Cannons, the Invictus in it's current configuration is no match for a Progenitor Dreadnought with its Quantum Devastator and god knows how many Quantum Flux Cannons. So OPAF: NO.


I agree with Michael a current comprehensive TSM wide weapons and craft compendium for quick reference would be great and chargeable BUT I'd rather Tefler keep working his inexhaustible gold mine. Any super-fan out there want create and donate it to our favorite miner?


Was this chapter a joke to put a check mark on 164 collect on one of the placeholders?

Rayce Royal

Nah, just the teaser beginning of the chapter. We'll get the rest in a couple of weeks


.29: yeah, DB, it was just a teaser lifted from the beginning of chapter #164, as it did say if you read it, ... I do applaud you for reading (anything) to improve your ability to read well, and to read erotic sci-fi, ... well, thank you for helping the world be a better place for us all, ... hang in there, ... ;-) ttfn

Unresolved Plots

Tefler wrote that the chapter post was 2K words and he would expand it when he has more written. I'm wondering what you expected when you read that?


.31: Well, Dallas might have missed it at first and be a little shame-faced now, but at least he has learned, ... and he is reading an exciting and erotic sci-fi classic, (to be a classic), ... ;-) ttfn


No we won’t maybe at the end of the month with a place holder for the next one

Rayce Royal

I keep hoping things will change, and he will start to catch up. Maybe this is the month?


.35: oh yeah, come on chapter #164, ... let's get Gahl'kalgor beaten and his fleets (what's left of them) absorbed, ... ;-) ttfn


.36: ... and I'd also like to see him catch up on a few of the 'free' chapters, he is still way behind, ... unless he likes being 18 to 20 chapters in arears, .... ;-( ttfn


.38: well Hendrix, I would say that he does produce, ... he has written more words than all the Harry Potter books combined and that's no small achievement, ... sickness, father passing away, and he has still gotten us some pages, ... he likes to please his fans, I think, but his communication is spotty, ... support him through these tough times and the Blakes Chronicles will live on, ... ;-) ttfn


Howdy flat lander...Have read all of the Satyr stories and all of Jacks...Had the most pleasant surprise this morning to find that BurntRedside had posted "Jack's Moonlighting Pt. 01 and 2...Have downloaded the two parts and tonight will start reading...bad thing is they are hard to put down...


.40: and Jack's diplomacy is a little outside the box too, but is a wonderful read, ... enjoy, ... ;-) ttfn


.41: Oh, and Wally, if you haven't tried BurntRedstone's 3 part 'Ed' series or the whole multi-part Ben Shepard series, then you are really missing out, ... All of his stories are Awesome! ... please, carry on Crash-lander, and take your pills, .... ;-) ttfn

Rayce Royal

Do you think we will see multiple chapters this month? If so, will they be piled up on the last day, or do you feel like he might be dropping something soon? Honestly, I cannot remember the last time he posted during the middle of the month.


.43: ... oh yeah, I too remember chapters being released in early and mid-months, but as you say, not for quite some time, .... those were the days, .... ;-) ttfn


You’ve got to get rid of the idea that progenitor grade sensors can see progenitor grade cloaked ships. Perhaps the Invictus could see the Maliri male’s cloaked ships because they were using knockoff cloaking devices. But the station was using a cloak made by Mael and should have been invisible to the Invictus the same way Gahl’s dreadnought has been consistently invisible to the Invictus. If John’s ‘progentior grade’ sensors could see cloaked ships why would they need the cloak breaker network. Also, if the Invictus and Gahl’s dreadnought are both using progenitor grade power supplies how come the Invictus can’t operate cloak and shields at the same time, but Gahl can do both while charging up a Quantum Devastator?


I can address the second issue. The dreadnought is so much bigger than the Invictus that it can have (many) more power supplies, enabling it to operate more and larger weapons, shields, engines, etc..

Unresolved Plots

The Invictus has 5 power cores, but I think only two of them are Progenitor grade as it stands (the two they requisitioned from the defence platforms at Kythshara along with the weapons)? The other three are made from psychic shaped Crystal Alyssium. When they upgrade those power cores with Forged ones, the Invictus should then produce more power than a Progenitor Dreadnought, which has 4. I agree about the apparent plot hole wrt the sensors.


.48: Okay now, we have a completed #163, and a teaser for #164 (2K words worth), and a Gallstone patent that has thousands of fans awaiting anything he can send out to them, .... Also, we have the normal mix of trolls doing their complaining (not making much sense, but expressing their heartfelt complaints), .... So, I wish for you to get well, stay healthy, and keep writing, please, ... thank you very much, ... ;-) ttfn

Jedi Khan

I didn't know you could patent a gallstone. I wouldn't be surprised if there were lawyers out there who would/have tried.


Thralls with horns… thralls with cat ears… thralls with stripes 🤯


told us that Rahn’hagon was outraged that Larn’kelnar attacked him directly Should be Malnaerak attached directly


.101: ... things that make you go Hmm, ... just in case you start to run low on colors, ... or do you think some Progenitors have a load of Nymph Thralls, .... ;-) ttfn


.102: ... question: who's spelling mistakes were these? Tef's or yours? ... I am doubting that Tef made those 's/b' goofs, ... also, I disagree with your premise of the need to drop the word 'him', .... in the story it makes sense to say it the way Tef wrote it, ... sorry straight man, ... ;-) ttfn


.109: I wouldn't mind seeing a little reconciliation between John and his parents, at least with Jessica, .... and besides clueing the two in on a few things, ... I think that a little used dreadnaught renovation would be a good thing for Rahn's new ride, ... the girls did leave it in a bit of a mess, with a few melted thrall barracks, and one of the primary weapons and armor equipment rooms was also flame damaged, ... and also Dana used a mini black hole with some pretty intense gravity which damaged the other one, ... then there was Sakura shattering the thick PBM door to the ships bridge, ... --- yeah, even if Rahn swept out the husked thrall bodies and most of the shattered bits and pieces, I think Jessica would appreciate some brighter paint on the walls, as well as some real full spectrum daylight lamps to replace most of the red lights, ... you could leave Rahn a few dark and broody rooms to chill out in, .... some better (for Jessica) cooking gadgets as well as restocking their ships pantries with some Terran and Maliri food items (plus some Maliri recipes), ... as Larn's crew had used up a big part of the ships' stores, and the couple will definitely need a few things like tea and coffee as well, ... maybe a few maintenance and cleaning bots too, .... -- yeah, they need a few supplies and a lot of information, .... and I think that the Invictus crew is the most likely source for fulfilling those needs, .... if they got the repair and renovation work done at Genthalas, then they'd need to hide Rahn, while the Maliri were about, ... he would love to cross examine Alyssa to find out what she is, ... she could TK pin him to the wall and then tell him a thing or two, ... --- and yes, Rahn does have a powerful ship (but it is just him to run it) although Rahn's space battle combat techniques are a bit backwards and dated, ... would he really be much help? Sure, he could think like the enemy Progenitor, ... that would be worth some paint and a few Maliri meals, ... that, and his Hyper-Warp gate's location, ... so, Rahn could be somewhat useful, ... 08/12/23 ;-) ttfn


.111: and this comment #109 is for those who really want more TSM material to read, ... it's kinda close, .... a little bit, ... kinda? ... ;-) ttfn


.113: ... and should Rahn grow up and be allowed some Thrall /Wards, say 60 to 100 to help run his ship, and he upgrades Jessica to be more like Alyssa, telepath, TK, and shields, plus one or two other psychic abilities, like light or sound, ... offensive / defensive, ... And should he / could he gift a few more psychic powers to his new crew? maybe modeled after the Invictus girls, or would Rahn pick some different abilities? Those more powerful ones would in turn, make him more powerful, ... maybe find him a Nymph too, ... and if John allows him a few Grays, whose Psychic powers (enhanced) would be a huge Eldritch battery, ... He could be close to where John was when he faced Larn, ... then good ole Rahn with his dreadnaught, would feel able to take on, at least, the smaller empire Progenitors, ... after so many millennia of minimal power, this might be a bit of a head-rush for Rahn, ... he needs his Matriarch to shrink his head back to size, .... -- I wonder, if this happens, will it be soon, in a year or two? Or will it take a century or two to get through his thick Progenitor skull, ... -- Or will Tef nobly sacrifice Rahn in a tear-jerker of a chapter? ... Jessica will be heartbroken, ... ;-) ttfn


OK we're more than half way through the month, so its time for Tefler bingo! All you have to do is guess the excuse for August, and you could be in the running for BIG prizes! So, why won't we receive anything more than the second half of Chapter 164 at the end of the month, and what will be the excuse this time? Ebola outbreak? Zombie horde? The roof fell in? The dog ate chapters 165 through 168??? Get your entry in NOW!!!!!


.118: it was Rah'hagon, ... he stole chapters #165 thru #168, to try and find out what John is really up to, ... and to find out what exactly Alyssa is, .... And you can hardly blame him for taking this shortcut, .... but I hope Tef kept a backup copy of his work, .... for us loyal fans, .... -- and if the roof does fall in, then I hope it lands on that chapter eating dog, .... '-) ttfn


.119: John, Baen'thelas, the Lion, the Protector, ... he has many names, .... and he has learned from not only his Lionesses, but from several Progenitors too, ... from papa Rahn'hagon and all the Citadel knowledge he packed into baby John, ... also from Larn'kelnar, even though that was likely unintentional, ... and of course from the multiple millennia of bits and pieces left over from Mael'nerak, ... I wonder if Gahl'kalgor will have anything worthwhile to pass on to John, ... only time and Tef will tell, .... ;-) ttfn


Had issues with the bank last go around. Just seen tefler start popping up again today on my feed. Is 164 done and ready to read or not yet. I really don’t wanna start a chapter if not complete.


.124: Hey Kevin, nah, we have had about half of chapter #164 since the first of the month, but no more pages yet, .... it seems that Tef has returned to his habitual wait for the EOM to drop anything ways, .... or he has finally gone under the knife for that gallbladder removal, .... then we might be way delayed getting new pages, .... my fingers are crossed for the 31st, and I am hopeful for a completed #164 and a full (or pretty full) chapter #165 to go with it (I really wish), so hang in there, buddy, ... ;-) ttfn


.127: This observation has been brought up and discussed earlier, but here it goes again, ... the Stealth field emitter(s) on the ancient Maliri weapons platform(s) can conceal (make invisible/undetectable) the battle station from regular Thrall warships sensors, but not from a Progenitor's Quantum Flux Scan Array's superior sensors, like the one onboard the Invictus, .... and supposedly the one onboard the Galkiran Dreadnaught too, ... and yet the Stealth Field Emitter on board a Progenitor's Dreadnaught, like Rahn's and Larn's can completely hide those ships, even from another Progenitor's Flagship/Dreadnaught, ... first tier vs 2nd tier sensors? .... --- So, of all the enemy fleet ships, only Gahl'kalgor's Dreadnaught is able to see Mael's cloaked, and ancient weapons platforms, .... after the millennia of habitation expansion modules are removed, freeing up the big guns, ... However, even Kal's Dreadnaught cannot see Baen'thelas's Battlecruiser in its stealth mode, ... -- I now wonder if Dana can build extra Progenitor Stealth Field devices, or to improve the Invictus' version of the Stealth Emitter even more, ... and crank out, some top of the line. Stealth Fields Emitters for the Maliri Fleets, .... or at least some few attack groups of them, .... even more ships to follow John's hit and run tactics, damaging and harassing those enemy fleets, .... or will that even be needed based on the next 'Tef Twist'? I'm looking forward to more of the story, .... ;-) ttfn


.128: .... and are the Maliri Males' ship's Stealth devices 2nd tier or even 3rd tier Stealth Field Emitters? close, but less effective, ... yet, they are good enough for those emitters to block the Maliri ships from being spotted by the regular Galkiran fleet ships though, .... '-) ttfn


I think the Maliri men are going to be pivotal in showing the Regency how to hide and disguise entire planetary populations


.130: hi Astrid, I am hoping that the Maliri Males have a few more technology surprises up their sleeves, ... like a better, stronger, faster firing, Super Nova Lance, .... Dana would be impressed, ... ;-) ttfn


.131: Chapter #164, The Invictus crew (largely through Dana) has quite a few things they need to get done very quickly, ... -- Get to Kythshara, and activate its defenses, ... get any requestioned fleet assets into position, ... set up forcefields over key locations (Mael's Lab), ... --- perform any last-minute repairs and / or upgrades to the Invictus, ... -- Brief Maliri ground troops and fleet assets in on any master plan and contingency plans too, (Calara), ... bringing calm and order to the troops, ... --- set up a few more (Spyder) minefields, ... take out another enemy fleet or two, ... -- Issue a challenge (at the most appropriate time) to the Progenitor in command of the Galkiran fleets, for a dual, a one-on-one contest, ... and do they even know Gahl'kalgor's name yet? (Maybe it's time to ask), .... --- set up the Maliri Weapons Platform Big Weapons that they quickly got from the Males at Geniwynn Station, .... (and helping to quickly set things up: Maliri Males and Fleet Female engineers along with Dana, ... and perhaps with help from Daphne and the 'boys') will they have time for this? or even other Tef Twists? .... ;-) ttfn


Okay, more stuff that John and crew needs to do, let's make a list: (in no particular order) 1) defeat Gahl'kalgor, but not kill him, ... (keep Xar'aziuth in the dark) 2) protect Kythshara, Mael's Lab and Faye's organic body, ... 3) find and man the remaining 7 of the 11 huge weapons platforms from Mael'nerak, ... and uncover the other (besides Genwynn) hidden stations, at Geniya, Genkiri, and Genirath, all hiding the other weapons platforms, .... 4) look into the Tom Walker trail, and save him before he is executed as the Rat of the Federation, ... (real Rat is the not so dead Mason Neumont in his old Brimorian Cruiser) 5) bring Faye back to life, ... fight the nightmare Astral monsters 6) investigate the Star Forges of the Trankarans, ... get Dana to fix/upgrade them, ... test it by making super good main guns for Raptor 2.0, .... Dana to leave the Republic lots of new ship plans, ... 7) start to build John a modified/superior Dreadnaught using the Star Forges, .... smaller, faster and better 8) check with Lynette on Outer Rim problems 9) Get the Brimorians to turn over the 1 billion plus Abandoned 10) deploy the requisitioned Laranthyran fleets, and the surviving Galkiran fleets to best protect the Maliri 11) Add Galkiran and Laranthyran ladies and Ashanath ladies to the crew, because they'll need more for the dreadnaught, .... maybe a few retired/crippled T-Fed officers as well, .... (restored to prime health) 12) Jehanna runs a number of Documentaries and interviews regarding all the panic / excitement from the Galkiran invasion, on her new Maliri News Network, (MNN) --- can you think of a few more to keep our heroes busy? ;-) ttfn


So, nothing from 31st July. Or 1st July????

James Simmons

Did I miss chapters 165, 166 and 167?