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It feels like it was only a couple of days ago when I last did one of these posts! Hello to everyone who joined over the last two weeks, and thank you for your support! 

I've been working on planning out chapter 73 at the moment, and there's a lot of work ahead to refit the Invictus at Genthalas station, so they'll be there for quite some time! Then there's Tashana to help, Edraele's surprise for John, and the growing tensions between the Maliri Houses... 

Hopefully the next few chapters should be a fun read!

It feels like its been a while since I added anything other than new chapters to the site, so once Chapter 73 is finished, I'll take some time to add some other interesting bits.




Personally, I'd love to see fanart of what everyone looks like. Not that you haven't done a great job describing them, but I also want a visual.


I join last Sunday, just couldn't wait to read the latest chapter....


You should start thinking about celebrating 1000 !!!


Pictures were posted a while back that were similar.


Well done Mr T. You deserve to brag. Great storytelling + creativity + hard work = Success. Look forward to seeing 800 achieved once Ch 72 lodged with Literotica later this week


So many different threads to weave together. Next 30-40 chapters are going to be very interesting to see how Tefler managers it all 1. Underworld & the Enshunu 2. Tashana vs the world 3. The Assassin vs Shinatobe/Sakura 4. John vs Progenitor John 5. The next crew member 6. The acquisition of Brimorian shields 7. Tasahana's revenge 8. Maliri - Ashganth alliance? 9. John vs his Mum 10. John vs his Dad 11. Maliri power struggles 12. Upgrading Invictus 13. Another Terran emergency Have I missed anything Jedi Khan?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Personally, I think they should let Ceraden handle the Cosmetic Side of Rachel's skin healing cream. He put his life on the line for John and deserves the opportunity. And Ceraden has the infrastructure in place to manufacture and distribute it.


We should get alien side thread near new alien movie premier, with alien being Kirrix and poor souls they can umm inseminate being this guys from peace mission :)


Tefler, Well done and truly deserved. Rest, my friend because I see a long and fruitful career for you. I think you will hit 800 (or higher) by end of month at this rate. It is well deserved and good luck. May you always find a strong wind in your sails.


had a thought, how about using the waste heat of the Invictus instead of throwing it away. after all heat = energy.

Jedi Khan

Ah, Ceraden. Poor guy's probably scratching his head trying to figure out what the hell's going on, what with the engineers from Genthalas suddenly showing up all white haired and sexy, and him having to play host. I agree, the guy is in a prime position and it'd be a shame if he didn't benefit greatly for all that he's done for John. Ha. They've got the opportunity for the perfect marketing campaign for Rachel's miracle cure skin cream. Because the Maliri have been so secretive, hiding behind armor, the rest of the galaxy thinks they might be hideously ugly and being considerate to others by hiding their visage. Along comes the Lion's Miracle Cure Skin Cream, and a few applications later, the Maliri remove their armor to reveal beauty!

Jim lynch

I think it will take 3-4 chapters for John to finish his upgrade to the invictus as he will be so busy cumming down plenty of marili throats making plenty more thralls for edraele all the other matriarchs are first on his list then al the new engineers then nipping down to valaden to do plenty of the women down there oh god is John going to be bust lol.

Jedi Khan

Don't forget fleet commanders, planetary governors, and various other notable and important people.


If I recall correctly john promised to make 3 blue babies next time he saw Edraele's assassins/bodyguards. So blue babies should be "started" in the next few chapters too.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Jeff, that was a request by some engineers and Edraele's bodyguards to Edraele. John, at this point, knows nothing of this other than Edraele saying she would look after any children until he got things settled with BSP. John is considering it, but he has not promised anything. Edraele promised to mention their requests to him. Personally, I see John having roughly 2 weeks of three times a day of converting an average of between 50 to 75 women a day, with lots of help from Jade....which comes to between 700 to 1500 Maliri in the highest as well as the lowest levels of the society, creating a new class of Maliri that crosses Matriarchial boundries, fleet boundries, and social classes within both of those boundries. First the Matriarchs, then the fleet commanders, then the planetary governers, then the ship Captians/XO's and techs at the shipyard and key planetary staff...at least as far deep as he can get in 2-3 weeks. This would be necessary to solidify the changes needed in Maliri society started by Edraele. And talk about a population explosion! The white haired techs are already in high demand at the space port. Imagine exploding the available white haired Maliri population by 1500 women? No work will get done! lmao

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Roughly 1500 new births, equally male and female, every year for 18 years is not a big deal. But over 30 years that is 23,010,127,107,946,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 new Maliri. Thinking that would make a bit of a difference in repopulating the cities and planets of the Maliri? ESPECIALLY if they have a fertile span of 100 years? Talk about a power base for John!


Assuming a 365.25 Terran year that is quite a bit smaller. 16,436,250


$1250 has been cracked. Only $250 to go.


Wookey, that's not quite right. Tefler said $1500 per chapter. The $1251 - YAY! - is only for the first chapter. Each chapter after that in the month gets less. My own guess is that Tefler will need closer to $4000 per chapter pledged in order to actually get $1500 per chapter for 3 chapters per month, or *maybe* 4 chapters per month. We don't know what Tefler is actually receiving per month for the pledged amounts so far, but I am confident that it's probably between $2500 (and I'd be surprised) and $4000 that would be required to be pledged per chapter to make the 'magic' number of $1500 per month happen for 3 or even 4 chapters per month.


update please tefler


I've written 13.5k so far. I'll hopefully hand over part 1 to the editors tomorrow!

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Hi I am sorry that my income situation forces me to reduce my pledge to $ 1 per chapter. My wife who I have been married to for 46 years passed away yesterday, which throws a nuclear bomb into the family finances. I really enjoy your writing. So please do not see my reduced pledge as any form of displeasure.


and don't forget to mention Tefler's Patreon page in various forums .


how many $1/chapter would convert to 2/chapter if you asked right? the difference at our end is minimal...at your end it would tip you over to full time job writing.


I burned through the first seventy one without seeing the patreon link. Now that I've seen it I've pledged!

Lord Winter

Watch your shit, Tefler. There's a plagiarist going around posting people's stories to Amazon from SOL as his own. Stupid Boy - Fall got him caught, and it turned out he had a number of other works posted as well. Might be worth keeping an eye on Amazon going forward.


Seriously! I saw that an SOL and I couldn't even fathom the balls and that f--k-n' POS! I hope he/she gets caught and SOON! That's just WRONG!


Yeah, it's such a shitty thing to do. Same thing is happening with Path Of the Necromancer from Lit, some ass has been passing it off as his own on Amazon and other places, it's actually been removed from Lit because of it. I guess some people just have no sense of decency.


You see the same thing on You tube. People take someone else's video and repost it to get the view revenue instead. A lot of movie trailers and songs are like that.


I did not pay for the first 70 chapters so have paid more than $1/ch as a catch up. Once have made an appropriate catch up and Tefler gets his $1500 a chapter then will probably drop back to a more modest level. Peter, if 250 followed your $2/ch suggestion for the next 2 months, then the momentum built from 3-4 stories a month would allow a drop back to $1/ch in May 2017. The net effect would be the same per month but more content and thus more Tefler supporters.


Think G. Younger said his copyright claim was confirmed and that author was removed, but not 100%. ~Morningfrost

Dwight Brown

One author that got ripped off looked for his characters names and found his story under another name.


Hmm, I might check again for that...but it looks like the guy I looked at only changed the cover and left the names the same. Or if he did change the story names, he only did it for some and not all. ~Morningfrost


The theft is pretty rampant. So far, SOL Author's works have been seen on books.google.com. goodreads.com and of course amazon.com Even if they don't sell a copy it's still theft and worse, (if you can believe there is a worse) these assholes don't have talent nor muse to create a story like they've stolen. Hence the reason for ripping people off. Having gotten ripped off in the music business, I take this shit personally. Where's my gun???


Tef, looks as though 750 within 4 days of your 700 posting. Well done. Look forward to celebrating 800 pre-1 April.


Could you publish a serial story on Amazon? That might work well for our friend Tefler.


Just think if everyone was to pledge at least 2 dollars we would be good to go.


Hooray for Tefler, 750 supporter mark has been broken. BTW - 6 days from 700 to 750; - 17 days from 600 to 700; and - 13 days from 500 to 600. Go Tef go.

Jedi Khan

Hm. The per patron average has dropped from a high of $1.75 to $1.68 now. Current math says we 892 total patrons to reach the $1500 goal, which means we need 140 more. If we're lucky and get a big influx of patrons, we could hit the goal by end of March. If not, early April appears to be more likely.


We need to encourage 100of the newer $1/Ch Patrons to increase to $2-5/Ch as a catch up for the first 70 chapters which they, like me, enjoyed for free.


Must say how surprised I am at the slow crawl from 750 to 762 patrons . Not boding well to get to 900 pre-May


772 Patrons today i.e. 5 extra per day. At this rate we won't get to the magic $1500/month till mid-May..... Any suggestions on how to elevate the number?


On the bright side, Tefler has cracked the $1300/month barrier

Jedi Khan

Marketing campaign on Lit and SOL (if it can be done on SOL)?


Looks as though Tefler will break 800 Patrons this weekend.

Jedi Khan

Looks like we'll get to 800 patrons in the next 12 to 24 hours. Maybe even soon than that, since we're at 798 right now


Happy 800th Tefler