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Apologies for the placeholder. 

My finances are in dire straits after a couple of months with no income, so I'll keep doing my best to catch up. 

The next couple of chapters are all planned out, it's just a matter of writing them. Which I'll do my best to finish this month.



Sushant Bhartiya

You have all our support bro. Take care


Hell, charge again if you want. Keep your head up.


Do what you can, and don’t worry about the rest. You’ve had a lot to deal with, we can deal without worrying about a chapter or two. God bless.


Good luck, Tefler! I hope that things start to improve for you, soon.


Pg 41. “Oh? What is it?” the planetary governor asked, feeling a tremor of panic when she heared (heard) the fear in her matriarch’s voice.


Pg 31. After an explanation on how the grav-tubes worked, they all entered together, and Dathas did (should be Darthas)


Tef, I don’t care as long as you don’t stop writing. That would be a day to cry and howl in anguish.

Tyler Derkearmian

I'm curious how you've apparently had a couple months with no income when you have placeholders (sometimes multiple) every month.... You've consistently had an income and churned out a single chapter more or less for the last half a year.


I'm sorry you had such a tough go for the last couple of months or maybe more. I know I am probably telling you something you already know and probably already do on a regular base. But voice recognition works very well for regular speech and regular typing which is mostly what you do, so I hope you use it proficiently. Otherwise Google speech works wonderfully, dragon's speach recognition also works wonderfully. Apple speech is not as good. Just a thought and a suggestion to alleviate your burden. Sorry if this is too basic.... AR


The last placeholder was March, then before that was December. He has only had one paycheck this year on top of the other shit going on. That's fucking rough

Jim lynch

Couple of months with no pay ? Why are we getting charged placeholders if your not getting payed where is the money going if not to you ? And I’m not being sarcastic it’s an honest question.


.19: I copied a fine reply to your query Jim, from yesterday by Cole Kelchen: "The last placeholder was in March, then before that was December. He has only had one paycheck this year on top of the other shit going on. That's fucking rough", .... there, now does that educate you? Facts and not emotional fantasy, answered honestly, .... ;-) ttfn

Tyler Derkearmian

1 in November, 2 on New Years Eve, 1 in March, Now 2 in May. Now I can't see how many patrons Tef has but none of those are insignificant advances on pay.

Jim lynch

Kiss it you obnoxious sod educate me who the hell are you my mother grow up. I forgot your the only person allowed an opinion on here.


He makes ~$7000 per chapter. In the last six months he’s made ~$42,000. I’ve speculated for a while that he dramatically increased his spending when he started making good money from tsm, and now struggles to reign it in.

Unresolved Plots

Its pretty obvious Jim. If he didn't charge the placeholders, then Tefler would be in dire straits as he puts it. He charges the placeholders so that he isn't and of course the money goes to him. Its hard to not sound condescending with an answer to such a silly question. The best I can think is that you were being disingenuous with the question and already knew the answer, but wanted to make what you thought was a clever comment about placeholders, but came across as a bit dumb, like you couldn't understand basic finances and income.


.23: I am so sorry that you feel that way Jim, as a fellow fan of Tef's work, I would have thought that we should get along quite well, ... smh, ... ;-) TTFN

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

If you put out wrong information that is easily debunked then you obviously need educating. Perhaps if you did your own, actually very simple research, you would have avoided looking like someone who needed the research done for you. I am not saying this with malice...just asking....what did you expect?


.25, I wonder just how much devastation that the Invictus and the Genwynn weapons platform will do to the split Galkarin fleet forces (10 fleets or less), .... if enough are left crippled, they may not be able to provide Gahl'kalgor (Kal) with much extra support for his attack on Baen'thelas at Kythshara, ... then the Laranthyran ships crewed by Maliri will face far fewer enemy fleets (about two thirds of the Galkarin fleets immobilized), ... can't wait for chapter #163, I bet that they go for a John vs Kal dual, with or without Sakura and Valeria by their sides, ... oh boy, oh boy, ... ;-) ttfn

Unresolved Plots

Well an estimate for Genwynn was given at 2-3 Thrall Fleets on its own. My guess is the Invictus might be able to take out a couple of fleets at the same time. They should have 200 spider mines, so another fleet or two and they have Amlaril's fleet and any male warships. Male warships is the big unknown imo. They could swing the battle decisively in the Maliri's favour, depending on the number they have and their technology level. We know male ships have cloaks, but what else do they have?


.27: Yeah UP, if even 3 or 4 Galkarin fleets can make a break for it, which they cannot do without their Matriarch / Progenitor's say so, ... and then they might all be neutralized, ... then poor ole Kal's fleet strength is further reduced, I'd think that he might start to get worried at the losses that he is taking, .... ;-) ttfn


Dam I have not read the newest chapter yet hopefully not full of fillers in it. Wishing hopping no fillers

Florida Reader

Nope. Not much for fillers. Some normal emo discussions/john angst moments, but it cruises right along.

Rayce Royal

This month is speeding along. We should (hopefully) be seeing a chapter in the next couple of days, if he is serious about catching up. No insult intended!


Delivery of 90% of one chapter and pre-charges for two more chapters is statistically more likely. But you will get a bonus story about Tef’s latest disaster. I’m hoping for something a bit lighter this month. E.g. dynamite thrown down gopher hole in garden landed near water main… caused every toilet in house to explode.


my question is: where is ch 163, or is that the current ch in the pipeline ?


Tef owes us three chapters: 163, 164, 165. We all hope for early releases, but things are usually delivered very late on the last of the month.


that is my question also. I see a placeholder for 164 and 165, but nothing about 163.


If your wife is sitting on the toilet at the time 1. things are going to get really shitty, for you, 2. just get a new wife.

Unresolved Plots

Because the placeholder for 163 was posted further back in time. The 164 and 165 posts are the most recent ones he has made. The posts are in date order with the latest one being at the top of the page.


.40: hey there Dennis, chapter #163's placeholder was dropped on 31 March 2023, with chapters #164 and #165 dropped the following month on 30 April 2023, ... Excelsior true believer! ... ;-) ttfn


i looked and 163 isn't mentioned anywhere,i go too far back and i'm in the 150's


.42: Tony, if you'll look after the March 31st drop of chapter #161, and prior to the April 30th 'Status Update' and you should see the #163 Placeholder, .... thar she blows! Arrr! all right now matey? ;-) ttfn


Certainly cutting it fine to post before June


.48: Well Warren, you may not have noticed, but Tef tends to routinely drops his new chapters late in the month, usually on the evening of the last day of the month, ... So, this is NOT cutting it fine, it is his Normal Operating Procedure, he has said that the end of month pressure to complete a chapter helps him. ... have a nice day, .... ;-) ttfn

Rayce Royal

Yes, but he owes us not one but three chapters. Really doubt he posts all three on the last day of the month. Stranger things have happened, though :)


163, 164, and 165 - it's going to be hard for our favorite writer to catch up. I sincerely hope he and his editors make it happen.


.51: Oh, I think that Tef will drop at least one chapter at months end, and maybe a second partial chapter as well, ... and also, he'll likely drop another placeholder, ... sigh, ... ;-) ttfn


.52: Well, not all three chapters at months end, .... but possibly one complete chapter (#163), and maybe a partial chapter (#164), that he can finish off in the first few days of June, ... then with the next placeholder he will have reduced what he owes to us from 3 chapters to 2 chapters, ... and we will have gotten 2 new chapters to fill our TSM void, .... that's a win-win, right? -- Here's hoping that Tef and his family stay happy and healthy, ... ;-) ttfn


I've said it once and I'll say it again. You're Tefler in stealth as M56S. Trying to calm the nerves of the natives because your behind.


.54: Thanks Bill, but IF Only Tef commented a fraction as much I do, then one of the major complaints from his adoring fans (that he doesn't talk to them enough) would be eliminated, .... -- Also, I live in California and not in the UK, and I haven't had a leaky roof either, ... -- And I just WISH that I could write like he can, .... ;-) ttfn

Rayce Royal

Honestly do not see how he can justify ANOTHER placeholder if he only posts one chapter. Even if he puts a partial out, he would still be mostly 3 chapters behind with the new placeholder. He's digging too deeply into the well-wishes of his followers. We've become his personal loan office, and I am starting to wonder if he even respects what we give anymore. Of course all this is because I'm pissy that I don't have new chapters to read :)

Tyler Derkearmian

Yeah I'm doubting that. His regular routine is one chapter on the last day of the month and maybe a partial that he claims he'll finish in the first few days or week of the new month. Then of course you have the inevitable placeholder or two. Followed by his declarations of some sort of motivation or event coming up that should alot him plenty of writing time to catch up, that inevitably never happens. There is a reason that he's consistently several chapters behind.


Yeah, if Tefler wrote as much as M56S he'd be on chapter 200 by now. And like Tefler, most of what M56S writes is pure fiction.

Damion Cocchi

If we are lucky he'll post a chapter, and the promise that his other 2 IOU's are only a mere 1or 2 days away from being finished and completed, and that he's sorry but "ya know life and all" he'll add 2 more placeholders.... and that they'll be ready completed in maybe 2-3 weeks tops... and he'll be all caught up. but then we won't hear a word from him after dropping 1 chapter at 11:50PM tonight EDT, and then next communications will be on June 30 with a repeat of this months end story


.59: Well yeah Damion, our Tef has been known to do similar in the past, ... but he has also come close to catching up too, .... I for one, want to give the guy a little praise and support, ... he spins a very good tale and I want more, .... 'nuff said, .... ;-) ttfn


I wonder if M56S would be so forgiving if he was Tefler's boss, paying his wages. Oh wait ............

Damion Cocchi

I do enjoy his story, and have been a sponsor since he came to Patreon, and have kept silent over the last 2+ years of his "placeholders" and late/ missed promises until this post today.. he went through yet another month of owning not just 1 but multiple chapters


Stop encouraging such behavior. You can limit how many posts you are charged per month. I had it for each post. Then changed to 2 and now it is 1. I do not feel cheated now as I get a chapter every month. Same time discourage author to pre charge which will go waste. Let us see how long it takes to change my settings back to per post.

Jim lynch

Hurry the hell up I wouldn’t fancy having to pay back all your placeholders tefler it would be thousands tens of thousands