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Hey everyone,

I've been suffering some ongoing health issues recently, so I've been in and out of hospital trying to get them diagnosed. Apparently the pain/jaundice/nausea/vomiting etc was caused by gall stones, one of which is now blocking a bile duct.

I've got an MRI lined up, then a couple of surgeries, so I'm hoping I'll be fully recovered soon. 

Best wishes,




Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Tef.


Get well soon!


Hang in there. Get well.


Get well soon


Hi folks. Like most of you I wish Tefler to get his health back. We all want more of John and the girls. Some have suggested that he put up another place holder, to generate income. There is another way to financially support him. Go to Amazon and purchase his books. Search for John Blake, or M. Tefler. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=M.+Tefler&i=stripbooks&crid=2MB86I9YWFQSS&sprefix=m.%2520tefler%2Cstripbooks%2C139&ref=nb_sb_noss


I did that several years ago. Does anyone know why he hasn't published any more books?


I haven't heard of any reason. There is a great amount of work in editing, and he added a lot to the books.

Who Me

The e-books are absolutely spectacular!!! SOOO much better than the files on Lit and SoL. Get all four them now!!! Includes Chapters 1 through 37.


Get well soon Tef


Get well soon. De-motivators suck when trying to be creative.


Takes a massive amount of time for him to reread, edit, than add 20-25% more to the chapters so they are “worthy” in his eyes to be published.

Tefler Fan 007

So I hear the asylum has open rooms. I think the Tefler-maniacs need to make a comeback tour. What do you you think Michael and Tony?


You are correct. And I have no idea how many copies have sold. If the response is not great, it wouldn't be worth the effort. ☹️

Anthony Kester

Mr Kester was released almost a week a go. He was sad but showed signs of improvement, so we had to let him go.


Michael has been on a bender with his commode Kool-Aid, ....and he keeps singing (off key), .... ttfn


I received the first one and y’all were right, more detailed, And I only got to read a few pages.


.152: okay, ... back to my 'Kool-Aid' stash, .... I have to drive away the pain and emptiness of no new TSM chapter(s), .... SMH, ... so sad, ... ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Started brewing a new batch at the end of January. It’s about ready so I’ll ship a few mason jars your way. Had a feeling we were going to have wait awhile for next chapters. Hope Tefler takes the time to get better while we kill our livers getting drunk and crying to the world.😁😜🍺


I hope your healing well and that your family is healthy and safe. I look forward to more of this great story