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Hey everyone!

Sorry to keep you teetering by your fingernails on the edge of the cliff! Chapter 60 is finally finished!

I picked up a number of mistakes in part 1, as well as adding in a couple of extra small scenes, so I'd recommend reading it from the start. (Part 2 starts at page 40, if you want to just go ahead and find out how it ends!)

Hope you enjoy it!




Wait a minute.... Isn't Rachael still a Fed Doctor? Like an Ensign or Lieutenant? Shouldn't she get a promotion also? Devereux doesn't know what she did during the battle...


That's actually a very good point! She's a Second Lieutenant, but I've not made a big deal about her rank because 1) She doesn't care about rank. 2) She hasn't really done anything to bring her up on the TF radar which would warrant a promotion.


Sweet baby jesus, that was a roller coaster ride of a chapter


Just so you know? I have a titanium ring. Titanium is non magnetic in my experience.


The metal sheeting that forms the internal structure of Terran Federation shipping is formed from a Titanium alloy that contains iron. ;-)


NOW, it's a "birthday".... nice...


Titanium alloy, I can live with that :D


What a ride of a chapter


That dude is going to find a rock to crawl under


Emotional rollercoaster... anyone get the feeling that Alyssa has her own alter ego much like a progenitor?

Brooks Moses

I don't know that that's an _alter_ ego, so much. I think it's just that she's finally realized what I was thinking a few chapters back when they started going after Nexus and she revealed what she was actually capable of. She is well on her way to being ... how did Vader put it? "The ultimate power in the universe." It doesn't sound like she's all that far from the gunship being extraneous. I'm just waiting for them all to figure out how John can pull power from Edraele and push it to Alyssa, or vice-versa.

Brooks Moses

Also, Tefler, I saw what you did there with how Alyssa took the already-quad-shaped armor of the Raptor and shaped it a few more times. ;-)


Yeah... I forgot to count the faces when she did that... But, I think she added like 3-4 more shapings?


Excellent chapter, as always!


As another reader who enjoys your work, I am not sure how to reconcile these new villains with the past mercs. They seem so much stronger and sadistic. Their back story will need to be eccentric; otherwise, you risk evil inflation. Also, please help me understand how jade died. I did not think a blade was sufficient. Just a few minor requests.


The mercs weren't really sadistic, but past enemies have been just as bad. The Pirates in chapter 5 were cheering on the largath as it raped Calara's shipmates to death. The master assassin tortured his merchant agent to death in chapter 42ish I think, so I'd already established he was really evil!


The assassin master is a full cyborg conversion (if you're familiar with cyberpunk), which should be in keeping with the universe. You'll see more of him again in the future! Jade was stabbed through the heart by the assassin. The blow was fatal (if John hadn't intervened!) :-)


Oh my god you delightfully evil creature such a roller-coaster of feels I absolutely love/hate this chapter


Convincing! Great chapter. THX


Awesome chapter. John has finally realised that the mysterious lady isn't Alyssa. Looking forward to knowing more about her.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I remember calling Alyssa an anti-progen after she dealt with progen john about 10 chapters back....no one quite agreed. Personally, I see a lot of maternal instincts in this other personality....hint hint. Also, the reshaping brought it up to 9 total (I counted on my fingers though I could be off one due to ambiguities). That would make the raptor all but immune to laser fire and very resilient to mass weapons. Exponentially more so than the Invictus herself. Now the Raptor is as mobile as a mosquito, has the firepower of a modern cruiser, and has little need for shields at all.....

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

If it took three mass driver hits on the same area of the Invictus to disable the crystial allysium panels....with the exponential growth of strength per shaping...the additional shapings on the raptor would make it all but impenitrable


Basically the only thing that can take it out is a singularity driver.


Oh, Tefler, Tefler, Tefler. First you leave us with a sense of concerned unease at the end of Chapter 59. Then you kindly put up Part 1 of Chapter 60 to put us out of our misery, and then leave us hanging with that cliffhanger in a manner which could only be described as sadistic. Ha ha. I called you all sorts of names when I got to the end of that! It may sound silly (and it sounds silly even saying it) but you have created such rich and wonderful characters that I actually suffered some distress at what had happened to them all! Anyway, the rest of Chapter 60 sorted a lot of that out, so thank you, and thank you for another brilliant instalment. Now there's obviously some more secrets to Alyssa which are yet to be revealed but we're obviously learning more and more how powerful she is becoming. Because of this, and because of her pivotal role in the story I think you've been short changing her a bit. I first thought this when she went up against Progenitor John and we saw for the first time how awesome she actually was. However, the "battle" with ProJohn seemed, to me, to be too quick and could have been more detailed and intense. But that's how you did it, so fine with me. However, this time when Alyssa rescues John it was the same - too quick, too easy and devoid of the in-depth details that I love about your writing. You can write two pages about John having a struggle with an opponent but half that for Alyssa showing her powers at a pivotal moment. I think Alyssa deserves better than this if you can.


Maternal instincts... Told you so weeks ago.


Now it's time to bring some pain in the dragon march.