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Hey everyone,

I hope you guys don't mind if I charge for this one in advance. I'll crack on with it as soon as I wrap up chapter 151. 

With the family issues last month, I had drastically reduced writing time, but it should be much more manageable in June.




Bp Hlpt

@Michael56Smith -- I've reformatted the facts you posted above into , I hope, a bit more readable format. [I think you probably copied most of your info from a previous post of mine anyway, so... :) ] 11/19 - 144 -- balance from prior month (21,302 words) 11/30 - 145 -- [paid] (21,066 words) 11/30 - 146 -- [paid] placeholder 12/1 -- billed for 2 paid posts for Nov 12/29 - 146 -- balance from prior month (21,205 words) 12/31 - 147 -- [paid] partial 1/1 -- billed for 1 paid post for Dec 1/23 - 147 -- balance from prior month (20,020 words) 1/31 - 148 -- [paid] partial 1/31 - 149 -- [paid] placeholder 2/1 -- billed for 2 paid posts for Jan 2/19 - 148 -- balance from prior month (20,636 words) 2/26 - 149 -- balance from prior month (20,868 words) 2/28 - 150 -- [paid] partial 3/1 -- billed for 1 paid post for Feb 3/23 - 150.1 -- balance from prior month (20,817 words) 3/27 - 150.2 -- [paid] (20,959 words) 3/27 - Extra -- Raptor blueprints (free for >=$2 level) 3/28 - 150.3 --[paid] partial 4/1 -- billed for 2 paid posts for Mar 4/27 - 150.3 -- balance from prior month (20,588 words) 4/30 - 150.4 -- [paid] (19,779 words) 4/30 - 151 -- [paid] placeholder 5/1 -- billed for 2 paid posts for Apr 5/31 - 150 -- combined & edited previous 4 parts (82,419 words) 5/31 - 151 -- balance from prior month (20,086 words) 5/31 - 152 -- [paid] placeholder 6/1 -- billed for 1 paid post for May We expect Ch 152 to be completed in late June along with a placeholder or partial for Ch 153. We should then be billed on 7/1 for 1 paid post for June, ie for Ch 153. Tefler does deliver new content every month, BUT: Current Reality, based on the last 7 months history: 1) He hasn't posted any content prior to the last 10 days of the month, regardless of his intentions or goals. 2) He has collected at least one payment in advance (ie for an incomplete or non-existent 20K word section) every month. [ I really wish he'd stop doing this -OR- Just go ahead and state that this is his policy. ]


.324: A much better (if stilted) formatted listing of the last 6 plus months of Tefler output, thank you! You see and agree, but want it differently, ... because, ...? Rabid fans of this story are quite critical, because they love this story so, ... Anyway, this is much prettier, ... have a good summer! ;-) TTFN


.325: , ... there is a silver lining to Tef's giving us a partial chapter or a placeholder for a chapter to be written next month, ... we do get a chapter next month, ... I am sure that you remember some of those lost months without any Tef/TSM at all? this is 20K or more story monthly each and every month, ... I am liking this, ... it's summer! ;-) TTFN


You forgot a couple at the top. 09/30 - 143 -- [paid] half chapter 09/30 - 144 -- [paid] placeholder 10/30 - 143 -- Balance from prior month 10/31 - 143 -- [paid] billed again because it was hard to write. [or as I suspect, couldn't pre-charge for 144 because he already did that the last month.]


I get alot for my pittance - partial chapters or first chapters of a series within the greater tome that sets me up, whets my already slobbering apetite and then I get the completed read. Of course when I get the book in 20 years I'll have the completed edited version. Like how the story continues to link, sometimes integrate stuff people here and on discord discuss, hypothesise or dream of and keeps me looking..... Love summer


Can someone please send me the link / site for Jeff and Audrey book 3? I can’t seem to find it now. It’s like the entire site went dark.


Did you mean Arlene and Jeff? If so, https://storiesonline.net/s/50474/arlene-and-jeff


I feel like if he charges ahead of time again for 153 despite repeated promises that "this is the last time" it's going to be the last straw for a lot of people. It's disgusting behaviour on his part.


I feel like if we get 152 in the next week or so some people will still complain that they didn't get what they thought they had paid for. Some will, as is their right, leave to go and wait on the free sites for the free chapters. I feel like if we get 153 or part of in the next week or so, some people will still complain about being precharged for earlier chapters, will likely complain that 153 is not what they think they should be paying for and for some strange reason stay and not leave to wait on free sites for the next chpaters to drop. I hear you JP and I'm sure you are right that IF there is a precharge for 153 you and others are out. However in the meantime what do you think will be the main or even interesting bits of the story in 152 or 153?


Please Tefler, either change your patreon account to monthly payments instead of chapter payments or bite the bullet, miss a months money and get yourself ahead of the game again. Just stop these ill mannered "I hope you don;t mind" messages.


.335: Well. we can expect a little more of our newest Matriarch, Auralei, and much more of Gahl's thrall fleet getting destroyed by the partly completed Maliri defense network, designed by Calara.. I would also really enjoy seeing Luna and her lover in battle mode, defending the Matriarchs, and all those paragon suits Dana had the collective put together for all of the Matriarchs and some of their bodyguards, ... it would make for a very nice melee type brawl, .,, maybe in defense of some helpless males, ... And maybe Niskera could drop a hint of her papa's work shop, and the six star forges, located there, ... where Mael'nerak last had his 'improved' soul forge(s). So, not destroyed, and still functioning, and they just need some better input and some special raw materials to make Mael's simpler but very strong Crystal Alyssium, ... Finally! ;-) TTFN


.336: IanBio, ... please do not vote for change without thought, but only from confused feelings, ... ;-( TTFN

Bp Hlpt

@Michael, @IanBio's comment was polite, brief, and well stated. Please stop criticizing that kind of post, just because you don't agree. You can disagree without belittling others. I'm sure he is not confused about his feelings. I know I'm not, and after much thought, I can agree with his frustration, just not with his suggested solution. And what's with your continued numbering of your posts? I think you are the last one doing it, and I don't see the point. OK, rant off. Still friends? @IanBio, I'm afraid that I agree with @2ndA. Monthly payments are not the answer. With monthly payments, Tefler does not have any incentive to produce more than one paid section a month, and we definitely want to encourage him to produce as much content as he can. Even worse, as @Michael commented earlier, there have been times in the past where Tefler went several months in the year with no content, and with monthly payments he could just decide to take the next six months off, and get the same income as if he produced six chapters. I don't think we want that. I would assume that many more folks would drop their support if that happened, including probably me. I know that as Patreons we're supposed to be supporting our favorite authors more than paying for content, but I think we also like to feel we're getting a good return on our investment. And Tefler has also admitted he seems to work better under pressure, and monthly payments would remove that pressure. @IanBio, as much as I agree with with your sentiment, and wish that Tefler would return to his production schedule of a few years back, it's been quite awhile, since 2019 (2017 was his peak output year), and it just might not be possible, for whatever reason. In the meantime, it seems that Tefler has created a new payment plan option that Patreon doesn't officially provide. He is keeping the payments per paid content post, currently for each ~20K words, but also billing one payment in advance. He is thus still incentivized to produce as many 20K sections as he can each month, and he is also further incentivized to produce at least one 20K section because he "owes" it to us since we have already paid for it. Averaged out, Tefler is not getting any more, and we are not paying any more, so if this ensures we are able to get at least one 20K section a month, I can begrudgingly live with it. BUT, I also agree with @IanBio that the "I hope you don't mind" messages have gotten very annoying. I think, if this is the way it needs to be, that Tefler should just officially state it somewhere. If folks don't like it, then they can decide if they want to make other arrangements. Maybe that would cut down on some of the complaints and the corresponding posts defending him. I don't know if I could go back to the free sites, as far behind as they are, but... Tefler should also remember that if an advance payment ever again rolls over to a second month with no content being produced, or if he decides to advance bill for more than one 20K section, then we would need to have this conversation again, and he would be very likely to lose supporters. But, so far, Tefler has always kept his word and has always, eventually, produced the amount of content we expect, so I am confident that will not happen. And the quality of that content has been wonderful, with a truly captivating story. May Tefler continue to produce as much content as he can, and may TSM last another "six months" or more.

Jim lynch

Notice you can’t see how much tefler gets now per chapter ? Wonder why someone who was getting over $8000 per chapter needs to pre charge the next chapter or two ?.


He has already let an advanced payment slip to a second month. This past September he charged for and posted part of CH143, he also charged for 144. At the end of October he posted the remaining half of 143 but no 144, we had to wait till mid November for that. Also in October he charged us again for Ch143 because he felt it was hard to write.


.343: Alright, cloak breaker tech, ... on Kythshare the girls found a working system to find a cloaked dreadnought and noted places Rahn'hagon was two weeks ago, ... but nothing on Gahl'kalgor though, as a great many of the nets sensors in Kirrix space had been destroyed by Rahn's thrall forces in that War in the Heavens (9K plus years ago), ... I wonder if Mael'nerak got this technology from the Achonin; this seems like something a highly advanced, technological civilization might whip up when faced with a powerful Progenitor. And those interesting bits of tan machinery that Fat Tony and the girls stubbled through while escaping the Bugs might be a part of that old sensor grid, Mael may have made use of some of the Achonin's sensor net, ... More of Mael'neraks's sensor net may look like or even be Achonin. I t is thought provoking, is it not? ;-) TTFN

Tom Ray

people want to read this story, not your rambling crap...


True tom ray many of us do want to read the story and I am sure there are many of us who don't mind reading what other people think might happen in the next installments. Just as there appears to be an apetite to allow people to vent about Tefler and any payments, i hope we also have the courtesy to allow others to share their passion for the story. As much as people have the right to walk away from the advanced content on patreon, people also have the right not to read comments on patreon and only read the chapters as they drop. Enjoy the story Tom and especially Chapters 152 and 153 when they drop.


lol fingers crossed ref give me a nice end of the month pls

Bp Hlpt

Perhaps, but the $/Patreon/paid post hasn't changed significantly since Feb 2017, so you can make a reasonable estimate, or a range, since the number of Patreons is still provided, and you know how many paid posts are made each month. I don't blame Tefler for hiding the $ amount. When folks started complaining that, "He's making $xxxx a month, the least he can do is.....", hiding the amount takes it "out of your face" so minimizes some of the complaints.


If you don't want to read "rambling crap" then why do you do it Tom? Methinks I have begun to feed a troll...


Most likely possibilities for that Karron machinery is Achonin, but it could either be part of a sensor net, part of what powers the shroud or, of course, something else altogether.


.354: Only a few more days until the end of the month; Chapter #152 is a fer sure, and some or all of #153 may well join it. summer is here. more TSM chapters are on the way, ... hotdogs and burgers on the grill, ... even with the idiots at the Capital trying to ruin us, ... summer is good! ;-) TTFN


too early for an F5 but not to early to start thinking about it


Well Tom Ray, I appreciated Michaels flagging the tan machinery found by Fat Tony. I had missed that. The post made me better informed. Please keep polite on these threads.

Paul Mansur

So I just finished re-reading the whole series (thanks for the tips about Stories online) and I am excited to see what Rachel and Alyssa are doing back on kythshara and what becomes of Tamolith, I absolutely can't wait for the grand return of my favorite lioness... Faye I miss you so much! I'm super curious what kind of power Auralei will end up getting... and who will be her first ward? So many questions that I am chomping on the bit to have answered... tef... bruh... take your time and hurry up! Lol thanks again for everything tefler


.358: Hey, me too, I just finished #151, ... all caught up and ready for a chapter #152, and #153 as well, ... almost pressing F5 time ;-) TTFN


F5 refreshes the webpage you're on. I reckon we have about four more days before we need to wear out the F5 keys.


.363: Now that the Fleet Admiral has left the Outer Rim, maybe we might get a few little slices of life for the Kintark, and for Tomoith being all nice and reasonable at the Palace. Or maybe we could get by with less on Tom Walker, especially if it is going to take a few more years to get the story moving, ... I still say jailbreak,... ;-) TTFN


.364: In my time zone (the same one as Petreon is in) TSM#152 dropped at about 1PM on June 26th, 2022, ... whoopee! ;-) TTFN


.365: Yeah IronLance, I was also thinking 4 more days, or the 30th, but Tef fooled me and slipped in #153(complete) only two days later, on the 28th, ... I love those kinds of surprises! Plus, no wear and tear on the F5 key this month. ;-) TTFN