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Hey everyone,

Here's the completed release for this chapter. As I mentioned before, I'm going to make chapter 150 bigger than normal, so this will be the first ~20k chunk of that.

Please let me know if you spot any typos. 

I hope you enjoy it!



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what part will John's other allies play in the upcoming fray? we keep concentrating for good reason on the Maliri and terrans.


.115: yeah Chris, I too, really like these Comment section discussions, much better than the ones that I recall from my short time at Discord. And it gives me something to read while pressing my F5 key, ... ;-) TTFN

Jedi Khan

You mean the Trankarans and Ashanath? Not much, if any. They're both still struggling to recover from their respective near death experiences. They don't have the strength to render aid to the Terrans at this time, and likely won't for months to come. It's just like Lynette told Governor Stephan, neither empire is in a position to get involved in the affairs of others. And you can forget about the Kintark entirely. They don't even have the strength to defend their own borders let alone come to aid the Terrans/Maliri.

Big Orca

There seems to be an issue with this upcoming Zelig ending Attack: Gahl’s purpose in this area. He must have received very specific instruction to hunt down the rogue progenitor, and side tracking to attack some Thrall like race would take him off his primary mission. It seems like a possible scenario that as Gahl gets ready to attack, that he somehow receives a stern reprimand from Xar to “get with the damn program”.

Jedi Khan

Not while under the Shroud, which prevents Xar from controlling Progenitors. GK is free to do what he wants as long as he stays in the area. If he heads home, then he'll be a puppet again.

Puttanegra Ficondo

I am ready to bet that Mael’Nerak’s white metal requires some form of psychic folding or can be made stronger through it. This will give a role to the Ashanath. Also, Trankarans kept talking about Star Forges. I bet the magic metal will come out of those.

Brian Woods

Yeah, and to add onto what Jedi said, apparently Gahl is not handling his new ‘freedom’ very well at all. Much like a rabid dog let off it’s leash, Gahl is teetering between sanity and madness at an alarming rate, as evidenced by his abrupt departure from the Arena, his wanton destruction of his personal quarters over two days, his weird feeding of Valeria following that behavior, and now his desire to chase a less important target than Baen’thelas on a whim. Dangerous stuff is brewing…

Christopher Miller

I remember the discussion about Rahn taunting Mael about Mael being weak and "having a tiny dick". In Gahl's current "rabid dog" mood it'll be soooo easy to taunt him into a series of traps the way Calara did the Drakkar at the Battle of Ashana. Course, Nathan will be dead by then....😕


I agree with Jedi that physically not much will be able to be offered but......


Maybe we need some Drakkar pod mothers to help even the odds while we are waiting for Rahn or John to do their thing....

Jedi Khan

Further destabilizing GK's already unstable mind is probably not a good idea, especially considering he has access to planet buster weapons. After all the work John and Lynette have done to save the Outer Rim, it would suck immensely if all those colonies got turned into asteroid fields.


At most they will contribute as they have been, with materials from the Trankarans and gear improvements from Ashana. Neither of them have the fleet power for more than minor border protection, certainly not against a Thrall Fleet. Niskara is the only one out of the two species who is connected to the Ward network, and it was stated during the initial visit to Ashana that Alyssa, even as a neophyte Matriarch was capable of feats that only the most powerful of the Ashanath could even consider, and she did it without noticing. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if the Engineers were more powerful than the entire Ashanath species.


.133 For a change of pace... Irillith said ages ago she needs to develop a script to run when she has hacked an opposing ship. Now that she has full access to Larn's fleets a script to get distant fleets to the warp gate unattended could be developed?

Malcolm Rickarby

If Gahl is easily enraged beyond reasonable fear of danger,it might be possible to get him to chase the Invictus too close to a star where Alyssa has calculated her slingshot effect, but the far greater mass and slightly less power to weight ratio could lead to disaster for Gahl and his dreadnought. It is one area that we know that the Invictus is superior to progenitor technology.💫💥✨


Even if she can’t hack into the dreadnought she has successfully hacked into that battleship. Other fleet vessels should be no problem. And now other Maliri will be able to also with her instructions. Venting atmosphere will take care of the crews and ensure they cannot be drawn upon for psychic power. And then the scripts or AI should be able to set an entire progenitor fleet against the dreadnought with firepower or kamikaze hyperwarp attacks.


I’m at least looking forward to Gahl’ experiencing a hyperwarp shockwave. I’m sure it won’t destroy his ship but it should toss the insides around quite nicely.


As the drama ramps up I’m concerned about the Maliri trading stations. If Gahl is going to be where Zelig is ‘by evening’ it seems like he could be at the trading stations in less than 2-3 days. Sooner with a wormhole jump. Whatever plans they were just beginning to form for the stations would seem to be too late unless Gahl’ gets distracted from his mission by ‘bathing his sword in the blood of…’ blah, blah, monologging. Or if Zelig sends him in the wrong direction before he gets killed - like to Brimor.


Speaking of which, the ability of the Invictus to do these slignshot maneuvers is dependent partially on how strong the bow can be reinforced. Now that they are up to at least 35x folding… perhaps a bit more for a small piece like the bow… it seems like they should be able to dive deeper through gravity wells and go even faster than before.


There is one thread that we haven't touched on since it was brought up, the presence that was in the Brimorian Net that watched Irillith.


.141: Oh yeah, like we need another thread, rediscovered, ... again with the long-term planning Tef, ... A theory: a highly advanced AI, purpose and mission unknown, ... possibly it is something Mael'nerak developed, but had to abandon during the War in the Heavens, .... on a par with Nexus? Or possibly it is from another highly advanced race that was very interested in an Aquatic culture, ... (Friend or foe?) ;-) TTFN

Bp Hlpt

ch 150.1 - Typos There are several instances of extra spaces. There is one extraneous space at the beginning of a paragraph: “Relax, it’s not for a couple -- delete extraneous leading space “Relax, it’s not for a couple There are two cases of double spaces within a paragraph: the bank account the prosecution claims belongs to you. -- delete extra space before "claims" the bank account the prosecution claims belongs to you. a shot of hard liquor. *I’m worried about him, -- delete extra space before *I'm a shot of hard liquor. *I’m worried about him, There are 101 instances of extraneous spaces at the end of a paragraph: three of them double spaces: After - fix whatever has gone wrong.” After - an intense firefight on the border.” After - he would rain down upon them. The remaining instances can be fixed by using your word processor to find a space followed by a Paragraph End Mark, set it to replace that with just a Paragraph End Mark, and replace all. ch 150.1 - Remaining Typos I'm aware of, some found by others their youthful Doctor replied. -- Doctor > doctor their youthful doctor replied. (I wasn't sure about the above, but most references I found said something like this: "Like other titles, the word “doctor“ is only capitalized when used as a title associated with a person’s name. But if the word is unnatached to the name of a specific person, then it is not capitalized.") wondering if he she’d mind delaying -- he she’d > she’d wondering if she’d mind delaying around them at a high speed, -- a high > high around them at high speed, She shimmered in a brown haze, -- brown > black (Since Marika is black and silver, and the haze when the Nymphs shift is usually of their primay color??) She shimmered in a black haze, the sharkskin a tawny brown -- sharkskin > shark's skin (since we're talking about the skin of a shark shaped creature) the shark's skin a tawny brown You caught me totally off-guard and I was acting -- add a comma after "off-guard" You caught me totally off-guard, and I was acting Prioritising the mental wellbeing of the living -- wellbeing > well-being Prioritising the mental well-being of the living grabbed her hover car’s keyfob -- hover car’s > hovercar’s (In ch 147 hovercar was one word. Have you changed your mind?) grabbed her hovercar’s keyfob selection of tools, including all her mother’s favourites and loaded -- add a comma after favourites selection of tools, including all her mother’s favourites, and loaded into the back of the hover car. -- hover car > hovercar into the back of the hovercar. load them up in her hover car, -- hover car > hovercar load them up in her hovercar, The dark clouds of depression rolled back as the warmth -- back > back in (otherwise, to me, "rolled back" == "rolled away") The dark clouds of depression rolled back in as the warmth recording their confrontation. -- confrontation > meeting ("confrontation" implies adversarial, and the lawyer is 'supposed' to be on his side) recording their meeting. the evidence was proving firmly to the contrary. -- syntax (you might have started out saying "prointing firmly to the contrary" ??) the evidence was firmly proving the contrary. -or- the evidence was firmly proving the opposite. stared away into the distance. -- stared away > stared -or- away > off stared into the distance. -or- stared off into the distance. She beckoned him to follow after her, -- follow after > follow She beckoned him to follow her, the sleek framework for a brand new spacecraft. -- brand new > brand-new the sleek framework for a brand-new spacecraft. from furniture to war trophies all of which had been hacked to pieces. -- add comma after "trophies" from furniture to war trophies, all of which had been hacked to pieces. he said nodding his approval. -- add comma after "said" he said, nodding his approval. She gritted her teeth at the fleeting looks she received from the next pair, and tried to suppress -- remove comma after "pair" She gritted her teeth at the fleeting looks she received from the next pair and tried to suppress Instead she stood aloof -- add comma after "Instead" Instead, she stood aloof It took every bit of Valeria’s self control not to dance -- self control > self-control It took every bit of Valeria’s self-control not to dance he tapped on the room for the upper deck -- room > rune he tapped on the rune for the upper deck Sent out the order for all of them to report -- Sent > Send Send out the order for all of them to report leaned forward on his chair, his face alight -- change comma to semicolon leaned forward on his chair; his face alight


Word or equivalent would catch most of these errors. Does make me wonder what Tefler is using to write.

AK Furry

Thanks for the combined chapter Tefler! What a monster ! Here's a small typo that I don't think was reported yet. She opened her mouth to raise another point, then feel silent. fell?


I just finished reading chapter 150.1 where John is struggling with the decimated Larathyran thralls. It would be fascinating if one of the unknown attributes of his runesword could be to cut the bond to his opponent's thralls (batteries) and connecting the bond to him (John). Thereby isolating the opponent, saving the Thralls and making himself more powerful so that eventually John could effectually challenge Xar’aziuth.