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Hey everyone!

Here's the other chapter I owed you, and you haven't been charged for this post.

I really hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if you spot any typos!




CJ Mora


Jedi Khan

Thanks Tef!




WOOT! 4th!


Thank you Mr. Tefler! I haven't read it yet but look forward to the pleasure of doing so first thing tomorrow morning. I hope you can put out 150 part 1 by the end of this month!!!


I'd like to get half of chapter 150 completed by the end of the month. I was intending to finish the entire chapter, but it's a short month and I lost a bunch of time to Covid at the start.


Woohoo! Thanks!!!




Please release what you have by the end of the month. I am more than happy to make sure you get paid at least for 1 chapter per month




WOHOOO You da man!!!!!

bob lakhanpal

Oh nice.... Its gonna be good Sunday reading

bob lakhanpal

Oh nice! Gonna be a great Sunday morning read! Just at the right time..


Error found... The other Maliri aboard the Invictus was staring off into the distance, lost in deep thoughts. She didn’t see or hear her twin’s approach, and Tashana jumped in surprise when Irillith touched her bare shoulder. “Hey, Shan,” Alyssa said gently. “Sorry for giving you a fright.” “It’s alright, I was miles away,” Tashana admitted, greeting her with a warm smile. “I was just thinking about what advice I could give you... and got a bit sidetracked.” Irillith could hear her sister’s thoughts, but they’d been scattered and incoherent while she was in her reverie. There were consistent themes though and she knew that Tashana was reliving some of her past experiences during the long years they’d been apart. You should not have Alyssa there, it should still be Irillith

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!




..... Dignified squeee.


Great Chapter Tefler, thanks.

Paul Mansur

I just finished reading it and that ending... I'm excited to see what happens in the next installment... Thank you once again, Tefler


I just don't get how you keep this flowing so effortlessly. I'm reading several books at the same time and often I find most works by other authors boring, predictable, unfocused, or just quirky to the point I lose interest. But it seems like every chapter here is well thought out, interesting, and leaves one aching for the next installment. Tef you have a real gift with either writing or with programming AI to write for you.. either way thanks for sharing it with us! Edit: Yes please drop part of 150 this month and take the monies.


This chapter feels different and it is great. Bit worried about the Pinkies though.... And definitely a shocking ending.


That was a fun chapter looking forward to more two chapter months


Holy Batman! You got a full chapter to us before the end of the month!


Uh-oh! They bout ta upgrade the Alouvial Dampers!


Fabulous, Tefler! I very much enjoyed this chapter! Thank you!


That was a nice one. Good progress on the upgrades, psychic powers, resolving things in the Outer Rim, getting to the doorstep of Larn’s fleets.


I was wondering what the wrecked flower ships were that the Gahl’ cruiser found. Perhaps some civilization the Kirrix wiped out, which would put the cruiser close to the Outer Rim maybe?

Jedi Khan

Well now, that was interesting. I hope Irillith remembers to apologize after her training session. Dana may need to figure out a way to insulate the ship's systems from all that power. It wouldn't be a good thing if the ship suddenly lost all power because one of Irillith's training sessions tripped the circuit breaker. As for that scout, was that clip they saw based on something that has actually existed or is it something you just thought up? I ask because in Farscape, they realized they were close to Earth when they picked up a Three Stooges broadcast. Was what the Thralls picked up an old British variety show skit that you've seen or was it something a bit more recent in the story?

Jedi Khan

That's correct. They're from a race the Kirrix harvested. And that video clip that the scout picked up was a Terran TV show.


darn that is obviously a clue! It sounds like they were wearing suit and ties and there was canned laughter (?) so something recent to us and ancient in terms of the story... Who was the big over-dressed one?


I think it was that episode of Friends. Not my favorite show but the perpetually dumb one once wore all of the blonde dudes clothes to seek revenge for something petty and vapid. That sums up the whole show IMHO. Heh. But Friends definitely has the fitting cacophonous fake laugh track that aliens (and many humans) wouldn't understand. LOL If im right that would place the thralls several hundred light years from earth i guess... Too close.... :-|


I was thinking of something older, like Jackie Gleason. There were four of them in the show and it would take a long time for those transmission waves to travel that far. Or maybe I Love Lucy?

Hugh Peeble

This just made my weekend much better. Thanks!


And in the distance, the sound of thousands of F5 buttons sighing with relief


Oh hell yeah!ends on a high note


The stage is set...the players are gathering...the sets are being fine tuned...and in the middle of it all a Tefler Tidal Wave is beginning to breach!!! Is maybe a surprise or two or three coming in from "backstage?" Does anyone else think the cessation of hostilities at Kythshara happened way too quick and easy with no indication of what may have happened to the AI in-charge? This is a continuing Tefler creation we have, so who knows?


Forgot to add another "So well done!!!"


A heavy logging truck rumbled down the street, then slowed down as the driver saw a middle-aged woman approach the faded crosswalk. Lucyna heard the hiss of the hydraulic brakes, so she stepped back from the kerb and waved him onwards. He tooted his horn in gratitude and she grinned, exchanging a wave with the trucker as he rolled past. , should that be pneumatic brakes ?

Bp Hlpt

Chapter 149 typos Dana face lit up with a broad grin. Dana's face lit up with a broad grin. then free up as much space possible for the cargo area then free up as much space as possible for the cargo area Oh okay,” he said, trying not to sound too disappointed. Oh, okay,” he said, trying not to sound too disappointed. then drunk in the intoxicating view then drank in the intoxicating view Lucyna heard the hiss of the hydraulic brakes, -- Do hydraulic brakes hiss? Maybe pneumatic brakes? Lucyna heard the hiss of the pneumatic brakes, “Nah, I’m good,” Luvyna replied, “Nah, I’m good,” Lucyna replied, Alright, now that’s out the way, can we talk Alright, now that’s out of the way, can we talk -- but you might choose to leave it as just the way that Luce talks when you come up cool new tech. when you come up with cool new tech. “Hey, Shan,” Alyssa said gently. “Sorry for giving you a fright.” “Hey, Shan,” Irillith said gently. “Sorry for giving you a fright.” She give me a preview earlier. She gave me a preview earlier. Deflating when she realised her ineffective her attacks were, Deflating when she realised how ineffective her attacks were, What’s his trigger that drives him to push his limits to breaking point? What’s his trigger that drives him to push his limits to the breaking point?

Creative Amoeba

I just read 50 pages to complete Chapter 149. I think the author made it clear that preparation for the Progenitor War and carrying the battle to them was the most important thing. So, considering this to be the primary plotline, what did I discover in these 50 pages relative to that? 1) John has constructed some new engines for the Invictus, but they aren't installed yet. 2) Irrylith (I hate that name) has learned about herself and became more powerful. 3) Sakura has the focused discipline to be all that she can be. I think that of the characters I may admire her most. If John was more like her, I think he would easily squash some progenitors - well if he could meet them one-on-one. As helpful as the other matriarchs have been, Jade may have been most helpful in pushing John to be the cat rather than the mouse. It's really ironic that John is the perfect example of someone you could tell, "Stop fucking around and train." I'm sure that what he is doing with his magic cum is important, but I doubt that it is the most important at this point or needs so much text. For example, will John develop his own swordsmanship style that will allow him to beat progenitors with his magical sword? Will he figure out how to use his magic with his sword like Sakura does? In particular, will he figure out how to bust through progenitor shields? Will he figure out how to quickly neutralize the psionic nullifiers?


I agree, Irrylith is a rough name.. good thing no one in the story has it :) John and the girls are all ways innovating so it's no wonder that they are working on the best engines they can come up with. John is moving forward in leaps and bounds. Does he need to practice his abilities more, sure, they all do. But he can't just go hide and work on stuff, he's the leader and has to be in everyone's business all the time. You might have noticed the subtle hints that he's personally growing in this chapter. For one thing, he's shaping hundreds of components at once. Alyssa, who has been the shaper for so long, wondered at how he could manage that much all at once. Also, did you notice she wasn't aware of it. She asked Dana how it was going with John. Why would she need to do that? I propose it's because John's mind wasn't focusing on the task at hand so Alyssa didn't "hear his thoughts on it" to know. Secondly, with hours of shaping all those parts.. who was he drawing energy from? Shouldn't she have known that if he was? I say she didn't realize it because he wasn't having to draw energy from anyone. He's getting colossally stronger. Maybe because they aren't under the shroud anymore but maybe not ;)


The assumption is that the AI was sucked into the singularity Dana created. Dana has a Kythsharan robot aboard and her examination should lead to a lot more info about the bots and what controlled them.


If a truck from 2022 probably. But even today hydraulic brakes are used in many applications such as airplanes, which are almost universally hydraulic, and newer bicycles with disk brakes. If anything in several hundred years I would expect brakes to be electric. The Boeing 787 is the first commercial airliner that switched from hydraulic to electric brakes.


I’m guessing Tef is gunning to release a few pages of ch. 150 by midnight tomorrow so he can have some income for February. I know I wouldn’t be opposed.


.57 Amazing Bp Hlpt! I read through once and got only two of the above. Would have to read much slower to pick up more! Well done - again!!!

Jim lynch

Loved it but I feel a big assed battle coming for the big 150 lol.


but ross or joey even with clothes wasn't rotund although it almost fits. My impression was suit and ties which sounds older. Also if it were a British comedy???? Triangulation will focus on terra though


in the dim dark past I remember 150 being identified as a key Chapter that things would come together. Its nearly here


Feels like TSM again, nice chapter and thanks.

Bp Hlpt

Best I can recall, that projection was made by a hopeful member here, and NOT by Tefler, but I could be wrong. :) In any case, I'm sure it will be great!

Crystar DeWolf

Quick edit “I couldn’t help myself,” he explained with an unapologetic shrug. “You know I can’t resist smart women, and you’re sexy as hell when you come up cool new tech. The new Raptor is awesome.” You’re sexy as hell when you come up ‘with’ cool new tech. Love the whole work.

Creative Amoeba

I'd love to see a space battle. Tefler's space battle stories are some of my favorite chapters. I also liked the recent chapter where Mael, the genius progenitor, set up a progenitor trap. - that was interesting. I'm also looking forward to when John is actually matched up with progenitor again. John is much more powerful now, but progenitors are apex predators. Still, based on the Astral, there are different power levels in the progenitors too.

Stephen Paynter

Typo: "her ineffective her attacks"

Crystar DeWolf

“I’d love to!” Calara gushed, darting a playful frown at the blonde. “She give me a preview earlier.” She gave me a preview earlier. :)

Crystar DeWolf

Deflating when she realised her ineffective her attacks were, Irillith’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “You’re so much more powerful than me. I’m going to have to train hard for weeks to even scratch your hex barrier!” Deflating when she realized ‘how’ ineffective her attacks were, Love the work. I pray for your long healthy life Tefler!!


I am wondering when we are going to see more of the coma guy back in the Terran Federation storyline. It ahs been a few chapters since we have heard or seen anything from him. I am wondering how that is going to go. Of course Alyssa could mind read him, but with her so far away, I don't think that is possible, and I am not sure that it was ever concluded.


Yeah - that trial should be wrapping up soon. Maybe the Ghal’ cruiser heading towards Terra will draw John and the girls back there so they can conclude this sub-plot.


.77: @AzureReader and Grandizer: I am personally awaiting some form of Tom Walker jail break, ... a fugitive on the run, while trying to prove his innocence (it might make a good television show or a movie), ... maybe Tef can have Morgan lose an arm, ...? ;-) TTFN


The coma guy? Tom woke up, so who's still in a coma on Terra? Or was it more of a semicolon? So, if you get a hemicolectomy, do you wake up from a coma with a semicolon? And if it a woman, does she also get a period? OK, like groan.


I scrapped the second part of "Man Up at Genkira" so as not to insinuate anything with Tefler's upcoming story. Instead I am here putting another COMPLETELY unauthorized, non-canon short story. I do this for my mental health (guys, if you can't understand jokes, or are too sensitive, please get a life). Dana Gets Designer Help “What now?” the grumpy fiery redhead retorted. “I was just thinking that we should design a heavy stealth fighter to carry those massive guns from around Kyth’shara…” gently said John. “Sure, and why not just have Alyssa design a jaunty hat that will scare away the baddies? John, I am just a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I have so many other projects to get to.” Dana looked down and desperately tried to fight back the tears. “I am so sorry I snapped at you; you don’t deserve that.” For a long moment John looked at the teenager, trying to be Dana, but really looking like the little Sparks so terribly afraid to disappoint him. “Come here, you big faker.” As John wrapped her up in his arms and softly caressed her hair. “You have never disappointed me honey. It is just that I have set impossible goals one after another and you have exceeded every one. You’re a victim of your own brilliant success is all.” Sparks softly breathed in the masculine pheromones coming out from John’s upper chest between his breasts. Unconsciously she felt a wave of comfort. As nature intended, her vomeronasal organ in her nose was picking up the masculinity John exuded and telling her subconscious limbic system she was cared for, protected and appreciated. At the same time John’s nose was on top of Dana’s head, where her pheromones were telling him she needed him. *It is so lovely to feel the two of you. I hate to intrude but Sparks is much more frustrated than she lets on handsome. This is where I sit back and watch you just fix everything with a few words. Of all the Space Magic you’ve shown me, none is more astounding than how you…I don’t know how you do it John… but you always fix everyone. I can't wait to see what crazy plan you come up with now.* “Sparks, my lovely little girl, I think you need an engineer as an assistant that you can delegate small projects to.” Said John, “Now, of all the Maliri you’ve worked with, who reminds you of your enthusiasm for mad experiments and designs the most?” “ALYNDRA! Oh there is no doubt about it. When I first went to create new elements at Genthalas, both of us got into a turf war because she said it was ‘her power core’ (early chpt 55). When I came back sometime later she got incredibly horny at the prospect of blowing up the whole station! That girl is already as insane as me!” Dana was now looking up at John with hungry eyes; but it was someone else she wanted fed. “So John, how about blowing up her belly instead of the station? I think with a little…” Dana stepped back, put her left forearm horizontally in front of her chest and with the right fist started vigorously pistoning back and forth below her left forearm VERY vigorously. That went on for what seemed forever as Dana added sparks to the performance by manipulating magnetic fields. Except as she got more worked up, various instruments scattered about began to shudder and slowly levitate in her direction. *John, if she keeps going like this she’s going to have an orgasm right there and probably break a few things in the process. I think you’d better do something to calm her down before something large tears off the floor!” “SPARKS!” John shouted, “Calm yourself down, please honey! I need to talk to Dana for a moment. You know Dana, the sophisticated rational one?” “OK fine, but I wanna be there when you plug Alyndra and I want it to be a surprise for her, right there next to ‘her’ beloved power core with all the other engineers watching. I want a show for being a good girl!” Dana’s mouth hung open as she expectantly waited for John to agree. “OK, but if you really want a show, how about this I want you to have a talk with Irillith and then…” Dana’s eyes grew bigger and bigger as John detailed his surprise balloon performance for Alyndra. On the bridge Alyssa marveled at how John was no longer plagued with guilt. Yes, this liberated John was most entertaining indeed. Dana skipped into the central power core room of Genthalas with a tiny green short short that looked as if it was about to explode off her pert bottom, and a tight crop top that looked painted on. “Hi Alyndra! Ready to see if we can vaporize the station today with YOUR powr core?” “Definitely, what matter of madness are we going to create today? Get it, matter of madness?” While most of the other staff groaned at the terrible pun, both Dana and Alyndra thought it was the funiest thing ever. The “ultra geek” girls were totally in sync now. Alyssa pulled out a holoemitter and displayed an enormously complex set of equations, graphs and diagrams nested in a massive flowsheet. As she began to explain Alyndra’s initial enthusiasm began to waver as it seemed a little off somehow; but being just a regular genius and not the Grand Engineering Overlord she kept quiet and tried to follow. At this point Alyssa, Edraele and John crept in the back. After a few moment when both Alyssa’s and Edraele’s eyes glowed a little; they turned to John and nodded. *Surprisingly, she’s also a very wounded little bird John. Alyndra needs you, please recruit her.* Both the matriarchs being in sync spoke with one voice as John made sure the XO was still in charge of recruitment. “Excuse me,” his loud baritone voice interrupted the presentation, “”I think you have several crucial errors so you better go back and look at this again ‘Grand Engineering Overlord’” Johns said that title with dripping sarcasm and chuckled. Dana whirled about, and literally stomped her feet walking up to John. Since she was not wearing heels, she shook her fists at the air in his face, turned around, got a step stool and then on it, looked down at John with her hands on her hips and declared: “This is MY power core Johny boy! You don’t come in here and pretend to know anything about what I am doing, you hear me?” Every eye was now riveted on them, and a blanket of fear came over every Maliri except Edraele, who was having a hard time keeping a straight face. “Well, Sparks deary,” as John sidestepped her and pointed to one of the tiny equations and with a gesture magnified it very large, “I may just be a dumb marine but right here you wrote that 2 x 3 = 5. Now, you’re clearly not using finite math because there’s figures all over in the billions. Clearly this is not vector analysis of some fucked up matrix deal as there’s none of those symbols. Perhaps you’ve decided mathematics is not good enough for you anymore?” Dana got off her stool, walked between John and one of the currently inactive consoles he was standing near and jabbed her right index finger on the point of his nose. “”Do not EVER try…” In 8 seconds John picked her up by the waist, turned her around, tore off her tiny short, dropped his pants, bent Dana over the console and rammed his dick into her soaked wet pussy up to the quad. He began doing Dana right there in front of the stunned staff, with Alyndra a couple of feet to his right. Dana started screaming “You idiotic Neanderthal! Unhand me this instant! This is MY power core! This is MY pussy! These are MY engineers and you just ripped my favorite shorts, AGAIN!” John ignored her as he began to sing verses about a girl from Nantucket; and kept hammering Dana. In a few minutes, Dana’s screams of protest began to sound more like groans, and then like the grunts of some rutting animal. At this all the engineers were just utterly frozen in place, some forgetting to breath were turning a dark blue. At that point John pulled out of Dana, who was barely conscious after a series of orgasms, and keeping his arms at his sides pointed one very angry pulsating organ at Alyndra. Alyndra blinked a few times and cautiously took a step back. In all her years she had not developed much in the way of social skills. Other women envied and refused to be friends, and what few men she had ever spoken with had no interest in a genius woman whose only topic of conversation was high level physics and mathematics. “Alyndra, Dana and I decided to give you a little demonstration today. All that stuff up there Dana wrote is utter nonsense. She told me where to point because, I really am just a dumb marine. This entire event is a staged performance for your benefit. You need to understand that in this new Protectorate, we are a team. Never be afraid to speak your mind when you see something wrong. Now, Dana does need an assistant. As brilliant as she is, she has too many projects. If you want the number 2 spot as engineer though; I have to enhance you. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors as to what my cum does to women. So Alyndra, would you like to wear long white hair as I enhance your already magnificent mind? You don’t have to decide right now but, if you want, I am ready whenever…” John never got to finish that sentence. Like a slug shot from a singularity drive, Alyndra sheathed John in her throat so fast he almost fell backwards. She began sucking with a ferocity that actually scared John a little. Having recovered, Dana took a spare short out of a bag near the console and put it on. She gently kissed John on the cheek and whispered as tears came down her cheeks, “Thank you John, no property of yours could possibly be happier than I am right now.”

Bp Hlpt

I know that many have advocated to keep the crew small, but I have always said the crew needs to be larger. Dana needs an assistant. They have enough vehicles to need more than one pilot. Rachel needs a nurse. They all need a backup, especially during any engagement with other progenitors. Not to mention that it will just make Alyssa and John stronger.


.82: Err... that would be a light green skin color for the Laranthyran's James, ... and did you mean to imply recruiting a few 'pilots in training' from the girls on Laranthyra? ;-) TTFN


fucking outstanding, i got a good laugh , thank you !!!!


84: Concerning the White haired Maliri thralls (wards) verses all of the dark-haired thralls in the non-shrouded empires, ... 1) the quantity of ingested cum the Maliri recieve is 3 to 4 times the average compared to those in the huge progenitor empires, ... 2) and most if not all, have had at least some personal contact with Baen'thelas, forming a stronger connection. 3) If you consider the only known non-Malari to have her hair turn long and white, Ailanthia, Larn'kelnar's Matriarch, who while under the shroud he became much more affectionate with his Matriarchm even gifting her with cum that normally would have gone into the vats, 4) and one day she awoke with long white locks of hair. (Surprise!), ... I think we have a psychic cum and shroud connection here. Might John still cause his wards hair to turn white even out from under the shroud, or not, ... any thoughts? '-) TTFN


So, got a question that I’ve actually had for a while and just haven’t .. asked? Yeah. Anyway. When the maintenance robots talk, what do they actually say? Like, when I see a sentence like this: +++ [/begin humorous acknowledgement] Okey-dokey! [/end humorous acknowledgement] +++ Are they saying out loud “plus plus plus bracket forward slash begin… etc. “ Or just “begin humorous acknowledgment Okey-Dokey! end humorous acknowledgment” Or just “Okey dokey!” And the rest is for the reader to understand how they said it?