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Hello again,

As I'm sure you're well aware from my last status post, I intended to complete three chapters in November. Chapter144 (which I didn't charge for as it was already paid), chapter 145, and chapter 146. Unfortunately, I lost over a week due to sickness in the middle of the month, which caused mayhem with my intended schedule. 

The reason it was important to complete two paid chapters in November is I have the second payment to the builders coming up for repairing my roof. (Which is now fixed!). 

I hate to have to do this again, but I'm going to forward charge chapter 146, then complete it for you in December. You won't be charged a second time and I should hopefully have finished it by around the 10th December. This will be the last time that I do this, and I sincerely apologise if it causes offence.

Best wishes,




Do what you need to. I hope all turns out well.


Best of wishes and luck. Do what you need and take care.


Once again, shut up and take my money 😂 It’s fine by me, if anything the last two years has taught me at least, it’s that shit happens. Do what you gotta


Go for it! It's important to have good housing.


I trust you! Blessings on your family! ❤️

Crystar DeWolf

You have given us 146 chapters of mayhem and love brother. Have at it


For most of us, the payment per chapter is peanuts. Do what you need to do to make yourself and your family home livable again.


No problem. Been there.


Easy peasey


Thanks for the update and keep the wheels of commerce spinning by passing it on!


Thanks for busting forward and writing so much, I really hope you are feeling better being sick sucks


All good by me, last time this happened I raised which level I was at because the amount is so low. Cheers mate and hope you and the family have a great holiday season.


Thanks for the heads up.


No problem...glad to help

Deryck Stevenson

Great story really enjoying your imagination


Do you plan to release two chapters in December then?


It's fine, shit happens.


Well worth prepayment in my opinion. Been following this story since I found it on Lit and been a member here since I discovered I could contribute.




cheers mr

rich ed

Totally happy to do so


Unless you get sick on purpose we will have a problem. But you already explained the situation. All good, keep writing. Stay Safe.


No worries at all, Tefler! Stay safe and be well! Happy holidays to you and your family!


No problem


No worries, we know you're good for it 😉

Christopher Miller

Okies! No worries here Tef! Post it when you can. Thanks for your work and glad you are feeling better.


All good tef


Lol fuck it bro.

GDay (FMS)

All good Tef, get the house right and keep the family safe and dry.


I think we've now been charged for 3 undelivered chapters so far. 2 chapters double charged and now this one. That's a lot of money "requisitioned".


Good lord that six dollars was a real show stopper... oh wait no it wasn't. As long as the quality of work doesn't slip I'm down for this. For now. If it became truly habitual I would either lower my per chapter donation or back out but so far I have no complaints.


Tef, it’s cool by me. You had me at “gather around and hear my tale of woe” or something to that effect. Hope the roofers did a great job.

Rouge Dions

its okay boss. just been re reading the whole story and find it as exciting as the first time i read it.


I don't know why some patrons act like they were ok'ing Tefler pre-charging for 146. He didn't ask you, he told you he was charging for 146. It doesn't surprise me that this has been done again.


Lucky I moved up a tier to support your amazing work, I trust you, your history of delivering the goods is all I need! *Besides the next amazing chapter when you are finished with it. *


He's several chapters behind but that's been conveniently forgotten.


Let's face it, we know you're good for it. We've had a lot of on time chapters, we know you're not the sort to charge and run.


Go ahead with your plans


As history repeats itself, may I quote Zuul Staypuft's departing post. He was a supporter for many years but decided to leave exactly for the practices employed once more. --- [a lot of backstory omitted for brevity] When Tefler first charged for a half-chapter, I wasn’t thrilled. I felt it set a bad precedent. I don’t pay my accountant when he is half done with my taxes, nor do I pay a musician for his album when they are half done recording it. Sure, we got the second half free, but we pay per chapter. Paying for half when the work isn’t complete left a bad taste in my mouth. Paying for half-chapters might have been okay if it had just been done occasionally, but it soon became the norm instead of the exception, and that didn’t feel right to me. At the end of August, 2020, Tefler post the first half of Chapter 136 and charged for it, mentioning he was going away for a week and would finish it up when he got back. The end of September rolled around and nothing. No post. No status updates. No comments. And we were in the middle of a global pandemic. For all of October the comments were full of worried patrons, asking if anyone had heard anything and hoping Tefler was okay. Then, the last day of October he posted the second half of Chapter 136, and charged for it. His reasoning for the delay and the additional charge was he needed a break and the second half was darker and more difficult to write. I might have been okay with that if he could have taken 5 minutes earlier in the month to explain it to us patrons in an update. Just popping up and charging us again after such silence really bothered me, but again I let it slide. After 10 months in 2021, we’ve received 5 chapters, but paid for 7. I personally feel charging for both halves of Chapter 143 was wrong, especially since we are still owed for Chapter 144. I can sympathize and understand the needed home repairs so I was okay with prepaying for Chapter 144, but then charging again for the second half of Ch. 143 feels like a slap in the face. At the end of last month, he had pledges of $8,900.00 per chapter, which we paid twice with the first half of Chapter 143 and the prepayment of 144. That’s almost $18,000.00. Charging the $8,500.00 for part 2 of Ch. 143 means we’ve paid $26,000.00 for 1 chapter with the promise of a second chapter free. What’s next? Charging us for Ch. 144 because he decides the Character Glossary was worth it? I feel we are being taken advantage of at this point. --- This supporter had been around for many years. But he left because of these underhanded practices. Tefler still owes us, at least, 3 chapters. That's not entitlement, that's an outstanding promise. A seemingly forgotten promise.


For flock's sake...this is not a department store where we demand exact change and precision delivery of every purchase. It's a community of like-minded individuals who have chosen to invest financially in a story that we're all emotionally invested in. Last year I had to go through the process of having my roof, ceiling and several other parts of my house repaired from not one, but two storm incidents. Total bill for the insurance company was around A$40k and the total time taken was over six months. So I know how disruptive such shite can be. Bottom line, get yourself healthy, get your house in order and trust us when we say we trust you and know you're good for it.


Sweet, Tefler has bills to pay. Just like us!


A lot of nonsense repeated is still nonsense. Paying for half a chapter and getting second-half free is exactly the same as paying for the full chapter. I personally don't care if I prepay for a chapter as long as I eventually get it. I have absolutely no doubt that I will.


This is so weird. Nobody but Tefler defines what a “chapter” is. Nobody but Tefler defines how long a chapter is. People is getting angry not because we have an agreement on chapter/length. People is getting angry because Tefler says on thing (good intentions and all), but doesn’t deliver. Nobody set a deadline but Tefler. Nobody can require a particular word count per chapter. But everyone hopes that what Tefler promises becomes reality. It about managing expectations. If Tefler needs a steadier cash flow, and the business model he chose is pay-per-chapter, then release more chapters. Most of us will be happy. Tefler says “I give you cake”. The problem is that he continues saying “… but I only give you 2 slices, and I aim to give you 4 slices more next week”. And people are angry because they only got 2 slices, and even angrier when next week you don’t get the 4 extra slices. Managing expectations. Stop at you get cake. People will rejoice.


DB88 I wonder if we at the lower tier went up one if it would help Tefler that way he is not charging for something he has not done yet, and it gets us one full chapter each month and not two or three smaller ones just a thought. I hate to have him stop or have some stop supporting Tefler


No problem and I look forward to the rest of 145 and 146 when they respectively are ready for release.


Tefler you have my support and I will continue to be a patron. For all you negative nelly’s keep in mind these are not low word count chapters we are getting almost twice the amount of story than some other authors put out.


Not an issue do your thing.


I agree with that. I don't have much of an issue with the half chapter practice. It's the paying again for the second half that ruffles my feathers.

morris ridgeway

Not a problem. Roofs keep the family dry and you stories keep us happy . Thanks


I am totally happy with Teflers output and cost, life can be a bitch but he always delivers. Keep up the good work Tef.


No problem at all!

Steven Allen

No problem here either.


No problem here,


Many other things in life to get worked up about people! Gain a bit of perspective!


Thanks for letting us know


True and this has been mentioned here ad nauseam. The one major factor you left out is that he then charges twice for some of those pieces of cake.


Funny, Tefler has 4400+ supporters and if I had to do a quick guesstimate I would say less than 10 create most of the consternation. Can you say statically insignificant? In the Margin of error? Thank you Tefler for not only using your amazing work to help sharpen the point of one's moral compass, also having this communal area demonstrating that it is better to smile, be quiet, and have people think you are an idiot versus opening up ones mouth and proving beyond a shadow of a doubt. Bravo for Chapter 145, they just keep getting better.


.68: Hey there Azurereader (? Blue Book?), I'll stick my neck out and state that Tef will find his own comfort zone... whether he cranks out chapters of 15K, 20K or 30K words... And whether he drops chapters once, twice, or even three times each month... it is his choice and his pace,... just as long as those sweet TSM chapters keep flowing I'm happy... ;-) TTFN

Adam B

I would be fine with it if we were given the option to pay for it upfront or wait for 146 to be available before paying, as those that are willing could do so, but we haven't been given that option. It's unlikely but what's stopping Tefler from posting a placeholder and charging for the next 10 chapters with just an IOU for the next year?

Adam B

When each post averages 100-200 comments, I'd say 10 people commenting shows there are probably a lot more that agree with those people, but just don't comment. I don't usually comment on any of the posts, but I agree with the sentiment of some of those in this post that Tefler's actions regarding double charging for chapters multiple times recently and now charging for a chapter that probably wont get released until after the new year have gotten seriously out of hand.


tefler dont know if u read the comments much just wondering why book 3 and 4 i cant get in paper back on amazon was looking to buy all 4 in paperback


As always Tef, whatever you need to do is fine with me. Family first, then TSM. Keep up the great work!


All good Tef... looking forward to the 10th :)... happy you have a roof over your head now...


My other Patronized webnovel is The Wandering Inn. That's not to take a position in the current situation just yet, just to point out that Tefler is actually on the losing side of that particular argument ;)


Do you want to support the author yes or no? why are you getting bent out of shape over a $1 charge? You’ve probably tip out on a single dinner more than I’ve paid Tefler all year if that helps your perspective… so pull that gnarly thorny stick out of your backside and just chill.

Dominic Janning

For some of the people who say it's just one dollar. I follow 6 people. I pay 10 a month. If everyone did it it turns into alot. I work hard for my money. I love this story and reread it a few times. But not one of the other authors do this. He making a lot of money each time he releases a chapter. I will happily pay for more chapters in one month. But he needs to wright them. One time I understand. But every great story have it limit. I'm not there yet but getting close of stopping.


I also support other creators. None of them do anything like this. None of the communities are this rabid either. Some creators are very hands-on and accessible, some are nowhere to be seen aside from what they make. I appreciate the former, but I'm okay with the latter. But the argument of "it's just one dollar, stop complaining" totally misses the point of it not being okay to use us as a piggy bank. And for me it wasn't just one dollar (it is now).

Dominic Janning

I forgotten how much he owes us and what I paid for. That's how much this has happen.

Dominic Janning

: Michael56smith. He's the one who say it. It's not unreasonable to be upset when he say one thing and do the other. Plus we are paying. If we didn't pay. He would be able to Wright so much.


I just went through all of 2021 payments and chapters released, not counting Jan 2021 as that was for the release in Dec 2020. We are now 2 chapters behind. Tefler I really want to know why your doing this and how your gonna fix this. You are already over $500 dropped in pledges within the last week alone. You need to talk with us about this issues before more leave, myself included. Most wont even try they will just stop supporting you. This isn't an ultimatum, this is real talk. We are talking about $17k+ you have charged your supporters without delivering what we signed up for.


.87: I'm sorry DJ, but you are both mistaken and don't have your head screwed on correctly.... Payment does not give you the right to order/control Tefler the way that you assume, again sorry, but you are wrong. ;-) TTFN


.88: And Chris, out of the thousands supporting Tef, it is only a small group that is all bent out of shape, and making their facts fit their fantasies,.. Just as I wrote to Dominic, you are mistaken. ;-) TTFN


Re. The most recent comments Compared to some other people I used to support, I think the word count per chapter is amazing regardless of what is or isn't mentioned or promised. Still think it is good value. I do think that you are totally entitled to your views and if you wish to stop then that's fine. However, please don't feel the need to comment on my behalf or assume that 'most' people agree with you unless you have evidence.

Dominic Janning

It won't let me copy and paste but October 31 he wrote a post saying what he was planning to do. That what I'm saying. I could care less when a chapter come out. Point is he say one thing then change it. It is his right to put a chapter out when he wants. But I have the right not to pay for one before it comes out. I understand the first time. No big deal. But before I'm charged for another chapter. I would like the chapter I paid for first. He could stop writing tomorrow and I'd be out money. Do I think he will. NO. Atleast I hope not. I do love the story. That's why I don't leave. The point of the post. Is me saying I'm not ok with paying in advance anymore. At least until I get what I paid for first. Not all of use have money to waste. I have a right to my view. Just like u do.

Jedi Khan

What chapters do you think he hasn't yet delivered on that you already paid for? As far as I know, 144 and 146 are the only ones where Tefler has charged in advance prior to releasing the chapters, and 144 has been delivered.


"We are now 3 chapters behind." Actually, it’s just one… I owe you chapter 146. There were two previous chapters that I ended up billing for separate halves, because they were complicated sections of the story and took me much longer to complete than normal. I explained this at the time. "You are already over $500 dropped in pledges within the last week alone." No, I'm actually down $2 on monthly pledges. The value shown on my patreon page is only an approximation and always fluctuates at the beginning of a month. It's to do with Patreon’s monthly billing cycle and the way it handles card declines, which usually take a few weeks to resolve. The pledge totals always dip at the start of every month as people cancel or reduce their pledge total. So basically, this is better than a typical month at this stage. "you have charged your supporters without delivering what we signed up for." What you signed up for was early access to chapters, which is exactly what you've received. When most of you signed up to become patrons, it said on the sign up page that I was aiming to release chapters that were 25k-30k on average. For several years I've been overdelivering on word counts per paid post, giving patrons chapters with a minimum of 30k words. If I'd rigidly stuck to 25k per chapter rather than letting it creep up over 30k from chapter 70 onwards, I could have billed patrons at least 15 more times over the past few years. If it’s any consolation, that works out as about 400k words which I’ve basically given out as a free bonus on paid posts. As the story has progressed, it's become increasingly complicated. You've seen the glossary I released... the cast is huge and there are dozens of ongoing subplots. At the same time, power creep for both the characters and ship technology is making it increasingly harder to plan out challenging battles. It's been taking me a lot longer to write the recent chapters and I ended up in a precarious financial situation as a result. I agree that I handled this badly, and I apologise to those of you that are upset. I kept forcing myself to exceed a self-imposed goal of 30k words per paid post, when I should have started scaling back the chapter size when it got tougher to write. I guess I felt obligated to keep maintaining the size of the earlier chapters, but that was unrealistic considering the stage we’re at in the story. For reference, I wrote “Unforgivable” in ten days and that has a 93k wordcount. When you don’t have to worry about 145 chapters of TSM continuity and can write whatever the hell you like, it’s amazing how much faster it is! I actually much prefer releasing two slightly smaller chapters per month as it gives me much quicker patron feedback on the story arcs. I’ve seen hundreds of comments asking for faster releases, so hopefully this will suit all the patrons too. Tefler


No problem for me. I have control if I start to feel nervous about anything.


Thank you for your forthright and comprehensive comments on these issues, Tefler. I know that some of us appreciate them, others will ignore them, and others will simply say, ‘stop wasting time on complainers and get back to writing the story!’ ;-) There’s an old saying about not being able to please all the people all the time, but you do a darn good job of pleasing most of us most of the time, so personally, I think you’re ahead of that game, here. [Now seriously, stop reading this and get back to writing the story! ;-)] I’m really looking forward to reading more soon and hoping that Faye’s return isn’t too far off. [Why are you still reading? Get back to work! ;-)]


Hey guys, I'm not sure you want to push Tefler to turn up more chaps at the cost of story quality... IMHO, TSM deserves better than that...


Hilarious the negative comments, as if consumers have some right to frequency of art production. Some entitled patrons apearently.

David Shmilowitz

when we're being precharged for multiple chapters, then I think we have some license to say, "so, where's the chapter I paid for?"


Athena moves into Vestel Waephyra's vacated mind. Like a "Vestel Virgin", we have an unused brain ready for her.


I like this TSM story tremendously. Like the original Dune and many space operas, it is unashamedly androcentric. It is also intricately woven and I could write many more positive things. So the following criticisms are only after those 3 comments are understood. If Crystal Alyssium is invulnerable to laser after 10x shaping, how is the raptor destroyed with 35x shaped armor? Why was no attempt made to psychically remove the Mael'nerak metal? No mention of runic protection is made. How is the obvious fact that psychic infusion of love is stronger than the progenitor metal not yet ledf these brilliant people to realize that they can make a "Love Forge" to replace the "soul Forge"? Some of these things seem seem rather obvious plot holes. Perhaps I am spoiling the plot here. My attempt is more at improving than criticizing.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I take it counting to two is that difficult? One was delivered. The other is promised within 10 days....just as if you had ordered something online. And you donate a doller....one doller. Add another doller and buy yourself a Coke.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Oh my freakin goodness! We are PATRONS OF AN ARTIST here folks! The rules are different than a strict commercial exchange. In modern usage, a system of patronage refers to an organizational structure, usually political, in which officials are perceived to award positions to individuals based on loyalty, support and contributions provided to the company or party instead of on objective standards such as merit. What that means to those who are not critical readers, is a patronage is not based upon production....it is based upon supporting an individual or group so they CAN produce but that level of production is not, NOT, guaranteed.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

This is the problem with people today, ignorance abounds. You are a Patron of Teffler. Realize that and enjoy his work or quit....the choice is yours. Please let me have your address? I will send you some cheese you can enjoy with your whine. Of course, it will only be a dollars worth.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

BelGioioso Mascarpone Cheese, Specialty Spreadable Cheese, 8 oz Cup $3.18 or 39.8 ¢/oz. So I will send you 3 ounces of cheese (which is actually about $1.20 worth, but I will give you the extra 20 cents.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Perspective is everything. A doller a month to bitch incessantly about product you are actually receiving is a really bad perspective to publicly cling to.

Jedi Khan

Okay, PLRus, we get the point. Time to cool off a bit, please. The one thing we need less than the whining of others is vitriol being hurled around.

Idaho Spud56

Hey Tefler, charge me for 147 and 148 if you need to!


Come on people let it go let the man be and let him work he can defend him self please stop

Sgt Sak

Tefler, do what you need to. If people are whining about a couple of bucks then find another story a fraction as cool as this one and support that one. You have consistently delivered 145 chapters. Life happens, if you charged us for 10 additional chapters I would be a little suspicious but I get it. This is your only source of income. Sometimes you get sick and need a break. Do some short chapters if you have too.

Idaho Spud56

And I really liked 144, charge me for that again also because of the fine re-edit you did of it.


Well said! Exactly what I stated from my personal perspective above when I respond to Tefler's billing explanation and I cannot fathom how some wingers have forgotten the fundamental basis for supporting Teller (or any other "artist" on Patreon.

rich ed

Feels like a mistake only taking two extra mag's of ammo.....


Is there any relationship between the Xyth’faren and Achonin civilizations or technology? Both seem to be extremely advanced and psychically aware. Xyth’faren civilization seemed to be consumed by Xar’ maybe more than a million years ago, but how could he have killed all of such a spacefaring species? We don’t know when the Achonin civilization started. Is there any chance that the Achonins were the descendants of a handful of surviving Xyth’faren that fled to the other side of the galaxy from the original Xyth’faren territory. If not escaping Xar’s clutches it would at least give them time, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years, to develop new technologies they could defend themselves with.


.157: Hey there blue book, now that's an interesting supposition,.. And assuming the Achonon are decended from the last of the Kythfaren, then we can further assume that the Shroud was developed, and reworked, and improved on over many years... and it was finally strong enough to blanket our little corner of the galaxy, granting some protection from Xar, but really upsetting the Kirrix parasitic birthing cycle... (maybe that should've been an improvement, but...) So after millennia, the Achonin (Kythfaren descendants?) deployed the 'Shroud' and then Xar sends in the 'killer' Mael'nerak to clean up their mess before it catchs on... But Mael keeps the Shroud going, and refuses to return, and he stays clear of Xar'aziuth's sway...John's girls have found the Hyper-Warp Gate, and Mael's Lab,.. who's to say that they also won't find clues to the Shroud?!! Dang, the more Tef reveals, the more we need to know!... good imagining there blue guy, keep on coughing up those story-line furballs... ;-) TTFN


Did Tefler finish 145 completely and he's just been adding on to the one already posted? I've been waiting for the completed chapter, and dodging spoilers in the meantime. I get that a lot of readers have consumed what's there, and are discussing it, and that's fine by me. But now I'm getting concerned that I'm just waiting around like a sloth for something that's already done! Let me know, please.


.159: I haven't seen any notice from Tef yet regarding the sprucing up of TSM #145, but I just checked and the file is about 500 words larger,.. looks to me like his has done some additional scenes,.. and maybe a few deletes too.... I don't think that he has finished with it though,.. -- Last time he sent us a chapter complete note... (-: :-) TTFN


As of this morning it is the same 19400. sounds like there is a scene with John thanking Luna that is yet to come. if I understood Tef's comments in Discord the other day correctly

Malcolm Rickarby

I have wondered what it was that the Kythfaren in the citadel recognised in Alyssa as being one of them. She is a human as created in Mael’neraks experiments and then altered to become the first and only female progenitor by John. Was Mael’nerak trying to recreate the Kythfaren ?


Maelnarek stated that he was creating a race ( terrans) that would be genetically diverse. did not appear that he had any idea of the Kyth's per se

CJ Mora

Tefler - I am not okay with this trend. Some folks have commented they don't mind the extra buck or two; but I pledge $10/chapter, and it is a problem when I am repeatedly charged twice for the same chapter. Even though I believe in your work and want to support it, I expect you to deliver what you say you will. Otherwise, how will I believe you have the integrity to complete this story? Please fix this. However, as a patron, I do understand that $#!t happens, and you gotta have a roof. So, in the spirit of Christmas, I am letting this slide one last time. Merry Christmas!🎄


No, let us just continue to bitch at Tefler and make him give up altogether. Then we can all pat ourselves on the back for sinking yet another attempt to do something worthwhile. Please understand sarcasm before you criticize my post.


So having read the entire series 4 times now, and continuing to run various scenes in my head with an obsession that deserves psychiatric attention; I am posting this without permission. This has NO permission or knowledge by Tefler and I concur if he decides to delete it and tell me to not do this again. Deep Lord Athgiloi knows that soon the Deep Pool will be asking about the fleets and their progress in the Kintark invasion. With more fear than he has known in many years, he puts a secure call to Queen Edraele Valaden. Athgiloi shivers with the worry that it is the Maliri. He does not want to confirm this, but he has to. Athgiloi now waits for an answer to his fears. The crossed blades of house Valaden appear. As Athgiloi stares at ornate armor of Queen Valaden, a ripple of fear goes through his fins. “Ah, Deep Lord Athgiloi, I see you remain in good health.” The words “good health” seem to carry an veiled threat. “Yes Queen Edraele, but I call to ask if you plan any further fleet movements through Brimoran space. I would not wish there to be an unfortunate incident.” “Deep Lord Athgiloi, I first wish to answer a question you asked last time. It would help you to understand how I answer your question now. You asked about the change in name from the Maliri Regency to the Maliri Protectorate. You are quite right. As a Protectorate we Maliri have placed ourselves under the protection of a greater power. I was crowned queen by the man who is himself this greater power. Actually though, I do not govern the Maliri. All 19 noble houses, including mine, accept one man as the absolute ruler over all of us for life. We call this man Baen’thelas; the righter of wrongs, and every Matriarch and Fleet commander has sworn complete fealty to Baen’thelas. I merely help to coordinate the managing of the internal affairs of the Maliri. To make sure that all the laws that Baen’thelas enacts are carried out efficiently. It so happens I am seated next to Baen’thelas right now because I was reporting to him on the progress of the Protectorate. Since he is in complete charge of all our fleets, perhaps it would be best if you were to ask him?” Athgiloi’s sight became a tunnel. A sickening nausea spread out from his stomach as he dared not know who Baen’thelas might be. But Athgiloi already knew. After a moment, he barely whispered “Please, it would be an honor to meet Baen’thelas.” The holoscreen pulled back and he now saw his worst nightmare sitting there with an implacable scowl staring right at him. Athgiloi had read about terran lions recently. Called the Kings of the jungle; they were fearsome terran predators that kept harems. There in his Paragon Lion armour minus the helmet, sat the Lion of the Federation. To John’s left a teal skinned humanoid woman whose species Athgiloi knows all too well stood gently running her hand through John’s hair. She had an odd smile on her face. Slowly in an icy cold breath John said “Athgiloi, do you happen to remember me? I am John but here they call me Baen’thelas. I am not going to let you know anything about our fleet’s movements or actions in what, for the moment, is Brimorian space. If there is an incident, that will be unfortunate for you. However, since you called, let us talk about the Abandoned.” This was the beginning of a not very good day for Athgiloi.


For the American boomers among us I add that Irillith and Tashana had arranged for an ancient Terran song to begin playing at that moment. It was from a "TV show" about Vice in Miami. … I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord And I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life, oh lord Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord … Well, if you told me you were drowning I would not lend a hand I've seen your face before my friend But I don't know if you know who I am … Well, I was there and I saw what you did I saw it with my own two eyes So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been It's all been a pack of lies … And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord, oh lord … Well I remember, I remember don't worry How could I ever forget It's the first time, the last time we ever met But I know the reason why you keep this silence up No you don't fool me The hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows It's no stranger to you and me I DEFINITELY need to see a psychiatrist.


.174: Yes, I agree that seeking professional help would be a good idea,... but your crazed mind is definitely NOT a dull place, congrats on that! And until your brand new shrink makes you dull and uninteresting, please continue to share your thoughts with your fellow odd-balls! ;-) (a fellow BOOMER) TTFN


.176: I am off to read/enjoy the freshly updated version of Tefler's TSM #145, toodles ya'll... ;-) TTFN


can't wait for Jade to realise she has another sister..... Athgiloi's day will get worse


Best blend of TV & Music ...one of my Favorite songs .


Another completely unoficial post. Tefler has every right to delete it.A Shopping Trip on Valaden Cartiria was bored, as usual. Unlike the other 11 employee’s at “Mailiri Finery”, she was never interested in the back bighting gossip at the upper class women’s clothing store. She also had no interest in politics and her prospects in life were rather bleak; as befitting a woman of her standing. Her only solace was those wonderful Terran holomovies and shows. Especially the romantic comedies. She knew this was pure propaganda from the Terran Federation. No society could ever be that happy or full of possibilities. Still, better to dream the few centuries of her life away than face the daily loneliness. She was so unawares of her surroundings that she failed to hear the excitement from the street, or even the soft chime as a cluster of young women walked in. “Excuse me, do you work here?” said a, wait, WHAT? Said a woman from a huge mane of blonde hair cascading well past the shoulders. Cartitiria’s eyes blinked rapidly and fear welled up at the thought of being seen by a Terran when she saw the pointy ears and the confusion turned fright became a complete bbedlam of emotions for her. “Ye..Yes, I think so?” Cartiria stammered in what was more babbling than coherent words. The most amazing smile broke out from this…this, whatever this blond apparition was. Suddenly hearing a cacophony of giggles, laughter, snorts and hand slapping breaking out before this ,,,this definitely female thing that was in front of her; it registered on Cartiria that a group of women, each with luxurious long hair in almost every different color imaginable, had all walked into the store and were trying to get her attention. “Well, if you do work here, and if you get a commission, today is your lucky day!” said Alyssa throwing up her hands in the air from which proceeded a shower of multicolored sparking stars. One of the women behind Alyssa, a red head, fell on the floor laughing and, yes she did, she farted. A riot ensued as the owner came up front. This was not the way to seek garments at “Mailiri Finery.” Cartiria just stood there forgetting to breathe, turning even bluer either from embarrassment or from the lack of oxygen. “Stop this at once.” said Altimitria, in her most haughty voice. “I will not have my establishment made a mockery of.” Calming to an almost elegant posture, Alyssa said “My apologies, we were sent here by appointment by Queen Edraele Valaden. I believe we have an appointment for right now. It is my understanding that your establishment will be closed for the rest of the day by order of her Majesty the Queen at the request of Baen’thelas.” “Are you Alyssa?” “Yes, and these are my friends. The one rolling on the ground laughing is my best friend Dana. Well, best friend after Baen’thelas.” Alyssa said Baen’thelass very slowly while managing to lick her lips saying John’s title. “Edrale is also a close friend. In command after me, but still, we really are all good friends and the fact that I out rank Queen Edraele even on Valaden is something I would NEVER mention.” Over their telepathic bond, Alyssa could hear Edraele laughing so hard it actually interrupted a meeting of planetary Governors.” At some point during this unreal exchange between Mailri snobbery and whatever this Alyssa personage and her entourage were; Cartiria had begun to breathe again. In fact, Cartiria was trying now very hard not to smile. She was clearly not going to be bored anymore today. She pinched herself while no one noticed. She wanted to make sure she had not been hypnotized or had somehow magically been drawn into some extra zany Terran comedy show. At this point Betrixa, had shed her dress, turned into an exaggeration of her original cat girl form and with very cat like paws extended one long nail towards Altimiria and said “Careful, cat might have your toungue.” In a very feline purr. A tiny spark lept from the claw unto the lips opf Altimitria. “Betrixa you naughty kitten, let the woman speak first!” playfully warned Alyssa. Almost like a robot, since she had sealed away every emotion just as she had learned to do from a very young age in the hostile Maliri culture; Altimitria quickly calculated that this was some form of punishment from Edraele. An elaborate trap to test her loyalty or simply to destroy her reputation for reasons only that malevolent bitch Edraele would know. Nothing good could come of this. The one good fortune was \her least favorite employee Cartiria had happened to be the first to greet this execrable mob of outsiders. “So it is. Very well, Cartiria here will see to your every request. Should you need of me, call. I must deal with an emergency in the back for now.” Without ever having warned the staff that Edraele had sent word that V.I.P.s were coming to shop today,. Altimitria now found pleasure inflicting this unwelcome surprise on Cartiria. In the meantime, Alyssa’s eyes were shut. Even so if looking closely one would see the bright radiance that shone behind as she read the minds of Altimitria and Cartiria. Her only worry was how to convince John to add a store clerk to the rather large harem. As for Altimitria, she was not particularly evil. Just another Maliri bitch in a fucked up culture. Cartiria opened her mouth to ask but Alyssa decided it would be simpler to answer thequestions she was trying to prioritize: “No, there will be no punishment for being seen by non Maliri. I am not a Maliri who just had some sort of skin bleach procedure. I was born a Terran but decided to change my species to Kythfaren because Baen’thelas wanted it, even though he did not know he wanted it. I see you are really out of the loop with Mailiri current events and politics. You might want to skip a couple of Terran shows and watch some news reports by a Terran named Jehanna Elani. A lot of things are happening that will change your life dramatically for the better. You have not exactly been magically been pulled into a Terran romantic comedy movie; but the lives all of all Maliri are in fact being sucked into a Terran romantic comedy movie satrring John, the Baen’thelas. You have store holocameras, Pricess Irillith here is one of the daughters of Edraele Valaen. She will download a copy of what you’re hearing and seeing and give it to you before we leave and there is nothing Altimitria can do about that. In fact, she won’t even know because that part will be wiped off the system. Yes, Irillith and Tashana are the only Maliri in our group. The rest are mostly Terran but we have a few Lenarran catgirls and Helene who is, well, the Maliri are soon going to see a lot of Helene’s people around. Alyssa took a pause for a breath, all the above coming in one long uninterrupted stream courtesy of the enhanced lung capacity that made John’s harem give such excellent blow jobs. After smiling at Cartiria who was still trying to process the first sentence about being seen by non Maliri; the freight train Alyssa continued on. “What we’re here for is formal Maliri wear. There’s going to be this presentation of Baen’thelass to the entire Maliri Protectorate at the home planet of Faranise Eshenestria. So we are looking for very formal Maliri gowns. While we are not exactly diplomats or heads of state, we do represent the way forward for all Mailri. That involves very close alliances with various other peoples, such as Terrans. Money dosen’t matter to us; Baen’thelas owns the entire Maliri Protectorate, including the entire planet this store is on, and he also owns us. He especially owns Dana, the foul mouthed redhead that farted over there; though I cannot imagine why he would want to.” Dana had gotten herself off the floor, stuck her tongue out and proceeded to make it clear she was not impressed by her friend’s assessment.” Alyssa continued after a brief eyeroll at Dana, “We call Baen’thelass John, and he likes us to look nice. So your commission today will be significant. When you have recovered your senses, I will try to get the rest of the girls to cooperate. Go ahead, take a few breaths, clear your head and let us know when you are ready.” More than ever Edraele wished she could give up being Queen, so she could just tag along and see what kind of mayhem Alyssa would come up with next. At least she was there in mind, if not in person. Author’s note: my psychiatrist has informed me he is cancelling my next appointment because he needs a psychiatrist after dealing with me.

Idaho Spud56

Get on the discord server and then you can chat with Tefler directly about your addition to the story.


.183: A shopping trip on Valaden, If Tef were to write such a scene and charge us for it, he would have all his whinners going ballistic! And thank goodness that your weenie of a shrink hasn't had much luck curbing your imagination... Toodles! ;-) TTFN


It is sad that in current Western society it is usually the whiners and weiners that wind up the winners.


Sqeaky wheel gets the grease when it should be replaced


Do what you need to Tefler. Life happens. Those of us who trust you and care about you and your creation will be here. I personally would pay more for TSM but my life is hectic myself (just sent my GF off to take care of her mom and aunt for who knows how long, car broke, I need a new roof/door). That being said I won’t ever complain about forward charges as long as the chapter eventually happens. Hope you and the family are doing better!


can we please get an artist rendering of the progenitor ships the descriptions are not working for me to imagine what they look like i need more detail


So what did Faye see on the internal cameras before she was rendered "comatose"? Was it evidence of the tracking device in the Invictus? Was it faint evidence of an ancient Kythfaren that had survived by perfecting the art of camouflage and concealment and perhaps discretely intervenes to help John? Or was it more evidence of the already obvious fact that loving sex can supercharge Crystal Alyssium the way death and fear charges the Progenitor black metal? Tefler has been dropping occasional references to loving sex can supercharge Onyxium containing metal.

Jedi Khan

We'll never find out. She's dead, and there's no backup of that particular memory.


I don't go on Discord, so anyone see if there's any news on Tef's schedule for 146? Not that I'm on the edge of my seat or anything.

Brittany durin

Can anyone guess how long it's been story time since the thrall scout ships were sent out?


It occurs to me the Achonin would not be descendants of the Kythfaren as they use completely different runes.


.202: No, I'm unsure of exactly how much story time has passed while Gahl'kelgor's Scout Cruisers search for Baen'thelas,.. but I would think that soon (chapter #146 or #147) Tef will need to put them back into to narrative so he can drum up the tension and excitement before he let's loose with a big ole battle in TSM #150, hip-hip-hooray! (excitedly drooling a little bit-wipe chin),.. the gang will be fighting against the clock to retrieve as many of Larn'kelnar's former Fleets as they can, and get their new Maliri crews used to them, before battling Gahl's thrall Fleet. So looking forward to the few chapters!!! ;-) TTFN


.203: 2ndA, you reasoned that out quite well,.. It seems that reading all those Sherlock Holmes stories in your somewhat misspent youth are now paying off nicely,.. good show ole bean! Ta-ta-for-Now...


does any body know what year it is in tsm and how long humans have been in space


lol @Michael56Smith thanks everybody for the info

Jim lynch

Come on tefler I’m waiting and I’m not too patient lol.


I say highly unlikely. finished 145 edits on the 4th started on the 5th. Best output is 10 days for a Chapter, so 15th earliest would be my guess.

Jim lynch

Ye but he said the 10th the other day well he was hoping for the 10th anyway


.223: And again, Yeah Jim, but that was said before it took him an extra 3-4 days to drop the new, improved, and lemony fresh chapter #145 on us (on the 4th),.. so while it's possible that he might finish chapter #146 (1st draft anyway) by tonight or tomorrow (10th or 11th),.. it is a bit more likely for it to be at least next week before it drops,.. sorry,.. '-( TTFN


.224: It is the 10th! Tef wrote on the 30th of November that he was shooting for 1 day to do new scenes for chapter #145, and then 10 more days to write #146,.. but #145 didnt drop until the 4th,.. so we need to add a few more days until we can expect his next chapter, sorry guys,.. and that's even assuming that his 10 days to finish off TSM #146 was spot on,.. so mid month or there-abouts, then we have Christmas and New Years,... with a hopeful maybe for chapter #147 at month's end, best possibility,.. still better than waiting a month for a half chapter, he's been working more, better, and harder for us all,... sigh! ;-) Happy Holidays everyone! TTFN


Some more personal psychotherapy now. Again, this is NOT approved by Tefler at all. Time to Man Up at Genkira prt 1 Ceraden returning a call from John: “Lady luck’s favorite son! How may I be of service to my friend?” with his usual flourish. “I’m following up on my plans to get Maliri men back to the home worlds. I wanted a favor for you to get this done by starting at Genkira station.” “I would say this is a fool’s errand, but I have seen what the former Captain of the Fool’s Gold has managed to do. What would you have me do?” “If I offer 100,000 credits to the most important men to attend a meeting at Genkira, do you think you can get some to go?” “For that many credits I can’t see anyone turning it down. Frankly, with all the speculation about you, I don’t think offering credits is necessary.” “I understand you men have a loose form of Government centered around various guilds. How many would you think I should invite to the meeting? Remember that I have basically unlimited funds. I do want to avoid a giant crowd so I can take time to answer everyone’s questions though.” “I think about 20 would be quite enough. Just curious, what do you plan to say? I warned you before, appeals to patriotism will not work.” “That’s the other thing I wanted to speak with you about. There are some things I am planning on saying and doing at the meeting that will make you queasy my friend. I wanted to have a frank discussion with you and get your advice on what might be too much information.” “That sounds ominous…” “No. not ominous, but probably uncomfortable for you and some of it even for me. I want to tell these men the Truth. I want them to realize their life is in danger if they remain at Genkira. I want them to understand the Maliri Protectorate is nothing like the Maliri Regency and that they will have my personal guarantee that they will be treated with honor and respect. To convince them of that I have to let them know who I am and what I am capable of.” There was a long pause as Ceraden lost the smile behind his opaque helmet. “John, can you guarantee this communication is secure?” “You remember Irillith don’t you? She’s here beside me and she’s now going to say hello. Don’t be frightened. This is MY Irillith now. She’s not about to have you assassinated as she was planning to do before I put a collar on her…and did things to her she desperately needed. She is almost tame now, well most of the time anyway. So Ceraden, please try to relax, I want you to understand just how secure this communication is.” At that moment Ceraden’s holoscreen viewer began to bend and shimmer. Two slender azure hands came out the screen, grabbed the sides and Irillith hauled her digital virtual form across the light years to float in front of the very startled Ceraden. She was wearing a very noticeable white collar; and an even more noticeable wicked grin. “Hi Ceraden, thank you so much for being John’s friend. I already had a look around and inactivated all the recording devices before John spoke. Most of them were probably yours. I will leave them off when you two are finished so you can re activate only those you want. I would give you a hug, but this form can be a bit shocking to hold, so I’ll just get back to my seat next to John now.” As Irillith disappeared, Ceraden slowly took his seat back. Shrugging his shoulders in a small laugh, he removed his helmet. “All right John, I can see what you meant by uncomfortable. I do get a bit skittish around these spooky powers you have. Still, you have proven more than a friend. I will listen.” “My friend, I am now the undisputed leader of the Maliri.” Irillith began to giggle very loudly. Giving her an annoyed sideways stare, John asks “OK Irillith, is there something you wanted to correct me on?” Irillith holds up both hands and looks upwards “Me, correct the Mighty Baen’thelas, god of the Trankarans, champion of the Ashanath and Lion of the Federation? I would never do that!” She puts her hands down and purring seductively looks at John. “Unless maybe I can get a spanking afterwards, and maybe something rougher…” Ceraden is takes off his gloves now and begins to grin as he knows this is going to be another very entertaining call with his friend. He’s thinking that maybe if it goes on long enough either Alyssa or Dana might show up and crank it up to bedlam. “Alright Irillith, seeing I made you a princess by crowning your mother…” “Oh, you DEFINITELY crowned her, and me, and my sister and…” “Irillith!” an exasperated John screams, “I am trying to save the Maliri from extinction here! Can you please make your point so I can get on with it?” “Very well, back to business” Irrillith continues, “look Ceraden, John is markedly understating the case. He does not just lead the Maliri. He OWNS the Maliri. One look at him and any Maliri woman with black hair goes into a trance and will do anything he wants. Even a picture of John will mesmerize them for an hour. Those women John chooses to change but not bind to himself have short white hair. Their personalities are radically changed, as you are well aware of by your daughters and lovers. They now look favorably on John, but they become obsessed with pleasing whatever other man chooses to be with them in a permanent way. You know how wonderful they are.” “The women with long white hair are permanently bound to John. If he wanted to, John could completely take away their free will; but John is not like that. John is a good man, and he really loves the women that he is with. As you’re quite aware he likes them feisty but trust me, all of us would follow him off a cliff is he asked us to. John is not like his uncle Mael’nerak at all. He doesn’t want slaves. He wants powerful women who fall in love with him, madly in love. John doesn’t lead us by fear. The only thing we fear is disappointing or losing him. He is more than a leader to the Maliri. He is Baen’thelas, the righter of wrongs.” Ceraden startled “Wait, THE Mael’nerak is John’s uncle?” “Well, he was, he died to save the Maliri about 10K years ago because he fell in love with Valada. Yes, THE Valada that founded House Valaden. He also gave her some powers, not as strong, but like John. That is why I was able to resist John for a little while at first. Still, you saw the absolute shock seeing him for the first time was for me. ” After a few seconds of silence so Ceraden could grasp this John continued. “That’s the first thing I want to explain to the men at Genkira. All the Noble Houses have sworn complete loyalty to me. I have already made numerous changes. No torture, no neural whips, no executions without a trial, no assassinations and much else. What I want to do now is offer men continents, even whole planets if they can populate them, where they will be in control. In those areas, any woman would have to get permission from the male only Government to even visit, let alone live. As long as there is no abuse, the men will make and enforce all the laws in those areas. The military will remain with the women, but they will not be allowed on those continents unless they are asked for to provide assistance.” “But why would you want us to leave the border stations when we’re doing quite well here?” “Because a war is coming. Another man similar to me with a vast fleet and tremendous powers is coming to destroy the Maliri. If he finds that almost all the men are on the border, it would be logical to exterminate the Maliri by killing off the men first. I can’t provide protection out in the periphery. You are at great danger at Genkira my friend.”


I’m thinking they won’t go get Larn’s thrall ships. I was reading that Larn said he was never going back home because as soon as he did he would be exposed to Xar’ and his control again. John might not have the same ‘agreement’ with Xar’ that progenitors do, but he would be outside the Shroud and this does not seem like a good idea.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

He will be outside the shield, but he will not be pulled into Xar's astral nightmare either. He goes straight to Athena. And, as you said, he has not accepted the 'deal'. So John is quite safe.


Outside the shroud John is exposed, it would be like turning on a lighthouse on a dark night telling everyone ‘I’m here! Psychic speaking of course. Xar knows John is somewhere in the area but the shroud prevents him being pinpointed, hence Gal-whatever your called, has to search. Going to Larn’s territory, I’d be a betting man on that some bad guy shows up in just few hours to investigate. Can’t wait to see what Tef has planned.


.229: 'Uncle Mael'nerak", Hah! I just gotta love it! -- Ceraden has lived at the Geniya Trading station -- Info: 1) the Genthelas shipyard - orbiting Valaden, 2) Genirath station - Kintark border, 3) Geniya station - T-Fed border 4) GenKiri - Ashanth Ambassidor (Contarean) stationed there, closest to Ashana, 5) Genwyen station - Brimorian/Trankaran border. ( the other defensive stations from 10,000 years ago were decommissioned, just these 4 plus were repurposed,...) And Ceraden will soon be at Alyssa's trading station for it's Grand Opening... ;-) TTFN


The Shroud. What inspired Mael'nerak to create it? Did he create it? Did he know what effect it would have on himself and the area which it covers? If so, how was he permitted to create it? What, precisely, is it? Where is it? In the Astral plane or in this one, or both? Where is its generating source? What is the source of its power? How vulnerable is it? How long does a Progenitor take to realize that they have entered the region that it covers and what those effects are? If Mael'nerak created the Shroud and was a Progenitor and if all Progenitors return to slave under Xar’aziuth's dominion, then what happened to Mael'nerak and his knowledge of the Shroud? Does Xar'aziuth now know all about it? Is he unable to do anything about it for some reason? So many questions, so few answers. Looking forward to finding out more!


you forgot how big is it what is the true edge of the shrouds protection how far does it go how many light years


good point on the kirrix bet we know it does not cover the whole galaxy or even reach the galkiran empire border so we have some info on how big it is


perhaps the shroud is a creation of the Achonin originally created to shroud them from Xar'aziuth


.237: I wonder if Tef will let our heroes discover a way to really extend the Shroud, take it galaxy wide,.. include the Magellanic clouds also so the more stubborn Progenitors can't hide out there,.. whether this new tech was something the Achonin or Mael'nerak or even the Vulcans (live long, and prosper) were working on,.. just let Dana wrap her sweet, auburn haired, head around this technology and then poor ole Xar'azuith goes hungry,.. Tah-dah! take a bow Sparks! ,.. If only some quirky British erotic sci-fi author would dare to toss Dana such a bone! sigh, the Great and Powerful Tef works in mysterious ways,.. '-) TTFN


.236: Yeah, we know the Shroud is pretty sizable, but if it only covers a fraction of the galaxy,.. say around an eighth, or a 16th of the galaxy, that would would still be 100 to 200 million star systems at a minimum,.. you could hide quite a few Empires, Federations, and Commonwealths in an area that large,... and the dang'd ole Progenitors would still control over half the galaxy, with a few dozen Empires of at least several hundred habitable worlds in each... Now understand the Bugs seeking the end/borders of the Shroud--but they are much like the Wise Old Owl who tells the inquiring child it only take three licks to get to the center of a tootsie-pop, right? Not real scientific,.. But if the center point of the Shroud is near the old Achonin Empire, plus or minus a few hundred light years, and encompasses several thousand light years in all directions, it is BIG! and what would be a good way to test if you are still under the Shroud? Take a few thousand Kirrix, their symbiotic breeding hosts, and a keep at it for months or years?,... well that would keep one scientifically oriented Hive Queen busy for some long while, and she could take a conquest flotilla along too, just in case they spot some really good real estate for a new colony world (sentient hosts optional?),.. Now I'm depressed,... John needs to swat the Bugs, deep pan fry the Brimorians, and behead 99 percent of the Progenitors,.. yeah, that's the ticket! ;-) TTFN


Where do you have the 8th or16th, The map seen with all the different Progenitors is only the observable universe, I think it covers less than 1%


Any news about 146 ??


due out soon tef said releese would be around the 10 of dec so any day now (f5 key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Lost my faith in what Tefler says... he missed his own delivery expectation for the last 6/7 months constantly. Whatever the reason is or might be.. he tells us what he is doing.. but does NOT do what he told us.. I have issues with that.. can not trust what he says..

Tefler Fan 007

His dates are just guidelines to keep him focused and are not set in stone. He spent the first 5 days of the month finishing 145. So best guess would be between 15-20th of the month. It’s also the holiday season so he is probably spending time with family.


Surely Dana needs to design a portable shroud for excursions outside the main shroud?


Thought 145 came out first of December at 1108am


Reading R hard "finishing" being the important word you missed


He expected to finish 146 approx dec 10th... Didnt even see a start..... not even a notice about a (delayed) start... again THAT is what bugs me..


i have to admit im curious about the abandoned they might be the answer to the maliri population problem if john gets the abandoned to mate with the maliri to make more maliri but its also possible john could turn the abandoned into a second thrall spieces with helen as a new matriarch we still dont know if john will claim larns thralls along with his fleets john may end up ruler of the galaxy with all thralls his using warp gates to connect everything

Jim lynch

That seems a bit harsh he’s never that late unless illness or personal problems happen both of which can hardly be held against him.


Nearly all adult Larathyran women are dead, leaving only the few that became of age after Larn'kelnar's departure. He might claim them, but the species needs time to replenish. Assuming a progenitor* can even claim multiple species. (*asterisk for John not being an actual progenitor)


.250: Myrnalin! were have you seen a map with Progenitor Empires in it? And please don't tell me that it was from some lame amateur on Discord,.. ;-) TTFN


Wondered if the John and the gang would reach a level of psychic strength where they could bring the battle directly to Xar on the astral plane. Without him, I think the progenitors would just fight each other, they definitely wouldn’t work together to invade the shrouds since progenitors don’t seem to come back


That’s a good point since Xar feeds off death. Killing a few dozen progenitors and a few billion thralls is only going to make Xar all the more powerful and more difficult to deal with. Tef is already showing us John’s reluctance to kill a thrall. But if John engages a progenitor who husks millions of his own thralls for power, as with Larn’, it amounts to the same thing. The massive singularity Dana created that turned the pyramid into a marble sounds like an obviously fast way to deal with Progenitor dreadnoughts. So obvious Tef will probably have to explain why that isn’t going to be their go-to method of killing them. John said there are no runes in the Progenitor playbook for Dana’s gravitational abilities so they should be particularly vulnerable to this superpower.


.260: Along with my burning desire to discover the details for the new and improved Invictus and the Raptor and the Mech, and maybe a Sweet Little Dreadnought destroying Auxiliary craft (the SLDD),.. I want to see Helene learning to fly,.. and just what are Jehanna's shadow powers, and Athena Light powers for that matter?,... some more stuff for Tef to cover and to keep straight,.. and now he wants to knock out more than one chapter (okay a little shorter) per month,.. poor guy will be typing his little fingers to the bone,... sigh! huff! cough,... come on TSM #146, this week, please,... and Happy Holidays to you All! (-;{ TTFN


.261: Okay, new and improved ship names, we already have the Invictus, so that stays... the replacement Raptor upgrade: and PLRus Founding blah-blah-blah TSM F5 club - Shinigami means death in Japanese and Vegner means to come, to become and Atashi is the feminine form of I am. Full name Atashi Vegner Shinbigami.... he goes for a short form of Atagami (Me)... I vote for the Death-Raptor... and use Aragami for Jehanna's superhero name. (Means a vengeful spirit with the power to control the shadows), ... and I do like SLDD for Sweet Little Dreadnought Destroyer, pronounced S.L. double D... appropriate for this bunch, right? And they've spoken of getting / building a destroyer for almost a hundred chapters, it's time! And who could ever top Dana's UWS Ultra Strike Valkyrie 001? it's just so 'classic'!! -- anything else needing a name? do we need to rename the Shroud... what did 10,000 years ago Rahn'hagon call it? Was it ever mentioned in Valara's records? };-) TTFN


.262: ,.. do you think that archeologist Tashana might ask John if she could interview Rahn'hagon,.. he might share some quite interesting eyewitness history,..? ;-) TTFN

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

And you couldn't disagree without being rude? Really? My suggestion was that offensive to you? I don't understand your vitriole. I value your opinion, is it too much to ask for the same in return?


One of the biggest plot holes that needs filling is artificial insemination for the Maliri. Why would border males not just sell their sperm as long as they weren't responsible for the children? I can see why some would not. There was a time I needed money and almost did sell my sperm but decided that there being a kid out there even by such a route was not something I wanted. However, it would only take a few Maliri men to provide sufficient sperm donations for trillions of pregnancies. Thi pot hole could be filled "Deus Ex Machina" by a genetic predisposition against artificial insemination. After all, Space operas use more of these artificial literary devices than almost any other genre, pun intended.


A demigod is pumping cum and psychic powers into aliens, breaking every law of physics, and you’re struggling with why there isn’t artificial insemination? The truckload of suspension of disbelief you need to read TSM can carry one more pebble.


any word from tef??


.270: Not yet, but maybe this week, it's been ten days after the dropping of the extended TSM #145 on the 4th,.. and ten more days was Tef's original timeframe to ready TSM #146,,, so it could well be any day now,... (sing it!) ;-) TTFN


Sounds like a Ronnie Milsap song...any day now.


I think a Czech gal has to be added, we did invent the boob job and we are very good with crystal so she could help out Dana. Good with guns, pistol and howitzer have Czech roots. Could definitely drink xar under the table. Sorry, this is adhd at 60.

Sushant Bhartiya

Hi Guys: Which was the last chapter? I changed my payment method and I see only 1st Dec post. I thought this month 3 parts were to come?


It’s the holidays. Cut the guy some slack. I’m hoping for the first half of 146 by December 31. And that omicron variant better not even think about fucking with Tefler.


Wasn’t omicron the really bad robot in the transformer movie


Ch. 145 completed. Ch. 146 due any time between now and the end of this month.


In the movie they had the ancient evil one, it was unicron, voiced by orson welles

Brian Woods

…only if she can get over her inborn hatred of another Progenitor, my dude. Recall that she damn near flame broiled his behind in the Astral Plane the first time they met. I doubt a one-on-one interview would fare much better XP…


.289: I'll try posting my TSM/Tef wish list again, and hope this one doesn't disappear too: First is to requisition Larn'kelnar's marooned Fleet of war ships, to use in Maliri defense. Next, they have not got much time, but they can return later, to hunt and search for any interesting Mael'nerak tech goodies and just raw knowledge stuff... Find some reference to the Trankaran Sun Forges... Have at least a partial idea on items in the Invictus's refit... Using Mael's version of CA (white metal) and the Sun Forges the gang whips out (rapidly) a brand spanking new, and very powerful, Invictus (or Invictus II - ROAR!), a new Raptor, a new Mech, and maybe that destroyer they have discussed before... Then they go kick that Asshat, Gahl'kalgor's butt! ,,, Later they save, restore, and tone down the 'old' Invictus to the Pulse cannons and 3 times more powerful Lasers stage, leave in the Lagoon, and gift the old girl back to Charles for when he retires... Complete construction of Alyssa's trading station and stock it with lots of goodies... Get Lynnette to provide names / leads on Personnel at or near retirement age, or injured in a way that Rachel can fix, to form the core of a new, expanded crew for the Invictus's Auxiliary crafts... Expand the Shroud, Deep fry the Deep Pool, Swat the Bugs (Kirrix), and save the Abandoned... Defeat / destroy Xar'azuith and all those Asshat Progenitors... Put beautiful babies into deserving wombs... And have Jehanna win a Maliri people's choice award! -- I can dream, can't I? ;-) TTFN


10th has come and gone. Only getting one chapter a month from now on?


.291: Well, Timtom, that's a possibility... he had needed to double up a couple of times to make his roof repair payments, and now that the Holidays are here, he might just cut back his workload, but remember that he has already begun to shorten his average chapter to about 19K to 21K, instead of around a 30K word count... So, a monthly 20K chapter, without him needing to do a buff and polish over the next week, is also a possibility... Even after 5 years writing this erotic sci-fi opus, Tef is still a work in progress when it comes to his writing work habits, especially when he does his estimates, it always takes him a little bit longer and he doesn't keep in good contact with his fans on those changes... he seems to be trying to do better, and maybe he'll get there eventually... BEST OF LUCK TO US ALL, AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS ;-) TTFN


Robster, It's Not a free chapter because I've already paid for it. I'm just waiting to receive what I have already paid for.


I am liking the wish list. It would be a nice present, but you have been on the naughty list for awhile :-)


I knew he was going to drop down to one chapter East month a long time ago. He just keep saying two and delivering one with lots of revisions later. I’d be happy with one finished chapter a month

Christopher Miller

Earlier post brought up adding more Terran girls and what would their ethnicity be. Caucasian is already well represented, asian is covered with Jehanna and Sakura, Calara's got the latina corner taken care of. So, if we're going for complete diversity that leaves maybe Polynesian, Jewish, Arabic and a woman of African descent. Any other possibilities I'm overlooking? I know John's a big fan of contrasting skin types (and eye and hair colors) in the bedroom. I am to!


Ginger, except that freckles are a genetic defect so, does John keep a defective gene around just for the variety?


Czech also gave us the word robot, which means serf or something like that. The slavs gave us the word SLAVery because they were they were far more heavily enslaved for centuries.

Christopher Miller

@Malcolm - The Aboriginies? Definitely a worthy consideration. @2ndandro - Maybe I'm missing something, or there is a different context for ginger somewhere else than where I'm from. But doesn't ginger mean redhead? And yes, redheads frequently have freckles, but not always. Either way, wouldn't Dana cover that end?


.306: The talk revolving around Tef's delivering one, two, or even three chapters per month (as he had done early on, when there was a lot less to keep track of), Assuming he sticks to a shorter chapter, of around 20K words, then based on his past 30K chapters, he could likely give us one and a half chapters per month. In other words, it would be one chapter this month, and two chapters next month, or eighteen of the 20K chapters every year... it just needs Tef to set his goals accordingly... and he could pretend he needs to make another hefty payment, so he picks up the pace, I could live with something like that. But that might just be a wish list item that doesn't get fulfilled. - Tef will work out what works for him! As long as the story keeps moving forward, I can except the author needing a little extra time to work through a plot problem or just plain old writer's block... Tef's been at this for a few years, I think we can count on him carrying on, right? :-) TTFN


I think you're right. It would be nice to get a brief update, though. Merry Christmas to all!


It was sort of a joke, from Google: “Redhead” is used to pertain to a hair color; “ginger” is a derogatory label when referring to an overall look of an individual. ... Anyone with red hair color can be called a redhead. Individuals with pale, freckled skin and vibrant red hair color are called a ginger." Dana has auburn, as in soft red, and no freckles. Since freckles are a genetic defect in melanin production, I was wondering if Dana went from worm girl ginger to soft redhead.


Every time I post an unfriendly comment about him being late, he delivers the chapter shorter thereafter. So I’m wondering if I need to do that again. 😅🙈🤣


"Unfriendly comment about Tef being late" Did it... work? Or is it a power that so far only works for you?


Maladaptive behavior around expectations and money exacerbates stress. We need a reset in January.


has anyone heard from Tef?


.318: Regarding the current invading Asshat... After John lops off Gahl'kalgor's misogynistic head, does John then get Valeria as his Matriarch number four? Maybe? and another Fleet of Black ships and another Hyper-Warp Gate too... (oh boy!) and then we have ole Xar'azuith... "What, me worry?" as he twirls his mustache...just don't let him get ahold of Sweet Sue or he'll tie her to the railroad tracks... ;-) TTFN


I was thinking today, John hasn't added any new girls since he became his full self correct?


.323: Oh, one thing that I'd love to see happen is for John, and mostly Dana, along with some aid from Voss, Maliri and Ashanath engineers, is to upgrade the military space-ship manufacturing at Port Heracles to produce state of the art ships as Olympus shipyard does, but also build them with Maliri crystal superstructures (Strength - 6 times titanium, 10 times with a dash of Etherite added to the mix), plus it's lighter than Titanium too... and maybe import some Eternity crystals from the little Grey fellows, to make the energy weapons more efficient... These ships would help to protect those Outer Rim Colonies, and they'd all feel safer... And maybe Alyssa could set up one of her 'Secrets' shops on Heracles, selling Maliri sex toys and stuff... ;-) TTFN


.324: Yeah, Alyssa needs to get on his case to bring in more girls, especially if they do build that ultra-powerful destroyer that they have been talking about since they lengthened the Invictus... My thoughts are to add at least one Maliri (a Hacker, like Irillith), a few Terrans (older- retired or close to it - so John can make them young again... maybe some tough Trankaran solders / security types, a squad... and possibly have John try his psychic cum out on a few telepathic Ashana engineers... also they could have Celphna when they get around to deep frying the deep pool... now that would be a tough crew for a powerful little ship! ;-) TTFN


I have not kept up with all of the comments so maybe this has been brought up before. Has anyone else considered what will become of Vestele Waephyra. If her personality truly has been lost due to brain damage. Then is there a better option or opportunity to do a consciousness transfer of Athena into Vestele Waephyra shell. As Athena has stated she is feeling guilt over her continued existence which is occupying a portion of Alyssas mind and prevention her from reaching her full potential. Having Athena transferred to Vestele mind would free her and allow her to join John as another full female progenitor. Admittedly iAthena taking over Vestele body does not help house Warphyra much as Athena has much more potential and talent than a matriarch. But that problem can be handled in a number of other ways.


.327: Well, Sharkbait, I believe that within the sciences of the 28th century in Tef's story, the optimum body to move Athena's consciousness into would be a clone of Alyssa... and even though Vestele's mind is only 20% there, John can rebuild her into a new and better Matriarch... or that's the current plan anyway... And now that Mael's old cloning lab has been found, I expect both an Alyssa clone to give Athena a body of her own, and a Nymph clone to allow a digital copy of Faye to be transcribed into, via their crystal hearts... then John will have two more newbies to keep topped up... I hope this was helpful... ;-) TTFN


John wouldn't give the Tfed an upgrade that the other empires don't have. He trusts Lynette and Charles, but he doesn't trust the rest of the Admiralty. The Tfed have worthless digital security, so any plans should be presumed to be hacked. So this won't happen. Sorry.


.329: On Brecken's World, at the Outer Rim Governors conference, you just know Luce is going to figure out that Lynnette is a secret Lioness... ;-) TTFN


Okay, so the 10th has come and gone, and now another 10 days has come and almost gone. And since Tefler hasn’t said a word, I doubt we will be receiving anything until at least after Boxing Day as he’s probably my knee deep in last minute Christmas preparation. Only reason I’d say we’d get this sooner is if he gets his credit card statement in early and he needs more money from us.


.342: Well, DHC, I was thinking along those lines earlier this month, but remember that TSM #146 was paid for at the end of last month, so if our good ole boy Tef wants another payday this year, he'll need to get us a version of #147 before the end of December. So, either he is planning on dropping both chapters at about the same time or he just doesn't get to move his token to 'GO' and collect $200... Anyways, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ;-) TTFN


@ M56S.... @.346 Think Tefler cant get it out b4 christmas He is already 12 days behind his estimated delivery day. Without notice.. but i do hope it will stll be this year.. Cant image he will have the guts to ask for advanced payment for chappie 147. If he does .. i will cut my contribution and wait till the chapters land on SOL or Lit.. I have to wait anyway.. My mantra is :Tell what you are doing, but also DO what you have told to others. Tefler is failing on both those accounts now.. Sadly for us.. but he will have reasons to do so (or not to do so).


This Isn't The Airport, You Don't Have To Announce Your Departure


Creative work is hard to schedule. Schedules actually hurt it from what I've seen. Tefler needs a breath or two and I suspect the new money coming in has been very nice but turned into a problem itself. With baby tef and all his creative process has become a critical income stream. When thst happens and without a publisher willing to shelter the artist it turns into a lead weight. So Tefler get on the ball man. Get this shit right. Nobody wants to see your subs about face and the story die. Would a monthly couple bucks be better for you than a per chapter? I'd Be down as long as you stay communicative.


@Matthew.. SOL = storiesonline.net


im re reading the series waiting for new chapter just on 107 the trankarens have the soul forge built into there star forge made of glistining black metal

Malcolm Rickarby

One thing that has had me entertained while waiting for our favourite story to continue is possibly also distracting Tefler. England is involved in a five test series for the ashes. It has been riveting viewing and as it is being held in Australia it is causing many hours of lost sleep for English cricket fans who call themselves the barmy army. The next test starts on Boxing Day at the MCG so I might attend with a “ get back to work Tefler “ banner. He’ll get the message that we miss him.


.361: Hey matthew, help me out here buddy, since you just reread that chapter, is it 'Star' Forges or 'Sun' Forges, or even 'Solar' Forges? This naming problem has been discussed before... and yes, we have all followed Tef's breadcrumbs to the Trankarans having Mael'neraks improved version of the Soul Forge, it works after a fashion, but it just needs Dana to come along and give it a little techno tweak... good job spotting it! ;-) TTFN

Jedi Khan

Being a Yank, it took until the word "cricket" for me to realize you were talking about a sport. Even then, I still don't quite understand "a five test series for the ashes" and I doubt any other person from the US would either.


they call it star forge and i think neskirias dad the forge lord said all 6 were up and runing neskiria watch the ore fall into hot plazma then into a mold and a new battle ship hull was forged or cast it was glowing red then she moved on to the next one with a cruiser hull that had cooled to the rust collor of trankaren ships


https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fACZsJcsvLE/WVJbTDMaobI/AAAAAAAACEI/aWQNNTMS-FQUhLO8hq-QyMq-plCtzC_QwCLcBGAs/s1600/efsf__battleship_v2_0_by_ivkol-d5ovt5u.jpg BING LINK TO SPACE SHIP I THINK MATCHES THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGEN DREADNOUGHT



Malcolm Rickarby

Hi Jedi, watching test cricket can be very time consuming. Each match goes for five days of seven hours and unless one side dismiss the other twice , they call it a draw. With five matches over about six weeks you can see where the time goes. They play for a trophy that is a tiny wooden urn that contains the ashes of a part of the wicket from over a century ago. It’s only between England and Australia and features in quite a few Sci-Fi stories. There are one day versions of cricket . The USA were playing Ireland in one a couple of days ago .

Jedi Khan

Um. Okay. I'll just chalk this up to the UK vs. US language/common sense barrier. As long as you guys are having fun across the pond, that's just fine by me.


When Larn was killed, presumably he headed to Xar in the Astral Plane. So was he able to tell Xar everything he’d learned about John so far? I.e. can John really keep Xar in the dark, or every time he kills a Progenitor is that Progenitor able to tell Xar everything that happened up to his death?

Malcolm Rickarby

As progenitors live for tens of Millenia we can only hope that Xar starts his debrief of newly arrived souls with “start at the beginning and tell me everything “ rather than “ what brought you to me today”?


It will not be a conversation, but soul merge I would presume


.375: Ooooh, now that's a scary thought, we don't want ole Devourer to know any more than he must... no free bees... Xar'aziuth is best kept in the dark, and I'm sure that he's happiest there anyway! ;-) TTFN


Almost Christmas and no Chapter 146 and no communication from Tefler? I have kept my subscription going even while I was unemployed, I can understand having money issues, believe me, but I am going to have to cancel my subscription and will just have to eat not getting a chapter I already paid for in November. I can't afford to keep paying for Chapters that are produced a month or two later.


then dont leave, there is no reason to announce it, writing is like making art if it goes fast it great, if not keep patient


.378: I am still wondering, if Tef having family time and ignoring TSM for now or is he pounding out both chapter #146 and #147 to present them together near months end? Tef not only throws twists into his stories, but I suspect he may be a wee bit twisted himself. -- Hey whatever works! His story is Highly addictive and the main reason that I wish he would communicate more often is so I can better control my anticipation while awaiting his next offering... sigh... Merry Christmas everyone! ;-) TTFN


Thanks for that. And the same to you and yours! Merry Christmas to all!


Merry Christmas to Tef, his family and all the members of this Community and my very best wishes to you all for good health and success throughout 2022.


Decided to check in to see if there was anything forecast past the 10th or any news. As there isn't, I wish you all a Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, or a peaceful weekend if you don't. :-)

Tefler Fan 007

Merry Christmas….F5,F5,F5……Ho,Ho,Ho……F5,F5,F5…..


.386: .... A X-mas gift from Tef on Christmas Day at almost 2am (Pacific time) ... and it's Awesome! ;-) TTFN


Hey Tef I’m not sure if you get notifications from these older posts but thought I’d write something here to avoid everyone else jumping in. I have no intention of telling you how to do things I just wanted to say that posting half chapters and then trying to complete may be making things much harder for you. Firstly, I actually don’t mind this, I’m happy to read whatever you write whenever you want to share it. That being said having constantly unfinished chapters would psychologically be very draining on you and wreak havoc on your motivation. I know the difficulty of being your own boss and trying to drive yourself and can empathise with you. If what you’re doing genuinely works for you then by all means keep going and I’ll continue to support you, however, it might be worth exploring if your motivation and mental health is better served by only posting completed chapters so you feel you have time to relax and not live under a constant cloud of trying to complete a chapter. For a long time you’ve had to complete the half chapter you’ve released then try to get on and finish another one by the end of the month and then when that doesn’t happen the cycle repeats. You never get a break really and that would be quite draining. If you focused on having a completed chapter over say 3 weeks, you could then take a week off as a break before jumping into the next one and feel more relaxed and refreshed. Of course you may eat into that time but it also gives you another week to complete it and not feel like you’re constantly playing catch up. You may even find you get ahead this way and may get into the next chapter before taking a well deserved week off. Hope this helps and again I’ve no issue with the way you do things so if this isn’t helpful please ignore it. All the best hope this year is a great one for you.