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*** EDITED - 24th April - Fixed some typos and made a few tweaks. ***

Hey everyone,

I just finished the next chapter, so here you go! I've edited the first 20k or so, but my editors have only just received the ending, so please let me know if you spot any typos.

Anyway, enough preamble... it's showtime!





Thanks Tefler




Thanks a lot Tefler, hope you & your family are safe & healthy


cheers mr


well my evening plans have changed


my plans too!!! Thank you thank you and thrice thank you!!


Thanks Tefler


I just removed the "part 1" from the first heading. Ignore that (I split the chapter into two halves for editing purposes).


It's Christmas.... :)

Who Me

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Sweet, thank you sir!

GDay (FMS)

Thank you very much Tef, have a wonderful weekend and keep you and yours safe and well.




Your the Man, Tefler! Great evening ahead!


Thanks Tefler!!!


You are the BEST!!!!


Fabulous. Can't wait to read it


Hell yes


Wonderful! Thank you, Tefler!


Oh my! Thanks T, bloody good chapter...nothing like a cliffhanger lol


It'll be really interesting to see where this goes. Clearly we're far from a resolution for John and his parents, and for how vehemently he denies them it's obvious it's still tearing him up. Jehanna also seems to want to talk to him about it, which seems like a perfect opportunity to give John a slight push to at least open a dialogue. Having two pressing disasters show up with the Brimorians and and the influx of matriarchs seems like a good opportunity for some form of redemption for Rahn and Jessica (at least it strikes me that there's going to be some form of redemption for them, especially Rahn, otherwise why keep them alive?). Maybe they offer some form of assistance to help mitigate further destabilization around this corner of the galaxy by helping out with the Brimorian problem? Or this is all wishful thinking by me. I just don't see any progression for John and his parents if they don't do something to go out of their way and help the Invictus and crew.

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!


While I can understand that the girls are protected by both Lynette and being Lionesses, but I don't understand why some rogue element hasn't tried kidnapping Rachel to figure out where her powers came from, If someone here on earth suddenly displayed that kind of miracle healing power, they would be quickly black bagged and dissected at some black site, totally ignoring the Golden Goose story


OK, is it just me or has Tef modified his narrative style in this chapter? The parallel plot lines are broken up and the sections alternate, e.g. Rachel at cryo stasis healing Abi, a break, then resuming the plot line later with the critical burn victims. I do not remember Tef doing this in the past. If so, I prefer the past way where every scene is done beginning to end and then move on to the next scene. But this is a style issue and I will continue reading either way.


She covered her hand with her own, then smiled and used the other to reach for his cock, Think that should be "covered his hand"


I think there is enough goodwill with John and the Girls right now that anyone like the Ganymede crowd would be suicidal to attempt it. I wonder if Tef's little flourishes of including specific mentions of Rachel as "The Angel of Terra", Sakura as "The Savior of Unity City", and multiple uses of "The Lion(esses)" are intentional to reflect TFed public sentiment. Considering the very public justice meted out to the Amoured Cobras, Mikaboshi, etc. and the numerous times the Lion(esses) have come to the rescue, I doubt anyone left has the resources and recklessness to try it.


Tef, not really a typo but a first pass inconsistency of style. The Angel of Terra is fully capitalised but the [T]he Savior of Unity City is not.


This chapter was a bit different because so much happens in such a short space of time. I flicked between the different scenes as most of those events were happening simultaneously. By switching to different scenes I was also able to avoid repetition of actions or dialogue that I've done before.


epaulets > epaulettes diaphonous > diaphanous Also, damn, what a fun read. I'd buy that for a dollar! Actually, I actually did. Yay!


Tefler, it was a great addition! Thank you. I don’t expect another chapter this month, but this one was most welcome, indeed! I wonder what will happen when Daphne is asked to replay Jessica’s message requesting to speak with John, as well as her reaction when his response was delivered to her… or if Daphne will show the second transmission without being asked… and who will it be shown to…


Loved it Tef, but there is a huge problem with this chapter you desperately need to fix. It ended and now I need more. But also that was just what I needed. Hoping the next one comes out soon.....I know I'm being greedy but I can't help it, it is such an amazing story.


Hi Tefler!


ugh... I can’t write like I normally do. Anyway, another really fun chapter. When the stay in place order happened in my area at the beginning of the month I started rereading the whole story. I think it was the fourth time for the early chapters but for the last 20 chapters or so it was just the second time I’d read it. It had gotten a little distant and abstract for me just reading one chapter per month. I must say I just get more impressed the longer you do this. I’ve basically read the whole thing non-stop for two weeks and the rhythm of the story is simply .... cool! I read most of it on Literotica because I like the format there; it’s easy for me to step away and not lose my place. I also enjoyed seeing the newer comments. I haven’t read a lot of the comments from the other patrons here so I’m not sure if this has been asked, but has anyone really done a proper interview with you about your writing? I did listen to part of a recording of you answering questions on a soundcloud page. I assume I found that here but I really can’t remember at the moment. What I remember about that is that no one was asking you what I would have asked you. I suppose my questions would be more about your experience at the beginning of creating the story and the process of ‘getting serious’ about the story. I’m also curious about how you physically do a story this big. If I try to imagine writing something like this I think I would need a really BIG wall to keep my alien empires and characters straight. Anyway, I’m rambling. I feel very fortunate to have seen this story the day you posted it on Literotica and I have enjoyed the TSM story AND your story these last few years. Congratulations, I look forward to seeing how both stories unfold. Peace, Steve


I can't believe that no one has turned over any nymph hearts or grave sites for the reward.


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! Gutted! I mean, I wasn't expecting John to be happy by any stretch of the imagination by Jess and Rahn's reappearance, but I hoped he would at the very least be willing to hear her out. Dammit Rahn, man up and do what you got to to fix this, whatever it takes. you got it in you buddy! If not, hopefully Jehanna can convince John to at least hear Jess out. As for the Khatri smack down, I gotta say, I'm kinda getting worried. I know the crew have dealt with bad guys before with just as much ruthlessness, I can't quite put my finger on it but it just gave me a bad sense of foreboding. You know the old quote, 'those who fight monsters' and all that. But shit, the battle of Kinta will be a hoot. Can't wait!


I don't believe it's an inconsistency. Usually, "the" in a title would not be capitalized, but in the example provided, it's the beginning of a sentence, and is capitalized for that reason.

CJ Mora

Shit! Just when I thought it couldn't get any crazier, you throw in a wedding, a mass execution, and a nymph all in the same chapter! Great job, Tefler, bringing all that mess together! Wow!

Kim Biel-Nielsen

A pleasant morning surprise - Thanks


My apologies, Tefler. My first thought on seeing "Canon in D" was The Piano Guys "Rockelbel Canon" and Steve Sharp Nelson's reasoning why it's the worst piece for a cellist to play all the way through. LOL

AK Furry

Great chapter as always! This sentence jumped out at me on my first quick read through: “Alright, let’s get the bastards who tried to kill my dad,” I believe that should be Calara’s Mother instead.


Damn reading that took far less time than I thought it would.


Another stimulating and provocative chapter! You never fail to excite...to amaze...to surprise...to regale us!!!


"...desperate to fulfil her master's desires." fulfill?

Matthew Marrinan

Great to see another episode in this great story, Tefler. Another Nymph being saved is a wonderful bonus, and look forward to their sister being freed from the Brimorian leader. One question - Is there a reason the chapters are saved as Word docx format rather that PDF for example? The chapter opens in Word which isn't the easiest for reading on a tablet...


The ISD went after Henry Voss at the same time as they attacked Maria Fernandez and Lynette Devereux.


When Abi gets carried away with Sakura, Sakura really should jump unexpectedly twice, making Abi 'meep!' each time. 'meep meep' - zoooom!


I was hoping that the need to get to Kinta quickly might have John reconsider opening a dialog with his mother so that they would wormhole them there instantly. It would be a start.


Hrrrm, the dreadnaut has a charged wormhole generator. I wonder what they'd barter for to lead a strike force of Terrans and/or the Invictus to Tamolith's defense?


Thanks Tef. Makes a tough day a bit better. Good timing.


The new Lenarran was quite the surprise but it makes total sense that corrupt powerful family who has been in power for years would have one. Perhaps they should look at that demographic for more Lenarran's.


The Nymph appearing out of nowhere derailed all my thoughts regarding the plot of the story


Wouldn't that be something if John remembers the call from his mother...that maybe it is worth using his parents...that they might possibly be in the area...that they could possibly transport them to Kinta...who knows what wicked webs Tefler might weave?


great as always.....


I read on a Samsung phone & there's an option that appears on the Word toolbar called Mobile View which I find makes it a cinch to read... just in case you're reading in standard view & zooming / scrolling

AK Furry

‘Nymphs gets unsettled“. Get?


Don't you mean, *another* cliffhanger?


Nice edits! 1 gold star for fitting in a Robocop quote and it being factually correct! :)


Damn, I'll try to fix that asap! It's great to hear you loved the chapter. :D


Thanks for the feedback, it was interesting to read your thoughts. Yeah, I imagine it must be hard to keep track of everything when you're only able to read one new chapter every month. I was hoping that it all comes together fluidly when you read the chapters in rapid succession, particularly the subplots that are stretched over multiple chapters. I do plan to do another Q&A session sometime. I'll be happy to discuss anything about the actual writing side of TSM, so I'd welcome your questions. The quick answer to your questions is that I've got a couple of word docs I use. One lists the names of the cast with a few lines about each character. The other helps me keep track of ongoing subplots. As for how I put all that together, I've always had a pretty good memory, and working on the story daily helps me stay immersed in it. For that reason, I won't start anything new until TSM is completed, no matter how much I'd like to write a fantasy story!


I'll touch on that in the story at some point. I was thinking about it the other day as I wrote this chapter. :)


It's actually only been a week since John met his parents for the first time, so he'd still be feeling pretty raw about the whole thing. I originally intended to include that scene with chapter 130, which is why there are so many incidents of him feeling angry at his parents (triggered by the closeness of the Fernandez family in that chapter).


It was pretty hectic! From a writing perspective, the most challenging scenes to write were actually the dialogue between John and Charles which I deliberately tried to make awkward. John's self-conscious enough about girls going through the Change, so being put in a situation where he has to admit to loading up his best friend's fiancee before they started dating would've been incredibly uncomfortable. :)


Is it because it's tricky to play? Too easy? I must admit to not being a musician, so I wasn't aware of any stigma attached to the piece. :)


I've always wondered why is it called the "Terran Federation"? It's clearly a military dictatorship. The characters always talk about how the admirals "rule" the Federation, there's never anything more than a token mention of laws if only to show how the characters are trampling all over them. And there's definitely never been any glimmer of civilian oversight.


That was my reasoning behind including her. The other four Nymphs had all been rescued/captured by Weber's team after following leads from whistleblowers... employees looking for the reward and informing on their employers. The actual owners of the Nymphs would never willingly want to give them up. With that in mind, I figured there must be some Nymphs still out there which are still being kept in secret (by the rich and powerful or criminal elements).


The title of a state doesn't always reflect its governance. The United Kingdom is anything but united at the moment, with the SNP constantly whining about independence. We aren't ruled by a King, and even though its called a Kingdom, the UK is actually a representative democracy with the monarch little more than a figurehead. In terms of the story, The Terran Brutal Military Dictatorship doesn't have much of a ring to it and might encourage the citizenry to start getting rebellious. :)


I had to read the Khatri confrontation scene over again. I never get all the details on the first read but at the end of the first read I was wondering who was left on the Invictus to be firing down on the mansion. For a bit I thought it was Helene or Daphne since all the Lenarrans flew out after their sister, and to my knowledge neither Helene or Daphne had training on how to use the guns. However after reading it again it had to be Irillith since Tashana was on the Raptor. For some reason I thought they were both on the ground with John and the rest. Tashana normally is.


I was hoping that the need for the Invictus to get to Kinta in time to stop the Brimorians, would require John to ask for the help of wormhole generator on Larn's old ship. Thereby opening up the initial line of communication between his parents but with them starting to slingshot around gravitational objects in the core worlds, it looks like they plan on getting there their normal way.


It's even better than that, Rhan helps them jump to Kinta, between them they show the Brimorians the error of their ways, then 12 hours later once the wormhole generator has recharged they can jump straight to Genthalas. A win for everyone (except the Brimorians, obviously) and a much earlier arrival in Maliri space than everyone expected.


Perhaps Rahn can call John and ask that Alyssa release the mental shield on Jessica so she can go back to being a thrall and being how she was again. Perhaps that might be a wake up call to John.


Good to another chapter TSM from you, your one of my favorite authors. Was also glad to see you didn't write pagas and pages of John's escapes in the Bedroom. I'm more into the action scenes and doing good deeds and taking care of bad guys. Can't wait to see what happens to Johns relationship with his mother. Keep writing please we need your diversions during all this craziness going with the Virus.


John's after action speech seemed off. I understand his personal attachment to the situation, but with how many others were hurt and the damage done to Olympus it would make more sense for him to say this was about those attacking the Terran Federation. It would also work very well on the PR side, even if they had to rerecord that interview.


Rahn has to figure out Alyssa is behind the shield first before he can get John involved.

Big Dude

Great writing, attention to detail, character development. Bravo Tefler!


Honestly this made my week. Thank you! Not to be whiney but... If they reconnect with Rahn, do you think that the Progenitor tech could maybe help a certain AI friend of ours return?


Tefler never mind, it was how I picked it up as I was doing a compare. Thanks


I would honestly guess not... afaik, Maelnerak spent quite a bit of time in personally developing AI and computer technologies while under the shroud, so all of that would not be reflected in standard progenitor tech. And yes, I want her back too. Very much looking forward to a certain mother/daughter reunion.


I'm disappointed with how John reacted to his mother's call. I get the anger but that was way to much like how an inhuman would react to me. And I'm saddened by how Alyssa has failed to enlighten John to how she removed his father's control over his mother, seams to me that would have helped mitigate his anger some.


Sti,l loving the story keep up the awesome work! Thank you sir!


In the traditional heroic goofup, even Progenitors and their thralls don't fully communicate what they're up to. (I'm looking at YOU, shade of Robert Jordan!)


Stellar writing,Tef! However instead of merely praising you like i always do, i I thought I would give share my critical thoughts! I usually love the side stories that accompany the buildups to major plot points. In particular I enjoyed David Gibbons' and Commander Wessons' arc leading up to the battle of Terra! And the love story of Larn'kelar and Ailanthia was beautifully tragic... The only side story im not feeling is the whole Tom/Mason thing. I dont know if its been in the background too long or if the characters just arent as compelling as your other minor characters, but even having read through chapter 120 at least 3x start to finish, I cannot keep straight who is who and who did what. Hopefully with an imminent confrontation with the brimorians, you'll be able to tie up those threads soon and get to juicier plot threads...other than that Tef, I am firmly invested in your story and eargerly await whatever happens next!


Is there any chance, given that it's only the 24th that we could get... Dare I even hope... Another chapter (or half!) this month???


I'm the exact opposite, I'm trying to figure out just what their side story and all has them gettinng pulled into all of this. Also with how it is going to tie into everything and resolved.

Jim lynch

Loved it yet again tefler keep em coming please


Word has a Save As PDF function, or it did a while back.


Yehaww another brilliant chapter, the story you are developing is a masterpiece in breadth and each chapter is eagerly anticipated. Well done sir I look forward to more of this fantastic epic tale.


Dear Tefler, I think the immortality of Lynnette and Lina is incorrect because in chapter 40 Rachel tells them in her presentation that as long as the girls keep swallowing down John's cum the will live forever. Since John isn't going to feed them cum as long as they are with Charles they will age until Charles' dies. I realize that at that time John can renew their youth but in reality they aren't immortal until after they reunite with John and the girls. If I am right shouldn't this be discussed in some way within the story before we get too far along? That said I may have missed something in the storyline that has changed since chapter 40 that allows them to be immortal without having to regularly swallow John's cum. I'm only pointing out something that I think is inconsistent with the story but can be easily addressed. I hope you will comment back and share your thoughts. Thank you.

Jedi Khan

You are correct, they only maintain their youth as long as they continue to enjoy John's fountain. With regards to Lynette and Lina, the idea is that once Charles has passed on and all three of them have lived fulfilled lives, the ladies will join John in retirement where they will have their youth restored. The reason why they'll join John is because they are connected to him as Lionesses. Unless, of course they decide that immortality is not for them, in which case John will respect their wishes and let them join Charles.


sculpted abdominal muscles of a fully-fledged Lionesses..... should just be lioness, singular.


This comment ties in with my earlier one. In this chapter John tells Charles that Lynnette and Lina ( if she accepts ) would be devoted to him the rest of his life. I'm sure they would be devastated at his death, so in an earlier chapter after the" Battle of Terra " Rachel gave Charles a health update and stated she had added 20 years to his natural life span. With that in mind it is conceivable that Rachel could do so for all 3 of them every 5 years or so in order to stave off the heart break of losing Charles. Also Lynnette's secret will come out and if she is able to stay Fleet Admiral John and the girls will always have a ally in the federation. I am not trying to write your story Tefler but since I've already read 131 twice as you can guess I'm bored. I don't comment often but with nothing worthwhile to read I have taken to commenting. I really enjoy this story, It is my favorite both here and on Amazon. While reading other books waiting on the next chapter of TSM's is always in the back of my mind. Thank you again.


as usual, an excellent chapter. I enjoyed the subplots that continue to emerge and look forward to the many reveals that are being lined up. much appreciated


Rachel can cure genetic conditions and diseases, but she can't rejuvenate organs. Eventually, everyone that she's given a health check will die... approximately 20 years later than they should have, assuming a death by natural causes. John's healing is far more potent (on women), returning their bodies to the thrall template. Assuming Lina and Lynette both survive, they should outlive Charles by at least 30 years. At that point, they'll be able to make a choice... join John and become immortal again, or live out the rest of their lives and die of natural causes.


Dear Tefler, thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it very much.


I was really hoping to read about his parents more this chapter. Instead there was a wedding. I liked the chapter. Hopefully we can see things get patched up so John can train with his father. Also #FreeFaye


Poor Charles


Are there any details from previous chapters from which we can make reliable estimates on how quickly the Invictus can reach Kinta? Because it just might be that not even John and co. can reach Kinta in time to stop the Brimorians. The battle could be over and Kinta devastated by the time they arrive. As others have suggested, there is the Larn's wormhole generator option, but if I'm correct it just might be John's ONE and ONLY option. He may be forced to actually return Jessica's call. Storywise, this would be a great way to start the reconciliation process.

rich ed

Brilliant as ever Tefler. Thank you. I was surprised that John did not give Charles a portable shield, plus Lina, Henry and Abi. (Or he did and it was not mentioned).


I'm pretty sure this was addressed that they would barely make it there; however that was prior to the Brims makeing a B line to Kinta. If I had to guess I'd say it will be up to Calara to give the Kintark some strategy like what happened with the Greys and Olympus ship yard.


Keep up the great work Tefler and thanks for sharing your story with us. It’s wonderful!


Has anyone thought about the resolution that Rachel and her father had in the hospital? Calara got resolution with her father and gave Alyssa a HUGE boost in love power. Why didn't the same thing happen when Rachel got resolution with her father? I mean that cuff-link scene was pretty powerful in my mind.


How's it possible that every chapter is a cliffhanger? Gahhhhh Excellent writing as always teff. Ignore all the idiot's trying to influence the story the way they think it should be wrote or what they think should be added. Your genius writing is what keeps us on toe curling edge from chapter to chapter!!!!! Keep doing what you're doing! You rock!


They can hand them out like smarties next time they visit. :-)

Bp Hlpt

A question to consider: Is the Invictus closer to Kinta or to the Brimorian's home world? In stead of racing to Kinta, why doesn't John go directly to the Brimorian's home world and tell them to call off the attack on Kinta "or else?" Of course, they will stop the Kinta attack, temporarily, unbeknownst to the Brimorians giving the Maliri time to get there, the Brimorians will go ahead and do something stupid, trying to get the drop on John, giving him an excuse to "take care of business", rescue the Nymph, rescue and avenge the Abandoned, etc, etc. I know John and company weren't planning to take care of the Brimorians until later, but if they're going to have to make an extra stop now anyway, this will end up saving them time in the long run. Just a thought. Of course, if tefler is using this an an excuse to "force" John to begin reconciling with his parents, then never mind. LOL

Big Dude

Or Bp Hlpt, John calls Mom to tell Dad to go kick some fish ASS while he comes to placate the Kintark by liberating the Brimorian takeover of other Kintark worlds with the Maliri. My 4 Farthings


Dave2282 I really don't understand why a master strategist like Callara has allowed John et al to be distracted by minor distractions like repositioning Callara's family a few weeks quicker than would have otherwise happened, staying for a wedding, stopping to eliminate a defeated Admiral in hiding, and now presumably dashing off to Kinta to defeat the Brimorrans. The only thing that matters is getting access to Maelnerak's homeworld so Dana can learn his technical secrets and the activate his hypergate in time for the Maliri to requisition the derelict Larathyran fleet of ships before the next Progenitor jumps in and starts blowing up worlds. Seems like they're just knowingly, dangerously wasting time on minor distractions that don't matter in the grand scheme of things . ...Look a squirrel!!! 2h


It is ALL about priorities...their priorities!!! The Fernandez family is NUMERO UNO...number one! As such, that distraction among others, did NOT keep Calara focused on the end game in her planning including possibilities like the Brimorians changing their tactics and heading straight for Kinta. My 2 farthings!


Actually, the Malari have additional fleet assets on the Brimorian boarder, Ederale could send them to the boarder in a show of force, while talking to lord athorlia or however its spelled and intimidate him with a mutual defense treaty between kintark and malari. Brimorians don't know yet about the fleet heading to kinta and the bulk of the fish guys forces are in kintark space, and with the fleet coming to brimoria space via the kirrix side which is defenseless, fish guys move the kirrix boarder fleet to reinforce the fed boarder. with the malari coming from 2 sides that may be enough to get the fish dudes to back down or at the least pause and assess the situation.


You could be right. He could go to the Callopean Shoals and wipe out their fleets and then go to Brimor and wipe out those fleets and finally take out the Deep Pool and collect Celphna in the bargin. The Fleets attacking the Kintark would have to come back to protect thier systems. However I think this is the least like option to happen. I think the most likely thing to happen is they will fly there directly and arrive in the nick of time and save the day. The second most likely option would be to get the help of his parents to wormhole them there.


Actually, looking at the empire maps Kinta isn't any further away than the outer rim. The Invictus should be able to reach it in about a day.


Cuz Tef's eeeewvile and wants us coming back eagerly! ;)


While Calara is a tactical & strategic genius (but maybe not logistical*) she is less than 20 years old. She's got a lot of learning to get thru. *The old saying, "lieutenants study tactics, captains study strategy, generals study logistics" may well apply. Then again, Alyssa's business acumen might cover this gap...


can we have another ceremony so that my parents can attend? may we have another ceremony so my parents may attend?


Jehanna should get an award next for journalism, if we are talking next award ceremonies ;)


My previous post was a correction, I was trying to state each ‘can’ uttered by Abi should have be a ‘may’

Bp Hlpt

Actually, I think the second "can" should be "are able to", or staying with "can" is probably alright.

Bp Hlpt

Or Tefler could just change the sentence to: Okay... but on one condition: we have another ceremony so that my parents are able to attend. After all, she said that she had a condition, not a question.


Thanks for the new chapter you magnificent bastard.


Gah, I read too quick. Another beautiful chapter!


Another great sadistic torturous chapter! One step closer...but in another direction. Always fun to see the new developments but I'm still anxious to see at least 3 or 4 story lines come to fruition. Ship upgrade... Confrontation with his mother... Trip to the Astral Plain.. Confrontation with his guide... Also... Maybe I missed it... But what happened to the planet that was actually a big weapon? Somebody figured it out but I don't recall if that was explored further... I don't think it was ever activated... And not the "big gun" this had a defensive grid that was created by another ancient species


I think you mean Underworld (aka Sarkhon Refinery by the Enshunu ) and it didn't explicitly say so but was recommended by Sag'kalyak to Gal'Mayda that they withdrawal from the Unclaimed Wastes "It cannot be!" Gal'mayda finally hissed in consternation. "Blake is one of the Old Masters!" "He has claimed the Maliri and they are now on the ascension," Vizier Sag'kalyak agreed, his grating voice underscored with fear. "Events are unfolding exactly as warned by the Codex of Kal'hadeem." The Excruciator paced back and forth, growing more agitated by the second. "Why didn't you forewarn me of this?!" "I dared not transmit this data back to our homeworld!" Sag'kalyak exclaimed, darting a fearful glance at the image of John Blake frozen on the screen. "I have followed the directives from the Cabal of Patriarchs and reclaimed the Sarkhon Refinery, but I urge you to consider a complete withdrawal from the Unclaimed Wastes! We must not draw Blake's attention, the results would be catastrophic!" Gal'mayda clenched his fists and threw his head back as he howled in anguish. "A thousand curses on the Maliri! Those wanton whores will be the death of us all!"

rich ed

This has been bugging me. "McGregor ’61", wondering how old is this bad boy actually? And how much a bottle, I would like one


me too


Wouldn't that have happened when she visited him in his office back after the battle of Terra when she made up with him and he accompanied her (and Tashana) to the medical ward and watch her start healing everyone?


Thanks for the chapter :)




I've been thinking about how John's parents will be reunited with him. I think they will have to step in and save him at some point from another Progenitor. I could be off base, but this seems to be the most likely and realistic outcome that sees them reunited.


What about the girl that the admiral's wife had "prepared"?


The one thing that’s bothersome to me about this chapter is that Jade was able to scan Ailita‘s thoughts and learned that she had been passed down through generations of the family… but if her memories were completely wiped between each master, how would she know this?


They had a formal hand over by the previous master's deathbed. The people attending talked and while it meant nothing to Ailita, Jade pieced it together.


Thank you, Tefler. That makes sense. I know that she knows her original form, because you already covered that when you covered retained vs. lost memories, but I was unsure as to how this other issue was to be resolved. I appreciate your clearing it up for us, and so quickly. On the other hand, what are you doing up at 04:00 in the morning? Don’t burn yourself out!


I have a question about Ailita - when John fed her shouldn’t she have gone into a trance with her first feeding and then slept for 14 hrs instead of talking with him?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

They do sleep it off for 14 but none of the girls were knocked out instantly....they are just very tired. This seems to be from John beginning to work on their bodies and minds. Notice John didn't do that immediately with Ailitia as she started her glow pattern after the beginning of the conversation.


It was mentioned that when John first fed Jade, she didn't fall asleep until John told her to, and she only slept for 14 hours because telepathically every one expected it to last 14 hours. The rest of the cat girls certainly didn't fall asleep instantly because at that point, John had realised that he gave the sleep command unconsciously. Humans and Malari do however need 14 hours of recovery


Starting reread number 5 and it kinda makes me sad that John never calls Alyssa 'Al' in recognition for what she itroduced herself as. It isn't anything ground breaking but with all the times Dana brings up all the time on the fool's gold, he never cracks an "Okay Al"


I dunno - Rahn has no thralls to draw power from, & we have no idea if he can operate the ship sufficiently by himself to assist in a fight etc.


No I mean she introduced herself as Al in the first chapter


John is quite formal with how he addresses all the girls, using their full name, except where he calls them "honey". The one real exception is Dana, who he occasionally calls Sparks. That's not because it's a nickname, but because it was her actual name until she decided to change it. :-)


I don't know if I missed it, but if Dana/Sparks can make Runes on their rifle rounds, couldn't she do the same thing on the Invictus projectile weapons to negate enemy shields and increase payload?

Brian Woods

The question is not can she do it, but rather how much she can do? Using/Inscribing runes onto things taxes her psychic powers, as she has to maintain them until they’re used. Similarly, she is maintaining runes on their armor, the Valkyrie, and the Invictus to prevent psychic manipulation of the crystal Alyssium. Unfortunately, she likely is not yet strong enough to enhance the slugs for the Singularity Driver in addition to all she is doing, plus stay awake and do important engineering work. Plus, if my suspicions are correct, she will be heavily involved in reproducing their black metal equivalent in the near future, tying up most of her energy usage.


I know but it was just something I feel like he would bring up as a joke to tease her about

Brian Woods

Speaking of names, or perhaps nicknames, what is Alyssa’s Progenitor/Kyth’faren title? I assume you have thought about one for her, given her status as genetically similar to John, but what is it? And, will it appear soonish in the story? If I could throw a suggestion into the ring, I was thinking of ‘the arbiter of love’ relating to her position as seXO in charge of Recruitment ;), the final authority on who belongs in their harem.


Pretty sure that the "runic penetrators" Dana makes are only designed to take out psychic sheilds.. mind you they've not actually encountered any "tech" shields whilst using them. (At least not ones that didn't go away after a few tachyon pulses)

Brian Woods

Partially incorrect Golden - while the runic script does say ‘destruction runes for penetrating hex shields’, the payload broke through a capacitor boosted plate of armor, obviously indicating the bullet has incredible destructive potential. Enough to break through even solid shields, probably, with the only limitation being how many can be active at a time.


I didn't know they took energy to maintain. She inscribed the armor... as for the black metal equivalent, it was Helien who "purified" the black metal. She's going to be the busy bee.


Helen purify the black metal destroyed the metal, dana described it as "the Molecular structure was all messed up" making it unusable. at least that was my take on her description.


Maybe there's a difference between "purifying" it on accident and doing it on purpose. Perhaps she could do so without destroying it.

Brian Woods

The clearest indicators that Dana is maintaining the runes herself are found in two different places: the first, when Alyssa finds out that she can’t repair the armors and Dana indicates she has mental boxes like John in her head, some of which include the armors, and she tries to rune up the mech, Raptor, and Invictus in one go. I can’t remember the chapter that happens, though. Second, during the fight with Larn, he couldn’t rip the Raptor apart because of the runes, nor could he pierce John’s armor with a lance, until Dana had passed out and stopped concentrating on rune maintenance.


Actually Larn targeted John's thigh a 2nd time on purpose knowing the protection rune was gone after the first strike, dana was still up at that point.

Brian Woods

Lee Sherman - Incorrect, the order of events are: Sakura stabbed Larn, Larn shoots Sakura, Rachel protects Sakura, Larn shoots Rachel, Dana drops Larn into the floor and activates a gravity well above his head, Larn shoots Dana who passes out, John attacks Larn, Larn shoots John in the thigh with a lance, lance goes through armor because...no more runes from Dana. Alyssa gets mad and shoots Larn with lance, lance spins to lacerate leg. The intent Larn had was to hit his weakened shields, not pierce the armor because he knew the runes were gone.


If that were true wouldn't all Runes be gone as soon as dana goes to sleep? She would have to be reapplying runes every day. From my understanding John's runes were destroyed by Larn attacking him. It was Rachel's shield that winked out when she was knocked out.


I thought they were going to talk to Lynnette about the outer rim possible rebellion when they were at Olympus? I also thought Mateo was assigned to Webers old ship, not the Thor?

Bp Hlpt

I hope Tefler comments about whether Dana's runes are only active when she is "thinking" about them. I had been under the impression that they were more permanent than that, sort of "engraved", even if only psychically.


Oh, wow! Nice continuity error spot there, thank you! You're absolutely right. Aeri Malone has taken command of the Odin's Thunderbolt and that's the dreadnought that Mateo has been assigned to. I went back and fixed the incorrect references to the Thor in chapter 130 and 131!


When Dana psychically inscribes runes, they're permanent until destroyed, or she removes them herself. She only has a limited mental capacity to maintain a certain amount of psychic runes, which are like John's passive psychic strength. So Dana being asleep or knocked unconscious won't make any difference to them. If she was badly injured enough to impair her psychic abilities they might be deactivated and if she died, they'd all be switched off.


Tefler, when you update 130 & 131, here on Patreon, would you please let us know either via post or annotation? Thank you.


One thing I was wondering about for psychic shapeing is can John and Allisa work together to reshape metal beyond what either of them could do individually? If either of them can reshape 15x, can they pool their efforts to reshape 30x?


I’m curious as to what would happen to those runes if Alyssa were to create a psychic Null Zone... and what would happen to John (and John’s caging of his Guide), the Nymphs (especially with regard to their ability to change their shapes), their own linkages, etc.. I know that she initially created them a long time ago, before all these psychic abilities became commonplace amongst the crew, but I am a bit surprised that no one has considered creating one since to discern whether it would be useful as a defensive weapon, an offensive one, or to learn to counteract one if it were used against them, such as the artificial one created when John battled the Kintark Emperor.


Shaping isn’t a geometrically difficult proposition, but an exponentially difficult one, as I understand it. So, shaping 10 times vs. 5 times isn’t twice as difficult, but more like 32 times as difficult (or more). So, adding her strength to his strength would only suffice to increase by a factor of one, if any at all.


That,s a good idea Evan and brings on the question of what would happen if John released his guide then Alyssa created the null zone around them. Would the Guide then cease to exist since he is a psychic creation?


Will John be visiting the astral plane because of this?


Finally got to reading the last chapter. Loved it as always, but does anyone else foresee the... tendency to dish out "justice" with no mercy or remorse becoming a problem? I dont mind John becoming a space emperor or something to the effect but if they keep slaughtering the bad guys so enthusiastically it would probably create an atmosphere of fear that will breed enemies that will find new and interesting ways to be irritating.


I do. John and the Lionesses have been taking far too much pleasure in killing lately, especially Alyssa. They couldn't even bring themselves to feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for Arjun Khatri when he cried for his wife's death, whether he himself deserved such sympathy or not that's still a very human emotion that most people can and should sympathize with. The fact that John and the Lionesses just mercilessly slaughtered that whole family and even enjoyed it, was what was so chilling about it. And do we even know what the rest of them did that warranted a massacre in the open? Killing at the most, should be like a chore. You don't like doing it, but it has to be done. It's something that you should never enjoy doing. And shit, they were talking about genociding the Brimorians a few chapters ago. The upcoming Battle of Kinta and the following Brimorian solution is probably gonna be the first true test of their principles and convictions. They've been on a slow but sure moral decay for a while now, and if they fail this upcoming test, the decay will be complete.

Brian Woods

Yeah, I can’t help but agree. Something about this last ‘massacre’ didn’t sit well in my heart. Arjun was bad, no doubt, and his wife was twisted for sure, and for certain the whole family was rotten to the core for generations going back as shown by Alita’s memories regarding the ceremonies in her past, but the shear devastation brought about by the Nymphs and the Lionesses was brutality personified. I too hope that as John becomes more powerful and omnipotent in strength, he finds a way to channel a more merciful persona to live up to his benevolent Baen’thelas title.


Showing mercy/forebearance to either (1) utterly corrupted people whose positions in their society allow them to continue to expect to keep on getting away with being twisted & evil without any sort of repercussions or, (2) people who simply will not desist in their evil acts until literally being made to stop isn't any kind of mercy at all, it's moral cowardice. Remember - Alyssa can literally read their minds and know exactly what they thought, what they did, and what they intended. She *knows* pretty much everything, because she can experience their memories. So while the scene was yes, harsh, and even brutal - I mean squishing someone into a wet gooey spot is awful - unless Tefler decides that the knowledge Alyssa gets from reading their minds is somehow incorrect, then there's no doubt that bad guys are bad guys. Personally I think it's freaking *refreshing* to not have whiny, wimpy, angsty characters who somehow just have to agonize over everything, and dawdle, fret, and hesitate, then hesitate some more - all while allowing the bad guys to continue to do even more evil/damage. Now OTOH, if Alyssa/John decide to deliberately harm/kill innocents for some reason? Then that's a very different sort of thing, and in that case I'd wholeheartedly agree that the moral decay would be complete.

Bp Hlpt

Totally agree, Dude. "Forcing" the "good guys" to always go through all the legal steps to give the bad guys trials in a systems which is often corrupt, often only leads to the bad guys getting off through incompetence or on a technicality at worst, or at best simply delaying their punishment while they can continue to support and encourage others to do bad things in the meantime. OTOH, since Alyssa and the team can guarantee that the only ones that are eliminated are ones that are guilty of capital offenses, all while the team also learns the connection to others that are also guilty of similar and related crimes, it sure seems to be more efficient, taking less time, money, and resources, that they just take care of the problem, punish the guilty, and protect and rescue the innocent. So, what's the problem? Unfortunately, we can't do that in the real world, as much as I wish we could, since we can't know for sure and prove it the way that Alyssa and the team can. Yes, it's sometimes harsh, but the bad guys would do the same or worse to them, and not care about any innocent that are hurt in the process. And don't be fooled about things like considering "sympathy for Arjun Khatri when he cried for his wife's death." That was only him looking out for himself and his own, nothing to admire or be concerned about there at all.


The problem is that while Alyssa can read minds, she is still fallible and can make mistakes, as seen with the admiral who felt guilty over having an abortion when she was young - one of the time that she took the time to look at the perceived crime before rendering judgement. And if the tables were turned, and someone of greater power was judging John and crew in the same way, would they be considered guilty? Very likely because they are looking at what has been done, not so much why or what brought them to such a place. Even ignoring that, while we can be sure since we are given insight into the characters minds, in universe characters have no such luxury. All they see is brutal carnage followed by "They were bad, trust us". There is a lot of leniency given the heroic actions and lives saved but without a true understanding of the circumstances, all most would see is horrific slaughter. If it continues, the attitude of the public would change and there are those undoubtedly brave - and stupid - enough to try and do something about it. This is an entirely new set of problems since it becomes far less black and white when the people you are trying to protect start thinking you are the bad guy, and really can't understand the context of your actions.

rich ed

Also remember this was sending a message to anyone else that tried to fuck with him, his girls or their family's. It was always going to be brutal, that was the whole point of it.


Not saying you are wrong or that the characters were wrong. I just think that they are liberal enough with the violence that it will cause problems later.


Wow. I think you should stop trying to expect PC "humanity" from a species that are apex predators. It would have been brutal if the feline nymphs ate their prey. Everyone knows that cats like to play so expecting human morality from them is ludicrous. Also humor, that many "civilized" people would gasp at is the coping mechanism that people who deal with the dregs of society that keeps the sane. Think soldiers and law enforcement personnel. Baen’thelas means 'Righter of Wrongs' and has nothing to do with "slap on the wrist", PC, justice. The Righter of Wrongs does what is needed, not what is politically correct.


The one who commited abortion is still blood guilty. She took a human life for reasons other than protecting her life or the lives of others. Her own guilt is what marked her.


Which is my point - Alyssa is taken by surprise at that development as this is not a crime she would normally deem worthy of her form of retribution. But in an extreme circumstance where she is marking multiple targets - which is most of the time - is she really diving deep enough to get context, or relying on guilt alone? Either way, her methods may be efficient but she is not a god, and I am interested in seeing where things go when enough people bulid up the fear and resentment to decide they no longer useful or simply too dangerous to continue. Really, the only real protection is to turn all of known space into their own empire. They'll be stuck playing politics forever, but that's the best scenario I can think of since with dissemination of technology, the Malari alone wont have the tech needed to protect John and crew. And given enough time, some genius will come up with the means to neutralize John power, or think they can anyway.


In the interview with jehanna John calls him a craven worm. Do you mean cavern worm?


looks like John may have a genetic predisposition to violence and killing with glee. It would make sense that his thralls would reflect his personality. Maybe John just needs to look in the mirror before he sallies forth on his crusade.....