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*** EDITED - final version uploaded. ***

Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas!

Have you been good boys and girls? Here's a stocking-filler for you on this festive Xmas morning!

I hope you all have a great holiday!

Best wishes,




Thanks Tef!


Merry Christmas


Thank you!


Merry Christmas Tefler!


Merry Christmas


Woo hoo 1st this time lol


Merry Christmas Tef! And thank you.


Merry Christmas!!


Oh boy!


Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Thanks Tefle, Best Holidays to you and your family.


We really appreciate it. Merry christmas to you and your family. Please sleep , I think its quite late now in UK.


Merry Christmas indeed!


Thank you sir and Merry Christmas to you and your family


Thank you Tefler! Merry Christmas everyone!


Thank you


thanks and Merry Christmas!


Thank you, Tefler! Now enjoy the rest of the Holiday Season with your family! :-)


Woo hoo! And just when I was wondering what Santa was gonna bring me this year. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Tef. Hope it's a great one.


What a lovely way to end the day. Thanks TEFLER!!!


Thanks Tefler. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and yours.


Thank you Santa!! I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas!!


Thank you , & Merry Christmas to you .


Thank you, Merry Christmas!


Thank you kindly Tef. All the best to you and yours. Hurrah and huzzah!


Thank You and Merry Xmas


You brute. At this hour... Merry Christmas.


Merry christmas


Nice, thank you and have a merry christmas!


Brokulrun’s fleet -> Brokurlun’s fleet


Thank you and Happy Holidays all!


I must have been a good boy. Thank you Santa Tef...... All the best to you and yours Tef and again a big thanks


WooHoo! Merry Christmas Tefler and Happy New Year!

Big Dude

Merry Christmas Tefler and Family. Oh yeah, Merry Christmas to all 3000+ Tefler fans!


Dayum... a chapter from me, Annabelle Hawthorne and Tefler all in one day! Our readers are having a helluva Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas to you and yours Tef : )


The ending made me chuckle. Merry Christmas everyone!

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tef!. Merry Christmas!


The ending WAS funny, but also a hell of a cliffhanger. I wonder if Dana is going to be able to weaponise this somehow?


Irillith disable weapon and flight control -> Irillith disabled weapon and flight control

Jake Minor

Merry Xmas!


Merry Christmas Tef! and a Merry Christmas to everybody on Patreon!


Do you grow wearing of having skin? -> Do you grow weary of having skin?


leaned so much.” -> learned so much.”


waiting until I give you want you really want...” -> waiting until I give you what you really want...”


Tashana’s widely stretch lips -> Tashana’s widely stretched lips


Tefler, this was a very good chapter. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and as the others, I found the ending to be... intriguing...

Idaho Spud56

Happy holidays to you also.


Fucking hell, that I think was an amazing ending to the chapter, so loved this chapter, laughed so many times


OMG what an ending. that is amazing.... black to white and now Dana will be able to figure out how to replicate it so it will enhance their chance to defeat the other Progenitors.


Happy Christmas Tefler, thanks


Merry Christmas back to you & yours, Tefler. Imagine, Santa Tef putting a bed on the naughty list!


Tefler Clause - Thanks for the present!


Merry Christmas and best in the new year. Love the present.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

A wonderfull Christmas present - thanks

Heinz Molck

Merry Christmas to you and your family - and THANKS for your effort!


Merri Xmas! joyous noise! thank you Santa!


What a splendid Christmas present to wake up to and, bearing in mind it was posted at 2.41, it means you didn't have to go to bed before no.1 son was up to check his Christmas swag! I did spot a merry festive normal/telepathic speech mismatch: *Take care of your fleet and protect those women under your command,* Edraele urged her. “And I promise it won’t be the last. Do you remember John’s promise to you?* A very Happy Christmas to Teflers old and young.


Merry Christmas Tefler, and all the readers here

Horny Rhino

Tefler, I've said it once before, and I'll say it again... You're An Absolute Genious And I Wish I Could Write Half As Good As You!!!


Merry Xmas


Thanks for all the edits! I went through the list and they should all be fixed now. :)


Wow.. Can t be thankfull enough for all this work you do. Quick question. Do you have in mind or found any references for that rune hexagone table. I d love to see how much alike we could be about that. By the way.. 1 + 6 + 12 + 18 + 24 = 61 not 51... Thanks


Thanks Tefler. There are 61 runes in a precise geometric shape (not 51). I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.


Perfect Christmas present. Thanks Tef, Have a good one everyone


Nah, just let her work out HOW to change from black to white and then wreak havoc on the Progenitor fleets ;)


Oh, dear. I'm getting "attachment not found." Is this happening for anyone else?


Wwwooooooo, thank you


Oh boy, I'm growing more and more concerned about Alyssa every chapter, looks like its up to Helene to keep the group from sinking deeper into the Abyss, and that ending with the twins, easily one of the best scenes in this story with them! And that ending too! Wait, was it just the bed that turned white or the whole ship? Btw, what are Rahn and Jessica up to? Seems to have been ample opportunity for them to show up out of nowhere. Perhaps when Gahl'kalgor comes after John? Damn I'm stoked!


Bravo, more golden story creation


Thanks so much for the wonderful story. Jades my favorite character and I love when you write the "shoot 'em up" chapters!

Brandon Yarberry

So much foreshadowing... A lot of it is making me nervous. Bravo.

Dave Barrack

Gah! I didn't realize the combined 127 had a whole other section added to the end.


Lovely Chrimbo pressie TY Tef. Must admit, as thrilling as it's been, I'll be happy to see the back of this Kirrix arc for a while... must've started around the time of the Terra invasion back at 100.


Hmm, if Jack and Mateo are scheduled to be on the "Lion Taxi" to the core,...is poor Mateo gonna be on Emily's shit list permanently? I would be a little put out if I were left behind *pout*

Pat White

Thank you Tef. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas.


Yikes! I actually added up all the hexes per circle as well... that'll teach me to do mental arithmetic when I'm tired. :) It should be fixed now.

James St. Clair

Great chapter! Thanks for releasing it in its completed form. Merry Christmas!


Tefler, I really liked the humor, toward the end of the chapter. Well done!


Best xmas present ever! Thank you Tefler!


Tefler, great chapter! I found some suggested edits for Chapter 128, and some may have been mentioned by others already; however, they are as follows: Page 16: She (Her) lips curved up in to a smile.; Page 43: They walked over to a full(-)length mirror near her closet; Page 48: Irillith disable(d) weapon and flight control up there on the Command Deck, as well as down on the Combat Bridge.; Page 51: “The Trankarans are very brave, but that would (be) terrifying even for them.”; Page 59: “Do you grow wear(in)y of having skin?; Page 61: Unlike the billions of Galkirans he ruled over with an iron fi(r)st,; Page 64: I’m closer to you and the girls the(a)n I ever was to anyone in Neptra village.”; Page 67: Helen(e) suddenly looked unsure of herself.; Page 69: “My perfect Maliri princesses... just waiting until I give you (what) want you really want...”; Page 71: Irillith leaned forward to kiss Tashana’s widely stretch(ed) lips,; As always, if you disagree, I completely understand. Good luck with Chapter 129. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

steve angel

Thank you Tef for the wonderful Christmas gift!!! I love your writing, and this story. Have a happy holiday season with your family. The new one is probably not into it much yet. But I am sure he has added much joy to your holiday. Thanks for your continued work! Black to white, I guess love conquers all. Should be interesting when the black ships start deteriorating around them!

Jim lynch

Thanks for the gift buddy and what a lovely gift it was. A reflective chapter to reinforce the love 💗 they share I enjoy these type of chapters especially after a battle even a short battle like the last one. We get a new enemy too another full of himself prick soon to wish he stayed at home. I wonder if John starts a trophy case too lol I can’t see it myself.


OMG I can't believe we have to wait till next year for the next chapter. Merry Christmas everybody


From the "Did Not See That Coming" file: What an absolute stroke of genius to make Helene's ability to share emotions the key to defeating the black armor! Can't wait to see how that plays out. And I stand by my (much, much) earlier suggestion that love will be the key to developing the Crystal Allysium version of the black armor.


I loved that! Merry Christmas! and belated congratulations on your little Tefler.


Reread 119, holy shit Sarinia plans way. A head that conniving bitch


Did anyone else catch that our favorite blondes new method of navigation creates gravity waves capable of destroying entire fleets?


I long figured the black metal was evil, possibly forged with psychic power made from thrall sacrifices given the talk about a "soul forge". What happened at the end of this chapter seems to reinforce that idea, and now they can counter solid hate with Helene's weaponized love. The progenitors wont see that coming.


Sure hope John is upgrading Lilyana. The Malari could use military strategy genius on the front lines. Would be a waste of a load just to grow long hair.


I'm curious as to why Rahn and Jessica didn't show up too. They had more than 12 hrs to recharge their wormhole generator and the Invictus was stationary for hours.


I was wondering the same thing. Perhaps we will find she is either coming with them or they broke up.


This keeps getting better. What a good chapter to end off the year. Merry Christmas 🎄 Tefler!


Thanks for the Christmas gift Tefler. This one was a fun read. I think my favorite part was the Nymphs playing king of the raptor. Their personalities are really getting developed. They need to get boosted defensive shifting quick because of their psychic energy potential. John has to get to Brimor to save Cephna too. It was good seeing Lilyana finally getting rewarded, and hilarious how Joh's matriarchs keep pimping his stud services to women for favors. Excited to have the Maliri fleets outfitted with the new white love metal, there's a lot of work to do on Genthalas. Could we maybe get a peek in on the Drakaar and their pod mothers next chapter. John should send them in to deal with the Kirrix while he focuses on the big stuff. Have a great rest of your holidays and see you next year.


What canone say. The lad has done it again! Seasons greeting to all

Darrell Van Ember

Drakaar...hmmm...maybe send them fishing! Give them an idea what it feels like to be eaten alive!


The best ending yet! I was laughing so hard.


Ohhhh that is a brilliant chapter! So many good and fun parts. Thanks Tef! Enjoy your time with the family and a happy new year!


Just reread the chapter, with Alyssa pushing John more towards genocidal tendencies and black and white morality, and Helene trying to pull him away from those temptations, does anyone think this could end up leading to an argument between Alyssa and Helene that will get ugly?


Will Dana review the shuttle internal sensor logs and develop a love/ sex/ orgy weapon that destroys black metal?

Ken Moreau

Plus, it would make a powerful weapon in the Astral Plane against pretty much anything there. John escaped from (what I believe to be) Xar'Aziuth by sending his love for the girls down the channel. Now put all of John's and the girl's power behind Helene doing her projective empath thing: any of the zombie Progenitors are toast, and it will probably do a number on Xar'Aziuth himself.


Question is whether turning the black metal white through the projection of love also nullifies any negative associations so that Alyssa isn't affected... ... I also distinctly remember Alyssa saying that Helene was important back when they first bought her aboard... only Tefler knows how important she has/can become!


I wonder how Gahl'kalgor found out Baen'thelas name? I'm assuming it was from Xar'aziuth.


I bet Dana will figure out a way to make the Wormhole Generator not make them sick to use it like it current does the Thralls. No mention if it does the same to Progenitors or not.


Excellent chapter as always, but I wanted to re-read from the start and just wanted to ask, I know chapters 2 to 57 are on the storiesonline site, but thought the rest were here. And I can't find chapters 99, 100 & 104 - are there links to these here or should I just get those from storiesonline as well?

Who Me

storiesonline has all the chapters from 1 through 125. Chapters 126, 127 & 128 are on Patreon only.


Those poor buggers out on the outer rim are about to get hammered again......Since Arcadia is somewhere just beyond the rim in Kirrix space and since Arcadia is the planet that Gahl’ was sent to I’m assuming this general area is where he’s building his warp gate. Gonna be hell on the tourist trade.


Random thoughts coalescing.......I wonder why the girls haven’t twigged to the idea of an un-hackable command network using Ashanath. Put a couple of Ashanath on every ship and viola.....everyone knows what to do without any detectable signals.....


Maybe, but Arcadia was actually in Kirrix space so perhaps they might visit some Kirrix Planets first and take them out permanently. Unless whoever told Gahl, John's Maliri name also new their approximate location. Perhaps thru Larn being in the Astral Plane now?


How does Patreon.com work for someone just wanting to find a good place to write, post drawings and designs, maybe a video now and then, mostly for myself, friends and other cheapskates?

Bp Hlpt

Literotica has the same ones that SOL does, and the timeline available here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AA6REdk6PuVwfyhCBbuJ0HeXxO6ZeaMB/view - directly links to Literotica for each event mentioned on it as well. The timeline is just one part of the Master Post Index and Resource Links available here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cHUdC-AkgJ_QQWiEu2UTKoZ_Z12KmUP8EbLWqVbcvU4/edit#gid=0. It also shows the posts here on Patreon where each of the chapters were released here.


Okay I'm sorry if someone else said something about this already but i found a oops in the story line .. but in chapter 94 Tef writes... The House Valaden Fleet Commander gave him a warm smile, her aquamarine eyes twinkling as she played self-consciously with her long white hair. “It’s wonderful to see you again, Protector.” “It’s great to see you too, Lilyana, the longer hair really suits you,,” he said kindly, this being the first time they’d spoken since topping her up a second time on Genthalas .,” now in chapter 128 The third woman he’d only met once before, when Lilyana had been with a score of House Valaden senior officers, who were added to Edraele’s network of wards with Jade’s tentacular assistance. The Fleet Commander fidgeted with her short white hair and he could immediately see how eager she was to see him again. and Alyssa slipped her arms around the Maliri Fleet Commander and hugged her from behind. “Because John has a very big cock and he doesn’t want to hurt you.” As she kissed Lilyana on the nape of her neck, she gently caressed her trim stomach. “You’ve only had a small taste of him so far, but he needs to fill up that lovely tummy with his cum.” don't get me wrong I love the scene but she can't get topped up twice for a second time.


It’s in chapter 75 as well apparently. Tef has acknowledged it and said he wants to rewrite the older ones to reflect her only having one feeding because he likes this scene and what he’s doing here


Liquidate > liquefy (or liquify, if you are so inclined). Also, if you care: starmap > star map; warfleet > war fleet; powerbase > power base; flightstick > flight stick; sling-shot > slingshot; roleplaying > role-playing; asscheek > ass cheek; bedframe > bed frame... you probably don't. Thanks anyway :-)


Also in 120 Faye thinks about telling John what she saw on the INTERNAL cameras


What a great chapter!!!


I know that I am a bit late but , Happy Holidays everyone .


Kensyi...Please remind us. What did she see? Why are you bringing this up? I don’t follow.


We don't know she never talked to John about it but I remembered there was some debate about if it was inside or outside the ship, cuz people were debating if it was the tracking device

rich ed

Why have they not yet discussed/examined Larn's staff?


John started talking to Alyssa about runes in the last chapter so perhaps that will happen soon.


expanding rings in factors of six -> expanding rings in multiples of six. (Presuming this is meant to show how math-savvy Alyssa is - the factors of six are 1,2,3,6.)


I wonder what Maria's present is going to be? It is being purchase so it will be nothing that Dana made like a armored car with all the bells and whistles. You know like a battleship grade force field, Auto-Tracking Reaper Cannons, a Stealth Generator, A Null Gravity Gyroscope and an ultra quiet overpowered engine that has no speed limiters so she can our run a star fighter or the Jericho Police.


Yeah Paul! Seriously.


And I hate to say it again, but seeing a glimpse of what will likely be the secret weapon that defeats the other progenitors feel like Tef moving closer to wrapping up the story. I don’t want it to end!


Excellent chapter and the ending--interesting, they broke the bed!! Something hidden in this message??? All I can say is more, more , more. It was a very interesting Christmas present.

Ken Moreau

My first thought when the black metal started changing was that John was taking the next step to converting the black metal to something stronger than other Progenitors knew about. But when the bed broke, I believe that John (the reader who talked about Dana reviewing the sensor logs, not John Blake the character) has it right: this is a way to overcome the strength of the black metal, so Data might be able to use this power offensively to defeat thrall ships. Imagine Gahl'kalgor's dreadnought falling apart around him during a fight, and all of his offensive weapons exploding as the converted metal can't take the strain of firing such power.

thomas rodrian

Do we have a date for the next installment yet?


I can't say I agree with you on being near the end. There are so many threads to tie up and at the pace from a time perspective, every month we are only advancing about a day in the current time line. Threads to be completed (but not necessarily in this order).... 1. Rachel to Heal Maria and her two bodyguards at Jericho then on to Olympus to do the same for Abi and possibly any wounded survivors of the coup. 2. Tom Walker and what ever that story line is going to be, with the possible inclusion of the identification and elimination of the Admiral Morgan Fleet treachery. 3. The final solution to the Brimorians and the Abandoned and freeing Celphna. 4. The Maliri stopping the Brimorian/Kirrix Slave Trading. 5. The Maliri stopping the Brimorian invasion of Kintark. 6. The restoration of Faye 7. The destruction of all the Progenitors across the Universe. 8. John and his parents making up. 9. Discovering Mael'nerak's home planet of Kythshara and the secrets it holds. 10. John and all of his girls retiring. 11. John dealing with all the new Maliri Matriarchs.


I just had a thought. Will Gahl be able to find John easily due to the tracking device Larn put on the Invictus? Rahn was able to locate the Invictus after they left Arcadia, so unless John and crew find and disable it, or Rahn catches up with him and tells him about it, they are going to lead Gahl straight to the Maliri. Is it possible that the tracking device is what Faye saw?


I think Rahn will catch up to John before Gahl will and they will remove the tracking device. But it would not hurt to put it on a drone and send it into Kirrix space


Mad Jonah, what's happening with him?


Gahl’s trophy room has all the past progenitors he’s defeated. But I thought, very rarely do Progenitors ever fight each other in battle face to face, as Rag explained to john. Am i missing something or do you think maybe Gahl is extra sadistic and looks for the battle face to face unlike most progenitors and “their rules of war”?


I could be wrong but I thought they eventually faced each other after a long protracted war of attrition. At some stage they have to kill the other progenitor though and Larn did think when he fought John that he had no clue how to duel so they must get there eventually


Perhaps when the sword becomes fully operational, it will John be a better sword fighter. The other thing would have to start training with either Rahn or Luna.


Is there a 2nd part to this chapter


Best Wishes to Tefler, his family, and to all my fellow TSM-fanatics for a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year! Looking back over the past year, we've seen a lot of changes occurring for John & the crew, and even more for Tefler and his family! May both journeys continue in an equally or greater positive light!


Just being hopeful, any chance of anything being released today?




Back in chapter 20 Alyssa states she hopes to never face the Kirrix again...... Sorry hunny that is your biggest opponent so far lol.


This is just occurred to me, but John is pretty much taking up Mael'nerak's mantle. All but taking guardianship over Mael's creations (Terrans, Ashanath, & Trankarans), taken his place as king of the Maliri, is wearing his clothes now, and is even banging Mael's descendants (all of them!). Everything that was Mael's is now his, and yet, John is the son of Rahn'hagon. The man Mael blew himself up trying to kill. Is the irony of this whole situation lost on John and crew?


The real irony would be that Rahn is really Mael in disguise :)


I really enjoy this story. Thanks


When's the next chapter coming out? Out feels like a decade since the last one. Happy New Year Teff. Hope you have a great one.

Big Dude

Will Alyssa utilize the Larn staff against Gahl's matriarch? If Gahl 's matriarch dies will he lose his minions' power feed? WIll Tefler remember the staff in the upcoming battle? SInce John power's up his sward with eldritch power, won't the sword be more baaaaaaaad azzz with the cat girls being more powerful now? With John being exposed to that level of power now his mind can handle it because he will be in the normal realm instead of the spirit realm. Why hasn't Rahn and Jessica made a paragraph or two appearance? At least a sentence or two more between Jessica and Rahn on how fast his FTL speeds are now as she should be wide awake again. Will 25 shaped metal survive a progenitor blast now? To add to the list of dangling participle arcs #31) What about Tony and the girls from Karron and the black metal object? #32) What about the black metal object in Ashanath space? #33) What about the Maliri/Terran trading zone? #34) What about the Maliri males moving from the edge systems?

Who Me

Will Alyssa use her "hyper bow wave" to plow through the Brimorian fleets? She said if a bow wave met another ship in hyper-warp it would be very bad for the other ship.


As far as losing the power feed, we saw that early on in the story, during the fungus destruction mission. Alyssa got knocked out and PJ just took power directly from the other girls for his own use. Not sure if it makes a difference if the matriarch is actually dead or not.

Big Dude

Okay, but John feeds his ladies before a big battle. Now we don't know how Tefler will configure this battle if Rahn will be there before or after it starts. It would make sense to me Rahn shows up after the battle begins and he takes out the thrall ships. This is all predicated on if John gets the Maliri to get Larn's thrall ships. Then Tefler could have John arrive with thrall ships and Rahn too to dispatch Gahl and his "crew" as the start attacking the Maliri. Some get badly injured and Rachel heals them. Just some random thoughts.

Big Dude

Happy New Year everyone.

Big Dude

Will Alyssa use the hyper bow wave on thrall ships?


Mael, Rahn and Larn enjoyed freedom from Xar aziuth while under the Shroud! What kind of influence, if any, will Xar have over John when he finally leaves the cover of the Shroud to go after Larn's Thrall Fleet?

thomas rodrian

Big Dude, I think it might depend on which thrall ships you mean. If you mean a progenitor John has conquered like Larn’kelnar, then I doubt she would do this because John wants those ships for the Maliri. If you mean thralls of progenitors he is fighting, then this might be a valid tactic if she had no other choice. However, I expect John to want these ships too for alliance nations like Trankaran Republic, Ashanath, and Terran Federation. If the Kintarks get their act together, he might need ships for them too. I cannot think of any situation where Alyssa would use the bow wave as a weapon of first choice, but maybe you have some ideas.

thomas rodrian

Arrowglass, I think Rahn’hagon said only progenitors who bartered a portion of their soul with Xar’aziuth and did his bidding are affected outside the shroud.


I don't see giving anyone but the Maliri the actual ships. The Trankarans are far to large to operate them and the Ashanath would need booster seats and and the Terrans are not trustworthy at the moment. Nobody but the Maliri could even make the weapons as they have materials to make the special metal need to deal with the power of the weapons.


@Arrowglass what @thomas Rodrian said is what I recall also. I wonder if any progenitors have actually refused Xar that were outside the shroud? I'm sure if they did they were not long on their throne.

Big Dude

I mostly agree with Paul Smith and Justass. John can only trust the Maliri but the Ashanath have statues of John and the Ladies so the Ashanath would be great allies in the thrall ships.

Big Dude

Maybe those dead progenitors are the trophies Gahl has in his dead progenitor trophy room. Maybe Rahn will recognize some of these progenitors and tell John about them in a subsequent chapter.


I didn't think the thrall ships had the same armour and weapons as Progenitor dreadnoughts. But even if they did, no-one in this part of the galaxy has the ability or the metals to recreate them. The Ashanath had the Legacy for thousands of years and could do nothing more than a knock-off of the FTL drive and power core.


I can see her doing it to both the fish and thrall ships. I imagine it would seriously intimidate the fish and really piss off the thralls/progens..... I imagine a ship that was faster than a black dreadnaught and bounces around the inside of gravity wells would have a progen scratching his ass....


If I remember correctly Xar can only touch them in the astral.....and Rodrians spot on. However, Xar has to have a means of compelling obedience from the bad progens. Both Larn and Gahl complain about being forced to do “his” bidding. I wonder what the mechanism of that control is......


Considering he brings them into the deep astral when they sleep, the threat of being sucked dry "killed" seems like a fine motivator. I like to think of the Progenitors as Matriarchs "Patriarchs?" to Xar much like how they use thrall races. Xar feeds off the power the progenitors get from their thralls, Protracted war and death garners even more power to feed off of. just a thought.

thomas rodrian

@Justass, @Paul Smith, @Big Dude The Terran Federation has a history of untrustworthiness but after Alyssa cleaned house in the Admiralty, things are getting better there. They have a long way to go before anyone should fully trust them, but John has a since of loyalty to them. If the choice is watching the TFED disappear from existence or giving them thrall ships, I think John will give them everything possible. The Trankarans are big, maybe too big to fit in thrall ships, but they fit in Maliri ships. They helped refit a whole fleet of Maliri ships for John. I believe they are trustworthy, and they would do everything possible to help him. The Ashanath might be smaller than John but I doubt they need booster seats to use thrall ships. If I remember correctly, the Ashanath also helped upgrade Maliri ships for John. In fact, I think I remember an Ashanath- Maliri party to celebrate curves after the upgrade.


@Big Dude I dont think Gahl's trophies were Xar not conformists. The dozen or so progenitors around now all battle each other under Xar's insistence. But from John and the teams visits to the Astral Plane and doing battle with the monstrosities, some were more powerful then others. If a progenitor refused Xar's power offer would they go there at all if they were killed? I don't think they would. I think all those progenitors encountered there sold their soul and depending on how powerful they became in the material realm would probably be a direct reference to their size in the Astral Plane.


@Mudbutt Perhaps whatever Xar gives them to sell their soul in the Material Plane, he can take away if they don't obey. We all know how fearful Rahn is about dying and going there. That could be a big incentive.


@Lee Sherman can you give a reference to what your saying? I don't recall Rahn ever telling John that. He was specifically forbidden from going there but what pulled in anyways. Now that I am thinking about it, how did Xar know to do this if John was under the shroud?


@Paul Smith i was referencing when Rahn was talking with John on the Larn's dreadnought, he spoke about being offered an option to serve and be granted more power, or death. He chose serve and talked about how because he took the deal he was bound to serve even after death. As for how John got pulled in to begin with, well i don't know for a fact but i'd guess it has to do with John being the son of a progenitor, something built in to John's DNA so that when he took a matriarch it trips some kinda of physic trigger.


@Thomas Rodrian, All Thrall females are all the same size and build. Do you think they build things like adjustable seating that would raise up or down like an office chair or move back and forth to a console like a car seat would to a steering wheel? Why would they need too if they are the same size? What about console lay outs being built for a specific arms length? Now picture a large 9ft male Trankaran trying to fit into a fixed seat even if there were no arms on the chair or press buttons that are way too small for his fingers. (I said fixed seats as you can’t have chairs rolling around the bridge during combat so the chairs would have to be stationary.) First their weight alone would probably break the chair, but in my head, I’m picturing and adult trying to squeeze into a kindergartener’s school desk. Inhaling to squeeze into the seat and then being unable to extricate themselves to get out without assistance or how about us using a cell phone keyboard and pressing only the button you want with your fat fingers. Also space would be at a premium so I doubt they would be putting 12 ft ceilings in the ship as that would be wasted space so I am wondering how they would even be able to navigate the ship. When Trankarans were on Maliri ships, they were in the hangers which would make sense for a taller ceiling. Now for the opposite side we Ashanath are about 5 foot or less. Shorter bodies and shorter arms. In my mind I’m picturing a 9 or 10 yr old trying to drive a car while reaching for the peddles, steer the car, interface with the dash controls and see over the dash to where they are going, all with the seat set for a regular sized adult. Now the Starship would not be using peddles but when the chair is made for someone taller and with longer arms and bulkier bodies, I would think that even if they were sitting on the edge of the chairs they still could not reach all the controls , even with a child's booster seat at that will only raise them up but not lengthen their reach. Terran’s would be a great source of personal for this requisitioning trip for Larn’s fleet. If they gave the Terran’s the Hard Shield technology they would not need fighters and bombers anymore. All that personal could be quickly retrained to assist the Maliri and mixed crews to commandeer Larn’s abandoned fleet. Alyssa could scan all the volunteers to make sure they are traitors among them. While they may want to share the tech that can be build with standard materials with their allies, some of the best weaponry the Invictus uses has to be built with psychic materials that are psychically shaped multiple times (which only John and Alyssa can do so far at the level needed) and are so far in limited quantities. Dana still can’t build a Quantum Flux Cannon until she understands the secrets of the black metal. On a side note, I wonder why the black metal that seems to be rare to the Empires under the shroud? The Ashanath who had controlled a huge chunk of Terran space and only had a limited supply and gave it to John, then the Trankaran’s had some too and if anyone should have access to lots of it I would think it would be them. But somehow Larn seemed to have access to a huge supply of it enough to armor multiple Drakkar ships including battleships and cruisers. I doubt he brought it with him so where did he get it in this galaxy? Are the Drakkar sitting on piles of it on their home planet?


Rahn told Jessica that he lost his first Matriarch in a close battle but he still won. Progenitors have direct access to their Thrall network but use the Matriarch to manage it. IronLance's example was also before their knowledge of John's guide. Blocks were put in place later so his guide could not access their psychic powers unless freely given. That was why his guide left them all on the Invictus and went to take control of Edraele and start is own network.


@Lee Sherman I guess I am curious as to why John can be found while under the shroud and pulled into the Astral Plane but Xar can't control Progenitors that are under the shroud. Those two things are in conflict to me.


Yeah that bothers me too, let’s hope Tef answers that one for us someday.


They may will use it on the "Fish Boy's" but time will tell. (-:)


He kind of has. John gets attention when he takes specific actions or flings around enough power while in the astral. The shroud provides cover, but if he sticks his neck out far enough he gets spotted.


@Sean Miller, all those times when he was pulled in when he had his third time with one of the girls he was sucked in involuntarily. He would not have even known about the Astral Plane if it was not from those experiences. So how did Xar find him to do that under the shroud when he can't see or control progenitors there? Why didn't he find Rahn or Mael then, they had been there thousands of years hiding from him and he knew they existed before hand. He had no knowledge of John.


So we have 2 interesting colour changes. Dana making the ship a different colour for a while, which some suggestions that it's a white version of the black metal. Then theres Helene making white cracks through the black metal, like antimatter. If so, Can they weaponize it?


Isnt this kind of explained earlier when its discussed that John was meant to go to the astral plane because Xar could 'see John's. If the astral plane is a 'higher' plane of existence then a person entering it would be above any 'normal plane' interference? If that makes sense. The Shroud must have been made to hid in the normal plane and then just avoid the astral plane.


CM2 - Dana originally changed this Invictus armour plating from gray titanium to black when she combined Onyxium which was used in the Drakkars armour plating with Etherite crystals (and a bunch of other metals) to allow it to be psychically shaped with the Ashanath psy-shapers. When they left Ashana. Alyssa was using the psy-shaper to repair/replace the armour until it broke. They decided she had grown too psychically strong for the machine. She decided to try shaping the Invictium using only her psychic power. She did so and was successful, however during the shaping the black Invictium turned white, becoming much stronger and more effective against both energy and conventional attacks. Thus Alyssium was born. After that came Crystal Alyssium with the addition of Maliri crystal technology........As far as weaponizing it, I believe yes, but it will require Helene's empathic powers as it seems to be her sharing the love so to speak that took out the bed. It might be possible to channel it through John or maybe Alyssa, or maybe John will unlock his empathic abilities.


Ok I meant 2 new/recent colour changes. And crystal alysium is still not as strong as the prog black metal.


@Paul Smith. That would be the specific action. An act of devotion that is intrinsically toxic for the fallen ones. I'm sure there will be more to it, but I kind of doubt Tefler thought that through so early on. I bet it's a concept that grew organically.


I’m thinking it’s a power threshold thing also. John started really showing up on the astral radar when his harem reached a certain size.......still though....it beggars the question... If John, who never made a deal with the devil, has power.....then that means that all the other progens must also have power, with or without Xar. So how does Xar get progens to roll over? Why do they sell their souls when they get nothing out of it?


They can’t get to that Kythfaren astral hideaway quick enough.......booyah

Bp Hlpt

@CM2 -- If by "recent color changes" you meant when Dana put the whole ship back together and strengthened it while on the planet, I saw that as just a brief effect of the process, not an actual color change. Sort of analogous to when you heat metal to forge it it changes color, but then it fades back to its normal color when it cools. Since Dana was going through every bit of the Crystal Alyssium and fixing micro defects, I viewed the "glow" it had as kind of a psychic version of what happens when normal metal is forged. It changes color briefly, but it fades back to its usual color. As far as I remember, any color change that Dana caused was brief. If you are remembering a different event, please tell us when exactly that it occurred.


It's obviously a terrible deal. It seems more like a mob protection racket.


Any status updates?


Thanks so much for all the comments, ideas, info, speculation and additional questions. I love that this series generates this kind if involvement. I just hope the all knowing...all seeing...all creative Tefler answers some of these questions????!!!!!!


I think the sword runes mostly serve as an amplifier, and that to use more of it's abilities he has to discover what those abilities are.


Trying to calculate when Rhan's worm-hole generator will be charged relative to the timeline in 128. By my guess it would have been somewhere around the 4 to 5 hours they were with the disabled Kirrix fleet, or shortly after they left it. Any better ideas?


The way things have been going, it's probably best to bet on the last two weeks of January.


Oh I've read all the discussion, but I can't really comment on anything without giving away spoilers. :-)


And so...I will read on greatly anticipating those nuggets appearing on that cliff's edge...savoring those coming highlights!!!!!!!!


I'm sure this has been mentioned by someone, but I don't recall it, so I'll throw this out: John has now essentially committed to doing exactly what Rahn'Hagon programmed John's guide to prepare John to do: exterminate all the other Progenitors. The confrontation between John and his guide may wind up being something of an anticlimax.


Your correct, t was a temporary glow/colour, not permanent. that's what I was referring to. Yeah perhaps it's just like you said. I'm possibly reading too much into it.


I'm wondering when John will create Gaia class planets in Trankaran space and also recreate a planet for Nsskrit


Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't Dana now instantly kill anyone, including a progenitor? She's able to create small (and large) black holes, and has been demonstrated to be able to do so without direct line of sight to where she's making one (when she stopped the Kirrix ships, she can't actually see through the hull of the Invictus). Thus Dana should be able to create a black hole one the other side of a shield barrier, specifically directly in an enemy Progenitor's head, which would instantly kill him. Furthermore Dana's powers seem to be outside the normal Progenitor abilities. John certainly believes so, and either Larn or his Matriarch (I can't recall which) saw the destruction Dana caused with a black hold in the barracks on Larn's ship. Whomever it was (I believe it was Larn), they were unaware of any type of weapon that could produce that type of damage, indicating that it's not just John lacking information, but that Dana's powers seem to be truly new for modern Progenitors. Side note: Is there a collected Wiki for TSM? There's enough information in these books to need one.


Actually Dana would only need to create a black hole near a Progenitor Dreadnought to kill him, hell in the middle of a thrall fleet would be devastating. It would literally suck the power from the shields and then pull the ship in and crush it, doesn't matter how tough the black metal is it would be sucked in and destroyed. Only question would be how long it would take and if Dana could maintain it long enough to do the job. And who needs a Quantum Annihilator to destroy a planet? just a open a black hole on the surface would do the trick.

Big Dude

If Dana wipes out the thrall fleet with a black hole, then Gahl would lose his power during any progenitor-progenitor melee battle and he would be an easy kill. I would prefer Irillith showing up as an electrical visage in the progenitor ship and creating havoc. But would the software sentries allow her in though? If Tashana can learn to spirit walk both could enter the ship and Tashana fries the software sentries while Irillith does her specialty.

thomas rodrian

Coin of Gold. I don’t think it is up to date, but TSM does have a Wiki. https://three-square-meals.fandom.com/wiki/Three_Square_Meals_Wiki


Dana creates gravity wells - not sure she is up to creating a fully fledged black hole yet?


It doesn't matter the effect is the same and once it sucks in enough matter it would be self-perpetuating.


Gaian by Trankaran standards meaning Volcanic and Rocky?


But if John was able to brace against the pull before Dana limited it, then a fully powered progenitor could too. Also with a strong enough eldritch nullifier does it need to be on the black hole or its creator? Either way that would stop it.


If it makes it easier for you, I have a master document that I regularly update for Tefler. It has links directly to the Patreon chapter posts (I need to update for the most recent chapters). It also links directly to a number of other posts Tefler has mode over the years such as artwork, floorplans, etc. since Patreon is such a pain to search. On the final tab is a set of links that include the wiki, an invite to the fan discord (chat) server, etc. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cHUdC-AkgJ_QQWiEu2UTKoZ_Z12KmUP8EbLWqVbcvU4/edit#gid=0


if you are a patreon member they have a timeline of the story on discord that breaks down all the important facts for a quick reference. I use this all the time to research information. You can join discord by following this link: Permanent Invite to the TSM Discord https://discord.gg/ByA4Xv5