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*** EDITED - FINAL version (20th Aug). *** 

Hey everyone!

Here's the latest chapter, I hope you enjoy it!






Thank you thank you thank you












Write on! Thank you, Tefler! Now get some sleep, man. (laughing)


Yea buddy.


Sleep? He's got less than 8 hours to complete chapter 125! ;-)


Thank you, Tefler!




Midnight Pacific is, like, 8 AM Tefler-time so he can get some sleep tonight and post tomorrow if he wants to slide two chapters through the system.






That works the other way round: midnight Pacific is 8AM August first in the UK. Tefler's timezone is ahead of the US, not behind. Coffee, Tefler?


Awesome. hmmm do i start reading now or hold off and watch the debate. wait is this a plot to distract us? lmao.


Cut Tefler some slack, all will be due when the inspiration comes and heatwaves do not interfere.


Thanks for the chapter, I'm going to have an awesome night!


It’s past midnight in the UK so I guess that means a delay to chapter 125. Given on holiday in the USA at least I can read this at a reasonable time instead of he early hours of the morning.




Thank you Tef




Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy.


cheers mr


Woo fuckity hoo! <3


si/fidave thank you so much


woohoo, thx.


Thank you Tefler, I was dying for a TSM fix!

James Hârn

Squeaking in before the deadline I see... <3


Thanks Tefler.


Just got done with this chapter, Excellent, Excellent. I think the Shit is really going to HIT THE FAN next chapter for some poor dumb bastards.


Just finished reading it; excellent work as always Tefler!


Holy Guacamole! Love it! Awesome chapter Tefler. Many thanks>


for a second i thought it said 'here's the last chapter, hope you enjoy it' nearly died


well worth the wait. Now for the second and proper read..... cheers

Heinz Molck

Tefler: “Yeah, but there's (their’s) isn’t,” Faith said with a grimace.


I think this should be Charles, not Henry. "Now that the traitors weren’t trying to fight their way past the crowd, Henry knew that those troops would quickly reach the upper level."


He's posted new chapters at 2 or 3 AM in the UK to beat the billing clock before so it depends on how close he is to finishing chapter 125. If it's close then he can make it a double-tap this month or go for the gusto next month.


Fucking hell, that was a fantastic chapter!


“Lioness coming through!” :D


So worth the wait! Thanks Tef


Wow! Such a great chapter! Well done Tefler!


Finally.... The attack....


Anyone else have a puckering hind-end about what will happen when John and the girls get some wheels under them again? Baaaddd day to be a bad guy, I think...


yay :)

Florida Reader

Very well done, sir. Well worth the wait.


Wow, definitely edge of your seat reading! Very nice!


As always. You leave me wanting more, good on ya Tef!

Bp Hlpt

Many Thanks, Tefler!

Deryck Stevenson

Always a great continuation to this amazing story a wonderfully entertaining and imaginative story I am looking forward to the next chapter coming out.


I just finished! It was awesome!!


Oh my goodness, I needed this!


That’s what I was thinking, but Jesus their plate is full as it is! There’s only one way they’re going to get a handle on all of this. Rahn’s going to come back and help. It has to happen. It’s the only way he’s going to make Jessica happy.

bob lakhanpal

Wouldn’t it be nice to get the next chapter before the cut off deadline today like tefler initially planned?


Ready for the second read too! Great work as usual.


Just finished and WOW! As the list of stupid people that want to stop breathing gets shorter, there seems to be people queuing up to get on the list. On the first pass, I think my favorite paragraph is: Vihaan Khatri had always wondered what his last words would be. He hoped that he’d die at a ripe old age, surrounded by a weeping widow and a host of grieving children as he imparted some poignant words of wisdom to his family. Instead, he whimpered and soiled himself.


Yeah, now John, Alyssa and the whole pride are going to be baying for blood! Yeah, they went after Johanna, Charles, and Henry, but oh shit...they fucked with MOM! Oh no you didn’t!!

Who Me

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!


Out of curiosity, I was looking up something on the 3SM wiki page for the first time in a while. I still feel weird when I read Faye's cheerful greeting on the homepage. Yeah, I know she is only a fictitious character. But...


Omg. Great chapter. Thow it seemed shorter then normal ones......is it just me???? About to die of suspense waiting for 125


And when will ( Little One ) explain that she's Faye's daughter?


I know. I get a lump in my throat every time they mention her.


Excellent!, very exciting!


Darn I have to sleep after reading this nope don’t think so


Wow, awesome. Even some great twists that had me fooled.


WOW !!!!!!!!!!!! INTENSE!!!!!!!!! Thnx Tefler....


Considering how John and the girls reacted to Little One and the Bots work to fix their (humans and bots) home, the Invictus, and the placing of finding the bots that got spaced during the attack as a priority, I think it is already unsaid and will be explicit soon.


Damn Tef, that was a wild, action packed thrill ride. Well Done! A lot of heads are gonna roll well before the Invictus gets back to Terra. I don't think Henry Voss, Lynette or Charles are going to take this lightly. Hopefully the Justice meted out will be swift and brutal. An eye for an eye, hell no, a head for an eye.

rich ed

Bonkers, what a gripping chapter.


Glad to see that you survived the heat wave Tef! Hope you and yours are all ok. Thanks for a great chapter!


I know your only human and you write when you have the time and the inspiration, thank you for your latest chapter is was great! There wasn't anything on TV as usual so it was a savior.



thomas rodrian

Tefler, Thanks for the chapter. Admiral Lynette’s black troops really surprised me. I suspect it surprised almost everyone that they were the good guys. I hope you get a few days rest before you even think about writing more.


Gah.........all you do is leave wanting me wanting more.....I love you and I hate you....so good


WOW...another WINNER!!!


Well that was a thrill ride. How many characters can you make us love then leave them clinging to life? So many cliffhangers...


A lot of interesting threats in this chapter. I wonder how many are related or orchestrated by an unknown enemy. I only noticed three typos in my read through. Am I supposed to note them here or somewhere else?


Worth the wait!


and with this i guess its farewell... i was hoping for faye to return, but as it doesn't look like that is the case, i'll be taking my leave. Thanks for an amazing ride Tefler, and good luck wherever you take this story.


What an amazing chapter, after reading i can totally understand the delay, maybe one of the most complex chapters yet but you nailed the transitions and pacing perfectly imo




great chapter! Noticed right near the end when Alyssa is talking about Rachel healing Abigail it looks like you left "her" out.... as in "Rachel will have her good as new"


well lina will now be in a threesome with Charles and Lynette. Who is/are the traitor(s) who tried to assassinate the Fleet Admiral? Same one(s) who tried to take out Maria? (seemed more personal there). What did Celphna see when she saw the broadcast of John Blake?


" "Woah, hold on!" John exclaimed, ..." Whoa?


Yea no kidding. Probably one of the only instances where "subverting audience expectations" was a positive critique and not a euphemism for "the writers/directors did such an appalling job I cant think of any way to spin this"

Heinz Molck

...before you try fighting someone as scary as Larn’kelnar (another progenitor)?”


You can let me know here. I try to fix them as soon as people spot any errors. :-)

Jedi Khan

Well done. Masterful use of misdirection in previous chapters to set up some surprises in this chapter, as well as throwing new, completely unexpected surprises.


Thanks for the nice feedback everyone! I'm really glad you guys enjoyed the chapter. With the combat being "low powered" this time, I wanted to try a few different things like the chase scenes. Something like that is a lot harder to set up with the regular crew because why would they be running from anything? :-)


I really liked that Maria was such a bad arse without the shield and laser weapons Lynette and Jehanna had. Don't get me wrong I loved them going all terminator, but it was nice to see someone pulling their own arse out of the fire with calmness, confidence and ingenuity. I think we know where Calara gets her steel.


@tefler if this is what is get with more time then do take more time


I was very conscious of the fact that Maria isn't augmented, so I didn't want her running around gunning people down. She does have years of military experience though, so would be trained to keep a cool head in a crisis. Plus she's smart and perceptive, so I wanted to have her be useful without being overbearing.


Was a chapter worth waiting for! I can see why it took Tef a bit longer, heatwave or not, this was a doozy!


As much as I enjoyed the scenes with Maria, my favorite was probably Edraele's call with Athgiloe (sp?). That scene was all kinds of satisfying.

Donovan Gibson

I am still giggling at how Kester used ramming as a SUCCESSFUL tactic against the Brimordians. xD

David B

So many things happening all at once. And with the big bad L - Prog dead - is someone else pulling the strings?? Who are the traitors in T-Fed that got ISD to attack with so many squads and all these people simply followed orders to take out and kill civilians and TV personality’s and even the Admirals??!! What are these people thinking??

David B

So what to do 1st? Go back to Maliri space and upgrade the ship? Find the lost Prog Fleet and begin training Maliri on them? Take out the Brims and free the Abandoned? Find the traitors in T-Fed and ISD who attacked? Fight John’s Guide to make John 100% Prog Powerful? Chase after John’s parents - or will there never be a happy reunion there? Will John’s mother leave John’s Prog father and come find John and reconcile? Will the Maliri Hacker / Traitors be found and be dealt with? Will the “fake Fed traitor” be shown as the Hero and get his girl? And who set him up?


Tefler, Early on in the story Alpha team was to hit the front while Beta will approach from the rear. Later, Khatri was unable to get ahold of Beta team. Shouldn't that be Alpha team which was in the front that got blown up? “Beta team, report!” Major Vihaan Khatri snapped into the commlink, but there was no reply, the communications channel remaining ominously silent. Reading on, it might be easier to swap them so Alpha came in from the back and Beta from the front in the first scene as the Alpha team was referenced numerous times in later scenes.

David B

Tefler you Rock!! Another awesome chapter and now I can’t wait for the next one!! Any idea if 125 will be mid month or end of Aug??

David B

Tef, How strong are the personal shields that Dana made for the Fleet Admiral? Seemed to be able to withstand a lot of punishment (bullets and grenades??) and no mention of failure or low power or battery warnings?? How would they hold up against laser fire? And how was the shield only 1 way??


Patience has its rewards and to find this chapter as I was contemplating beddie by, well that idea went out the window and I was up feasting on this latest edition. Thank you Mr. Tefler well worth the wit.


thank god you type many time better than me!


Fun chapter Tefler. Well done. Nice tension and release as well.

Steen Kaasgaard

I am SO addicted to this story! Absolutely love it and have a hard time waiting for each new chapter 😀


John may want to have Dana design a new Comm Beacon. Work with Irillith to make it hack proof, priority channels for those close to John, maybe each race has their own pipeline within the network. Perhaps equipped with a Progen Server and a connection to the Collective. Some defensive capabilities. Too often now the Comm Network has been compromised and led to some serious problems.


I just thought of something.... Can a progenitor see anothers psychic power connection? I know that in previous chapters John could see his connections with his girls. He used that connection to find Sakura when she was kidnapped. John's dad used it to find Jessica. Could John see another's connection to his thralls? The reason I ask is because if he could, he could use that ability to find another progenitor while he was in his cloaked ship. You can't cloak a psychic connection to your thralls.


Enjoyed it all!


The story’s power system including the tech and psychic powers seem to be connected and because one-way psychic shields are possible it would make sense that tech could replicate the effect.


Wow. Just, wow!


You read 124 chapters of this amazing story, but you're bugging out because Faye's gone? Wait...are you an A.I.?


This was "low powered"? I thought it was just as thrilling as any action/combat sequence you've done. And yes, I like how you've been spreading out to give more story to the secondary/tertiary characters. It gives more gravity to how John and the girl's actions are affecting people in the galaxy. Also, gives you a chance to spice things up with a little hanky panky with those characters, like you did with Tony, Perl, and Kelli, and Charles and Lynette. So happy Charles is finally getting a piece of the pie. Crap. Now I'm sad because saying tertiary made me think of Faye :(

GDay (FMS)

Absolutely awesome Tefler I am truly enjoying your view of the universe....


The ousted Admirals are pulling the strings and chip off the old block loony-bin Mace is the traitor. What are they thinking? It's kind of a theme running through the story with several of the characters, including John and the girls. Hubris. TFed is a military state and that makes Admirals among the most powerful people. They get to thinking they're too powerful to get hurt, so they overextend themselves, leaving them open to a smackdown.


Soooo, if powers they use in the Astral Plane keep turning out to work in the material...I know it's a dangerous plot device, but am I the only one who remembers that John turned back time?


All I'm saying is, you have the power to bring back Faye, Tef! You just have to believe in yourself! LOL


Calara was the kidnapee. Sakura was the one who saw the Psi thread when she had belly full.


I just finished reading it. It was worth the wait.


I think the rune only activated with his death and i doubt he would try anything like that in the matrial plane for the forseeable future, maybe in one of the last encounters? Or maybemaybe the last fight is in the astral so it xan be used anyway?


Just thought of something that could shift the power distribution in this universe incredibly into johns/girls favour. The usual prog wars are wars of attrition until one side is out of thralls, since john doesnt have any disposable thralls but still equals a regular prog like larn using up his entire network they basically have the psychic might of an entire prog empire at their disposal ecery 8 or so hours (one proper rest). This insanely fast recovery time means that the crew can basically slug it out with any prog as long as they can get around a fight involving spacecraft without ever worrying about depleting their network permanently, which undermines the whole doctrine of a war of attrition


Ooohhh... that chapter got some blood flowing in my veins again. :-)


Really enjoyed the chapter. On another note just fyi there are words missing in areas that are needed to complete the sentence most of which I only caught because I read the chapter again a few hours after I read it the first time. I always feel in a rush and excited the first time through so I usually read it twice in the same day. I know Tefler and editors will go through the story to catch mistakes but just wanted to helpfully point out there are some.

Ken Moreau

I don't think so. Larn'kelnar was warned by Ailanthia back in Chapter 119 that he was not at full strength: *We’ve been here for the better part of a year and your thrall network is depleting rapidly. * And even running near empty, he had sufficient power to overcome the psychic damper (which John was unable to do until PJ helped out) and to take on John and every single one of his girls. Maybe runes in his black staff? The as yet un-named Progenitor who destroyed Rahn'hagon's ship has access to his full complement of thralls. John is right: he is no-where near ready to take on a fully charged up Progenitor, and is not "still equals a regular prog like Larn", because Larn didn't have a fully staffed (pun intended) network...


I think Athgiloi will be in for some sleepless night , praying to what ever gods he believes in that Larn was able to take out John as he predicted . If he had a stunned look on his face during Edraele call , just think how he will react to opening up a conference call & seeing John's very grim face .


also loved his come back to Caldwell , there might be a little bad blood there from earlier troubles with Kester & HC under Buckingham .


Another awesome chapter, though them reminding John constantly that a single generator takes 12 hours to recharge makes me wonder how long it will take Sparks to figure out how to lessen the recharge time and fit more of them in a single ship.

rich ed

should this not be green clad? The squad of ISD operatives whirled around, eager to take out the secondary target that had just fallen into their laps. Jehanna strode into the lobby, her boots crunching on the shards of glass littering the floor. She raised her pistol as the black-clad soldiers opened fire, then hesitated as a storm of bullets hit her shield, creating a rippling blue wave in a bubble around her. Without the high-tech defences Dana had provided her, she would have died in an instant, gunned down by hundreds of rounds.


If total transparency is the pr strategy of the federation now wouldn't complete transparency over the progenitor wars be good going forward? Just use the full scope of what the Lion and lioness es know as of now. (Long ago there was a race of gene altering peaceful egalitarian beings. Then one evil being broke away from the temple of light and decided death, destruction, and corruption were powerful forces. That dark being corrupted and/or destroyed most of his race. But at least one known temple of light and champion of: peace, freedo, genetic diversity, and fertility remains. Evil beings seek to exterminate our protector. Anyone of a compatible species can be given powers and immorality of these progenitors. Some can "Become" progenitors. Being a progenitor or someone enhanced by a progenitor seems to impart a biological need for polyamory. Either we follow the path of life or the path of darkness will enslave us all and have us murder each other until for all eternity. He has made alliances with 4 species, including ours, to fight for freedom and peace across the universe. Several species and dark beings have recently grown more bold, and are those who have attacked us recently. Anyone can be redeamed and join the side of light. " It would give everyone hope that they have great galaxy spanning alliances, and the potential to get the same powers as the Lion/lionesses. Allow a united front against the "forces of darkness". And preemptively stop any treacherous spindoctoring from enemies of the Federation.


I have found that one of the best ways to edit (for me at least) is to read the passages aloud. Your ear will catch things like awkwardness, missing words, etc.


Great chapter. Many interesting story lines. Still excited to see the upgraded ship. So many things keep happening to keep them from getting back. When they aquire the other fleet... I wonder what the idea is to transport them back.? No pilots


I think the idea was to take some Maliri pilots over using the wormhole generator and have them fly the ships back. I could be mistaken but it's what I assumed would happen.


Hurry up pleaseeeeeeeeee I Love this story. More more more LOL


When is the next book coming out


hey guys, who is this character arjun khatri? I dont recall reading his name before.


chapter 119 -" Admiral Arjun Khatri had been appointed to run the Internal Security Division shortly before they’d all been forced to resign. Fleet Admiral Buckingham would have only assigned him ""that position if he could count on him to handle the... unpleasant side... of running a galactic empire.


he was one of the conspiritors with ex admiral Oliver Petran, and Benedito Almada


Thanks guys, guess I will read chapter 119 again.


Ok I know this fantasy , but no where, no when is a government agency going to say , btw our super hero you all love and trust is just a baby and he picked a fight with 2 dozen more super beings . I can see it going public down the road but they have enough shit in motion at this point. As far as giving out these powers , the way John's personality is he would see that as eventually destroying the universe as he has already said none of his children will be progenitors so if not his children no one else will get them , beside it could unbalance the plot , " desperately out numbered, only prevailing through love and trust of a very few unique individuals "


eagerly awaiting 125 bro 😎😁


Correction... “She whirled around, her hazel [eyes?] darting about frantically until she spotted her fiancé standing in stunned silence behind the bar.


Here is one of the places I noticed a missing word. "her" or "Abigail" Pg 68: “They managed to keep Abigail alive and get her into cryostasis. As soon as we get back to Olympus, Rachel will have as good as new.” should be "Rachel will have her as good as new." or "Rachel will have Abigail as good as new." Overall reaction on the Chapter read: Wow! Edge of the seat stuff, could not stop reading to the end.


Possible correction. At the end of the fight scene when Lynette saves Charles and Lina. Text currently runs as follows: “Lynette glanced up at her fiancé in surprise. “I wasn’t sure you’d tell her, Charles.” He winced and shook his head. “I didn’t...” Should Lynette have said “........I was sure you’d tell her...” ?. Cheers Tim (FMS)


While I am no Greek mythology expert, I am reading Stephen Fry's book Mythos right now. Kudos to Tef for naming Grayson's ship (guarding Jericho) the Epiphron. The son of Erebos (Darkness) and Nyx (Night) is the god of of "prudence" and "care". My vote would have been Adrestia: "she who cannot be escaped", the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite and known to accompany her father Ares to war. She was venerated as a goddess of revolt, just retribution and sublime balance between good and evil.


Hi Teller, are you still planning on releasing chapter 125 a mere 8 days after 124? I know that there would an awful lot of happy campers out there if you did, but I have to say "you can't rush art " . Please let us know if you have revised the time scales as I suspect, to prevent lots of disappointed people if you don't get it out by the 9 th. Thanks.


Admiral Kester: The sharks were circling but, i had a bigger boat. classic! :).


I’m still betting on Admiral Carmela Moreno as the traitor that got the ISD on Olympus. And the sooner John takes down his guide the better.......I really wanna know what happens to the girls when they meld with a completely all together progenitor.....pointy ears all around?


I hate to say it, but it doesn't matter how long it takes for tefler to release the next chapter. I put reading the series on hold until Faye comes back. I just can't read anymore until I know she's okay. I'll keep contributing to the series because tef is a good guy and a good writer but this story isn't the same without her.

thomas rodrian

Wow, in some ways I really feel for you. Tefler is a great guy but I think he has buried himself so far down in the minutia he needs people to suggest ways to save Faye. Maybe we suggest a few obvious ways he will get the hint: Convert little one into Faye, Reanimate one of the aliens Rachel and Dana have autopsied, or wait until the have a fresh Brimorian body, Convince the arachnid matriarch to become Faye, Put Faye in Abigail, Wait until they get to Mael’nerak’s homeworld an use his lab to make her into a real girl. Just a few ideas. whatyathink?


Hermit1157, thank you for the info. I will try that and see how it works for me. I do read it in my mind and there are times I realize something just does not sound right and there has been a few times I read it in my mind and think yeah that is good then look at it again and it is missing something or something is substituted for the wrong word... like there or their....

Ken Moreau

I don't know whether this is an error, or whether Tefler is setting up a plot complication. On page 40, one of Fiske's squad is reporting to him over the comms, saying: "Half my squad is dead! There are guys in black armour..." just before being gunned down. Same thing in the attack in Henry Voss' office: the attackers are in black armour. But for most of the chapter, the ISD troops doing the attacking are in green armour: "blasted a fist-sized hole through a soldier’s green chest plate" and "a squad of soldiers in green body armour involved in a firefight on the highest gallery level". Was one of Fiske's troopers part of the assassination team, and Lynette's loyal troops took him down? Did the assassination team infiltrate Lynnette's protectors? Or are the different groups wearing different types of armour?


I think he scrambled the colors in the narrative....he does that with numbers of ships and the length of the raptor too.


I hope we find out PDQ what the hell it was Faye saw on the security monitors midway in chapter 120.....


I've read this chapter a few times and each time this has bugged me a little. When Jehanna runs off to save Voss, "She raised her pistol as the green-clad soldiers opened fire, then hesitated as a storm of bullets hit her shield," I keep wondering why did she hesitate. If this was her first experience that would be one thing, but she had already faced soldiers with Lynette, been shot at and gunned down the bad guys. I would have expected her reaction to be automatic upon seeing the soldiers. See them shoot them down then have an internal philosophical debate.


My guess, the journalist finally realized she's a full fledged lioness and combat isn't as scary as she originally thought. That was part of her motivation for not staying on the Invictus.


Hmm, the amount of things happening right now trumps even Chapter 100


The whole theme of the story is "if we just had a couple more days time" but they never do. It's headless chicken, resolve; headless chicken resolve; faster and faster until your heads in a whirl let alone the crew who don't have down time between chapters like we do 🤣


What, the last year of chapters has translated to only less than a week for John and the girls


that's been bugging me too.....lol


Well worth the agonizing wait. Hoping all is better on your side Tef. Thank you, 124 was a great read!


Others will know better. But I think less than a year has passed since the beginning of the story. I don't remember Alyssa having her 19th birthday yet.


(phone posted so formating will be funny.). Hey fellow TSM co-fans. I'm, like many of us have devoured the chapter already. My partners read along with me and we where talking about other good sci-fi reads... I know we've thrown out suggestions and ideas before, but I'm hoping you can help me find the title of an old favorite to share with the gfs. Story started, if I remember correctly, with an Alien ship over earth who dropped a nano-virus and then left. The protagonist was a guy who was able to control said nano-virus. I can't for the life of me remember the name. Ideas? (Girls are reading stardancer/Talos chronicles atm). And if this shouldnt be here let me know and I'll delete. Thanks my fellow TSM fans. -Fallaras

Hinterlands Man

Hazel eyes, in case nobody else caught it, the word eyes seems to be missing. Hey Tefler I just want to say it’s still such a thrill and I love these characters you’ve brought in. Yeah I predicted wrong and didn’t account for John’s guide. Even halfway through the chapter I thought John was going to go berserk and get over his fear of confronting his wretched progenitor cousin. Maybe his caution is well placed. The 12 hour charge is something we don’t fully understand. Does the destination have to be chosen when the charge begins? Where is all this energy going? (Surely not capacitors) Is the ship immobile while charging? Once charged, can it stay charged indefinitely? So many questions.

Hinterlands Man

Let me point out what I felt were the highlights of this chapter and the gems you sprinkle in your writing that makes it so enjoyable. The Invictus_Node_Collective following Faye’s lead on snooping, the Admiralty meeting’s tension and intrigue, Lynette and Edraele hammering out interstellar diplomacy, reminding us that John is the embodiment of the Righter of Wrongs, the entire scene with Athgiloi (you made Queen Edraele wait, you fool!). Lina is a fun character who helps to convince us that Charles is indeed not bad for his age and I just like her. Charles needs to get her in something akin to lioness shape or at least fertile and get his women pregnant. Lastly ISD certainly explains Maria’s ultra-specialized training, which goes far, far beyond anything we see in today’s military communications. Very cool stuff.


I saw Maria (communication) as more like a CIA or more specifically a NSA analyst working in the field. Though, how that ties into her time serving on the Damocles, I do not know. So basically she would have standard TFed training and supplemental training. But this would be short of an undercover operative like Faith. But this would explain her network of contacts and her skills at information tradecraft.


NanoVirus by cmsix. Last I checked was available on SOL.


Personally I would say the wormhole generator might function somewhat as the jump engines on battletech or the stargate in SG-1. Meaning that the generator/portal needs to have a full charge internally before opening the wormhole.


I’m probably due a reread but I thought Jehenna couldn’t communicate back to Alyssa yet? If not how did Alyssa (and obviously Rachel) know what was going on with Abigail let alone how bad it was? Lynette only called after Alyssa told her the plan to put her in cryo...


When Alyssa contacted Jehanna , she had already been in contact with Lynette . who knew where Jehanna was going(to protect Henry) & the stress & concern probably lit up her connection to Alyssa (she can read her emotions ) A quick check by Lynette to the medic's & they had the story & the plan

Big Dude

I thoroughly enjoyed the chapter and the upcoming recipes for ass-kicking activity.


That was a fun chapter! It's always fun to see the Lionesses kicking butt. So the Dutch admiral is joining the team now? It'll be interesting to see if Charles learns more about the change this time. The interactions with the collective have been heartwarming. I hope they find the missing bots next chapter. Thanks again!


We don't know for sure if she is joining the team, Rachel may just heal her and give her a pick me up


My big question is how Athgilois’ nymph will be freed......and what plot twist will her liberation engender.


Sounds terrible cuz Tef definitely deserves a break but I feel like the characters are the lucky ones. I NEED more chapters out.


I want him dead, IDC how it happens. I just want Athgilois dead lol


LMAO Matt......*tips hat*


I guess the next immediate question is, has the other Progenitor left orbit as expected? Personally I think he hasn't. It's an obvious way to throw a monkey wrench into things. Or is that too easy?

thomas rodrian

@Jeff Eaton, > has the other Progenitor left orbit as expected? I think this is a critical question. I think he has left but to where? John is Terran, claimed the Maliri, has treaties with the Ashanath and Trankaran. So, is he on the way to obliterate one of these? In addition, Mael’nerak’s soul forge is still out there. If Xar’aziuth knows its location, the nul’forbrains might head there. Regardless of where he went, John will be constantly looking over his shoulder expecting another attack,


I just wish that tef would send John into the astral and find, to his horror, that Faye is there, she gained a soul from being with him and was trapped by the Xar b/c she's 12 entities in 1 body...


... then she gets to have the horrific trial of being trapped, rescued by john, then she gets to connect with helen...

Ricardo Miguel Pereira da Silva

We are so spoiled... 1 or 2 chapters a month.... Eny clues as when the next is coming... I am expecting soon... On the last status update tefler hinted that 125 was well advanced... How else to plan then 2 chapters before the end of july.. Be as it may if eny one knows or has clues as to when... Please let me know...


Just sit tight I'm sure Tefler is about to publish the next chapter... Well. Pretty sure... Ummm I hope? ;)


Well, the old update forecasted a 8 day gap. Which would make it tomorrow. But since there has been no update about it being submitted to the editors, I wouldn't hold my breath.


Surely John's mother is going to convince Rahn to reconnect with John, he will then deal with John's guide and they will start to work together. I bet Alyssa will find she has the ability to undo the damage done to progenitors by living under Xar more quickly than slow recovery under the protection of the shroud- it is clear that the longer progenitors live under the shroud the more capable of love they become.


The complexity of this story, its compelling characters and unresolved story lines that are often addressed (if patient) makes Tefler a fantastic storyteller and kudos to his editors. I have to believe Tefler has his own version of the Silmarillion out there that allows the bits and pieces of plot and character to work their way through. Now get thee back to Karoon.


I have been making some ritual sacrifices to help speed things along. But I can only do so much because my neighbours have told me they are getting "concerned". I am hoping that August will be a two chapter month. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


He's building toward an ending. So this will take longer as he needs to be careful not to add so much new that he can't wrap it up and tie it off.


The story started out simply, but it's grown to be exponentially more complex. As I'm winding up subplots in TSM, I'm also setting up future plot arcs for the sequel, so there's quite a bit going on at the moment. I'm aiming to get two chapters completed this month, and I'm making good progress so far. :-)


Remember Tefler needs to account for worm hole jump drive reset. So there will still be enforced periods of down time regardless.


A comment above by Ken Moreau got me thinking, Celphna (Athgiloi's nymph) was gifted to him by Larn. But where did Larn get HER from? Did he off someone in this galaxy that had a nymph (like the TFed researchers at Tartarus) or did he "happen" to have her with him (Lennarans originally come from the Progen galaxy)? If it is the second, then Jade has a lot of potential sisters. Also, I wonder about them being "Thralls". Being able to be set free and be simple and happy (unlike Valada) makes me think they are not a Thrall species. Other evidence being that Irrilith and Tashana DID NOT want to kill her on sight like the Larathyrans. It might be that Jade and her line were one of the unique creations of Mael's genetic tinkering (like the Drakkar, Ashanath, Trankarans, etc.). As I don't think Karn or Rahn ever showed that skill at genetics. My vote goes for offed someone that had a nymph. By "giving" her a way to "sweeten" a deal, that points to Larn not placing much value on nymphs. Jade's crystal's origin and its relationship to her ability to become a Lennaran matriarch is still up in the air.


The GEO will solve the 12 hour limit...I hope!


Dana or Alyssa or both are sure to crack the “black metal” problem, but i’m thinking the 12 hour time limit ain’t crackable.


I think the wormhole generator first use is going to take them somewhere new and unknown away from everyone and everything with no real way to get back soon. The lionesses will still be in contact if they are not on board. (something tells me they will be.) this will lead to John's kids growing up without him. (unless he takes them with him leaving behind perhaps a daughter he doesn't know about or that was too late term to risk being on a jump.) then we get to see the story of a female progenitor growing up and having her own adventures and dealing with her own issues and other progenitors looking to poke John's allies and peovoke a response. I could be wrong. I probably am wrong. But damn that could be a fun story to read!!


Ohhh shit.. Maybe a female progenitor shape changer!!


Just some thoughts...........they need to 1 - Rebuild the Invictus (better and "badder"...LOL, 2 - Commandeer and crew the the now lifeless Larathyran thrall ships and bring them to this galaxy, 3 - Handle the Brimorans and give them what they deserve, 4 - Identify and clear up who was the traitor(s) and clarify what happened (will probably take both Irillith and Alyssa,) 5 - Deal with the Abandoned, 6 - Track down and punish those responsible for the assassination attempts, 7 - Faye, 8 - The Progenitors sent by Xur-Aziuth, 9 - John's Guide, 10 - The Enshunu and their knowledge of the Achonin and Progenitors, 11 - The Maliri.........and the list goes on not necessarily in that order........WHEW!!!!!!!!


Not to be a wet blanket or anything but why, exactly, would the Larathyrans let anyone steal their ships and equipment? Sure, the Larathryn thralls were all husked but they were only a fraction of the entire population. Unless they're Patreon subscribers too and have been following the story in their spare time, the Larathryns won't know anything about about the Maliri if they show up to steal their stuff except the instantaneous hatred that is embedded in the DNA of every seed race. And when do Lynette and the admirals get their official Maliri Treaty lapdances? :)

Sushant Bhartiya

Be healthy, live long and write more n more.


I was under the impression from Aillanthia's comments, that the ships were operated by thralls and if they were responsible for order, then who will stop John's group?


A Progenitor is allowed 1 thrall race. Remember thrall races are claimed and "owned". The thrall races hate each other.


As far as the thrall ships. Thralls seem to be recruited and then leave their society. So thrall ships have nothing to do with civilian defense.


So... John should have snagged Larn's wallet to get the pink slip for the fleet and the entire Empire before the Kyth'faren sword roasted the corpse because Larn' owned the ships and the Larathryns. Amazing. :) You know, if someone managed to kill John that wouldn't give anyone the right to the Invictus, the Lionesses, or any fleets. John is a liberator, he has not 'claimed' the Maliri and I doubt he's going to do it to the Larathryns or the race that's enthralled by New Guy a.k.a. Lord Rehd'shirt with the gladiator fetish.


They're a genetically designed genocidal race, they're not going to dissolve in a puddle of tears and stand around crying while their stuff gets stolen just because they're supposed to be helpless civilian genocidal warriors.


R u sure about that? It was my understanding that different progenitors’ thrall races hated each other <i>providing</i> that the progenitors were both still around... I also thought they could have more than 1 thrall race.


Damn Tef, this new chapter is a rollercoaster!!


Hi Tefler, I enjoyed the chapter. I did find it a bit odd that Admiral Ramos was at Olympus when he took his escorting fleet into the newly acquired Kintark region in chapter 118.


Oh well spotted! That was quite the continuity error. In the confusion on Olympus, the security teams mistook Admiral Dedric Schmidt for Admiral Ramos. Guilherme Ramos is safe and well aboard the Dinlas on the Kintark border!


So, I am again rereading the series, and all the way back in chapter 38 there is a reference to the light from John and one of the girls kissing on the hull in Olympus. Does this happen in any others?


who leaked that it was Fern that got the Invictus back to save Terra?

thomas rodrian

She belonged to a group of backchannel talkers that had worked for a long-time protecting families and maybe even terra from the TFed. I think it was more of people knowing how she operated on backchannels that helped them realize she had to be the source. If I knew my child could help, and I had the ability to secretly transmit sufficient information to get results, I would do it regardless of consequences.

thomas rodrian

Is “the Henry’s office”, on page 15 of chapter 124, sort of like ‘the Trump’ or ‘the Donald’ when talking about the USA President? I hope not.


Small thing, not sure where this would go but on p.68 you have this line: “They managed to keep Abigail alive and get her into cryostasis. As soon as we get back to Olympus, Rachel will have as good as new.” where it should be "Rachel will have her as good as new."


too late already spotted that one.....they great writer has already been informed!, and if you reload the file its been fixed


Hello, Does anyone know if Tefler have announced tentative date for next chapter?


I don't post often, but damn that chapter was good!


tefler have you thought about a book signing please let us get first dibs sorry to keep bringing this up but wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwould love to have signed books


Hmm .... kind of have the Maliri go knock on the front door for a visit and john knock on the back door .. Be The Cat Not The Mouse .


I wonder if Colonel Fiske is gonna be able to keep his gob shut about Lynette..... and if I was Calara’s mom i’d be asking for one of those personal shields for Christmas......

thomas rodrian

I suspect several people will receive one, but a lot sooner than Christmas.


will we see Leprechaun this chapter? Will he meet up with Jade or Krisalei?


How do u sign an e-book?...Oh.....and be sure to bring the nymphs to the signing

David Shmilowitz

Any word from the editors about this chapter Tefler?


F5 time yet?


PLRus at it again


What is F5?


What is f5.


So.... it seems this month also will be an one update month. Am I wrong in thinking that. Since it's already 15 and there is no update of the first half of a chapter gone for the editor.


His books are taking up a lot of his time. One chapter a month keeps the patreon flowing. Anyway, since he said he was working to get both chapters out last month I assume this month's chapter will come in one piece. Can't wait


Haven’t heard anything like this but whenever August came around all of Europe seemed to go on holiday.


he's probably at the Cricket..........get back to work Tef!!!


Don't forget, he already released one chapter (chapter 124) on the 1st of this month. It could be that chapter 125 gets released on the 31st of August, and he will have met his target of 2 chapters this month... hope not. Hope it will be 2 on top of chapter 124...


JG. Depending on where you live, the date can be variable. This post is dated 31 July; most likely because Patreon is an American company and uses one of the US time zones to calculate for billing deadlines. I am not exactly sure how Patreon does it's billing and am spitballing.


Patreon is in California, so it's billing is based on the Pacific time zone. Terler released 124 July 31st. We think he intends to release two in August yet. I suspect one within a week and a partial at the end of the month with the finish of that chapter early in September.


I note here in northern California that the Chapter 124 notification says 4:01pm on July 31st. We are on Pacific Standard Time which would have been 12:01am London time on August 1st. However, I do not know what time zone that 4:01pm refers to as I was NOT online at the time to see if local time was the same.

Jedi Khan

That's actually Pacific Daylight Time, not Standard. I currently match PDT, and the time shows the same for me.


Fair comment. Here in the UK it comes up as 12:01am on the 1st of August...


That's why it always seems to get released in the middle of the night...🤭


And I thought that Tef was a real night owl...😁


well he does seem to usually release chapters at about 2:00 am UK time so Night owl seems reasonable

Big Dude

I think Tefler enjoys the anticipation commentary from everyone. He's now he Pied Piper of space adventure. I bet if NO ONE commented on when the next chapter is due maybe Tefler would be more forthcoming? Anybody want to try it? Hmmm...?

Malcolm Rickarby

First day rained out , second day England all out, the Lyon of the antipodes takes three. Not much inspiration there!


Hey can anyone tell me in which chapter did john propose to the girls ?


si/fi dave still on the hook of T S M re read it all ..but think on this...If alyssa is a female progenitor can her come do the same to men as it did for johns females ! +if we gess that if it only takes 1of johns sperm to link to his power network +love for him .... and 1std man=3.7 ml=250 mill sperm per shot john 4 uk pts =816 ml=270 std men x 250 mill the RACHEL &amp;DANA can put 1 sperm suspended in a pill using a nano shell with DNA lock on it female only ..if it is opened in any other way it will destroy johns DNA IN THE PILL ...= DANA ! THEY DONT NEED THE WORM HOLE GEN DANA CAN OPEN A WORM HOLE NOW AND SHE TORE A HOLE IN TIME AND SPACE TIMETRAVEL...OOYEA..... IS MAD JONAH JOHN FROM THE FUTURE TO START HIM ON THE RIGHT PATH HAVE A THINK DAVE OUT FOR NOW


In chapter 93. page 7 in Lit. https://www.literotica.com/s/three-square-meals-ch-93?page=7


Okay, so what would have happened if Lynette was successfully eliminated by the rebels? What will they achieve other than sure death? Was idea to create a power vacuum and use that as an opportune time to attack Terra. Here suggestion is cooperation between Brimorian's and TFed rebels. Issue here is high command seems to be a competitive and capable body with multiple leaders of high seniority. The above plan needed all of high command to be eliminated as they all pledged loyalty to Lynette. The whole idea of executing this attack looks poorly planned and suicidal because it could have achieved nothing even after death of Lynette.


I thought after the fight with LK , Tefler will stop with the tale of good half and bad half with in John. Just pissed off he hasn't. Come-on its been so long , get them to merge. Make John complete.


Sometimes back in the chapter were Lynette was treated and made a Lioness I said Lynette need to be as she is in front of the public. Now again an opportunity arises for Lynette to be shown in front of her team as who really she is. World accepting Lynette as a Lioness or an admiral who underwent micro cosmetic surgery is as much believable as Charles having no issue with Lynette being a Lioness.


So Brimorian sea lord know or suspect John of being a Progenitor. Maliri is an ally of John and thus TFed. He thus have no value for the TFed traitor as further attack on Terran territory is not possible. So what happens to traitor?


John's or Progenitor weakness is inability to hide themselves when they go to the astral plane. John with Alyssa/Athena must find a quick way so to learn more from those hidden palaces.


I'm thinking teff needs new editors. His apparently suck at editing in a timely manner

Jedi Khan

Do not blame the delays on the editors. They do amazing work for Tefler and they do it for free. He has offered to pay them in the past but they turned it down. If you must blame something for delaying a chapter release, blame life itself, because that is what gets in Tefler's way the most.


If I remember right, the plan was never to kill Lynnette, just those close to John.


Uhhh slow down and take a breath. Get a nap come back and edit this. I think you have a few salient topics here but they are so garbled I can't be sure.


Any official news or updoots from the mothership?


Or....you may find Mel himself hiding there


While waiting on the next chapter I have decided to reread the entire series. I just finished book 4, but does anyone have an easy link to the rest of the chapters? I know I can use literotica also, but I like the word format better.


There's a Google Table linked somewhere in this Patreon with all the links...


Thank you Tefler. I have enjoyed this storyline and look forward to your next post.

Jedi Khan

In case anyone is wondering, Tefler paid a visit to the Discord server today and gave a quick update. Due to the summer holidays in sunny ol' England, he's been busy taking care of Tefler Jr.. Tefler has 16k words of chapter 125 done and is getting ready to hand over the first part to the editors. He expects to have 125 posted by Saturday August 24 at the latest, barring any unforeseen delays of course.


We'll start a pool.


Thanks for update. I had thought his promise was to have 2 chapters per month?

Bp Hlpt

Not promise, but a goal. Life always seems to get in the way, just like it does for us all, doesn't it?


Summer + Kids = More priorities


Even without the hinted sequel(s), this story could go on damn near forever unless John and Alyssa take an astral trip to the Kyth'faren knowledge repository and discover a way to destroy Xar'azuith, thus freeing the Progenitors. He also has to deal with the traitors, Brimorians, Kirrix, Enshunu, and who knows who else! I need Rachel to give me 20 more years :-)


One of my editors was away on holiday, so I just got the second half of his edits. I've updated the attached chapter, which fixes a bunch of minor typos.

Who Me

I will GLADLY volunteer to be an editor for YOU! Just so I can read the chapters sooner!


I definitely volunteer to be an editor. Honestly I can't help but be a grammar and spelling critic. I just don't say anything. After all, for the most part its mistake free.


In a world with body camera, wearable comm devices and brain wave regulated devices how will the action of Marie and Jehanna in Olympus shipyard be kept a secret?


you also got to remember its a military dictatorship basically, on a military base and most likely a lot can be censored/deleted before it can hit general consumption. Even word of mouth could be curtailed some what I would think.


@ Orneryduck: It said she had replacements, but the heat of battle did not give her a quiet place to get it all set up again... Timbo (FMS)

Bad Dog

I don’t think that they ever developed things like cellphones in this alternate universe. If you read trough the series you notice that’s this is not a future earth but some alternate timeline. Notice that there are some glaring differences in the available technology, specially in the area of communications. Not once has anyone pulled out a smartphone or any other similar device. If they existed it would have made absolutely no sense whatsoever that Maria, or that bodyguard of hers, didn’t have one and call for help using it. Otherwise Maria would not have had to almost get killed trying to call for help using the house phone. That being the case is unlikely that anyone, other than professional reporters, would have video capture devises on them.


I think they do. If I remember correctly during the rush to defend terra from the Lizard dudes and they left the border with the Krix undefended there was “Amateur footage filmed on a cellphone” or something like that from the TFNN broadcast.

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

I would like to thank Tefler for not releasing a chapter the night before my exams this quarter... Like he did last quarter


It’s getting near that time! My addiction DT’s are starting to kick in!


So the other day i was watching Avengers Infinity War while rereading ch 117 ( john is in the raptor with jade and the twins ) and i had a sort of a epiphancy that maybe, Tefler has based the Lenarrans ( Nymphs ) on GAMORA and the Maliri on NEBULA ( based on Skin Colors ) and maybe the Progenitors on THANOS , i dont know seems appropriate to me What do you think guys ?


According to the last Discord update, chapter 125 supposed to be released tomorrow. Since we haven't received an update about anything being submitted to the editors, I fear that release date will pass Us by.


A bit of the chicken and egg. Both are based on established comic book characters from the days when every alien species was usually a simple colour due to the limits of printing technology and having to hand draw the same character over and over again (drawing small details get annoying the hundreth time per issue). You could go farther back to LotR where some of the orcs (relatives to elves) can have blue colouring. Or ST:TOS and the alien Orions (green skinned slave girls and gangsters) and Andorrans (blue skinned, white hair, antennae, militaristic). Martians were always jokingly called "little green men" and blue is one of those colours that is very rare in animals (and usually due to physics instead of pigment). But it is still very familiar. I am not saying that you are wrong or that Tefler is taking his cues from Marvel. I am just pointing out that these are common traits for fictional alien species. Besides, anything other than a visible colour would not mean anything to someone that does not see into UV or IR spectra (i.e. us humans).


That would be amazing. I'm going stir crazy pend up because of my car accident. :)


As much as I liked chapter 123, I now wonder if it introduced a continuity error. If battleships and dreadnought traveling at sub-light speeds are able to overload brimorian shields by ramming them, why can't singularity drivers (and railguns) do the same thing? Is there any indication of the tonnages for the various ship classes? Would like to do some napkin math to figure out the sub-light speeds vs hyperwarp speeds, and the kinetic energy involved.


Perhaps it is a bit like cornflour mixed with water; the slim created is like water if you stand on it, but like concrete if you jump on it. You can pour it like water, but you could actually ruin across itwithout sinking. Maybe in the same way, if you hit the shields slow enough, you can pass right through them, but get deflected if you hit it too hard. This would allow fighters to dock on a carrier with the shields up.


Do we know how fast sub light engines can push those ships?


Or the shields could have a particular affinity towards various types of energy. They deflect/repel kinetic energy to a high degree but absorb thermal/x-ray/gamma/etc.? Explains why shield generators eventually overload as they are unable to vent the energy fast enough. Fun concept, if not terribly realistic given current understanding of physics.


If I throw a knife at a dude in full plate, I’ll probably bounce off. I throw a boulder at the same dude....


I think we need to assemble some fans to be a tech Think Tank to bounce the validity of the Tech and physics in the story. It might be a headache, but obviously there would be fans to cater to. :)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I actually did that for a while on Lit and got lots of negative feedback from it as no one could follow the math or the language of physics. For me it was fun, but even some in the field were very derogatory when I espoused theoretical stuff we are just finding out...for example, ftl travel. One Physicist and I got into a bit of a row about it even being possible. Yet, not too soon after that physicists were able to measure ftl particles that actually turned the causality postulate on its ear (the result caused the action rather than the action causing the result). I was right....but still no one really wanted to listen.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Recently had this Tachyon primer on Discord: Lasers are beams of parallel waved light as opposed to regular light which is scattered wave. If you are not in the beam width of the laser you actually will not see it unless it reflects off of dust in the air. It also travels at the speed of light. Tachyons are sub atomic particles that travel faster than the speed of light...in fact, they cannot go that slow as the speed of light is a lower limit where they have absolute mass and the faster they go above the speed of light the less mass they contain. So, while a laser light is relatively constant (slightly slower in a dense atmosphere) Tachyons have no other restrictions on their velocity. For this reason, Tachyons are said to refute the concept of causality, or at least reverse it, while lasers have no such issue. At any appreciable distance, a Tachyon beam will strike its target before it is actually fired. This, of course, reverses the causality requirement in that the result demands the initial action. Or, in the case of firing a Tachyon weapon, the target being hit means that you have to pull the trigger....which is an interesting conundrum to say the least.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

At a range of 10 miles, a Tachyon burst would hit the target roughly 1/10,000 of a second before you pulled the trigger if it were moving twice the speed of light. And, that is a bit faster than you can change your mind about taking the shot. Correspondingly, at a range of 100,000 miles (roughly half of the distance to the moon from the earth) the impact would happen one second before you fired but would take about 2 seconds for you to see, so you would actually see the impact a second after you fired. If you could see that far. A laser fired at 100,000 miles would take about 2 seconds to impact and another 2 seconds for you to see said impact.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I was answering a question about the difference between a Laser and a Tachyon burst....and this was the response I got. look, heavy physics like that makes my head pound..............badly...........!!!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I finished with this anyway: We don't yet know if Tachyons have a charge or not. We suspect they can form a field. While we have just begun to measure ftl particles (neutrinos) Tachyon particles are still theoretical, would have imaginary mass (a square root of a negative number issue) and would completely upend physics as we know it....specifically the action creating an effect (causality) since the effect would then create the action. We do now know that ftl particles exist, we have measured them.


Has Tefler shared any news on discord or here for that matter about when the next chapter may be coming out? The last info I saw said maybe this weekend.


This is Word Porn for me. And this is layman terms.


Your explanations are perfectly articulate. They allow a person to wrap there brain around something without ever having to understand the math.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I also talked about the whole turning around issue in space by spacecraft. You can turn them around easily, but if you point them in the opposite direction they are still travelling at the same velocity as before the turn....only now they are travelling backwards...and will continue to do so until enough thrust is created by the main engines to slow down the ship and send it moving forward again. Scence fiction writers hate that nasty little problem.


Agreed. While I'm haven't read any of his 'books' recently, Aer-ki jyr had a fun little rant in one of his early Star Force chapters about the practicality of an orbital blockade (i.e. star wars trade federation). Rather was amusing to read, if you can stand some of his crazier ideas.


I also enjoy technical conversations. I do see where discussing how certain things could and could not work would hurt some people's suspensions of disbelief but I personally don't have that problem. If I did then I'd be unable to enjoy most science fiction because almost every one has errors that are glaringly obvious to someone who has studied electrical and mechanical engineering.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Wow, after modding on TSM Discord channel, this interface really sucks for conversations. I really implore you all to talk with us on the Discord channel...send me a screen shot of your patreon level here and I will get you access to the Patreon only channels. https://discord.gg/zu7S8f


Losing interest. We are losing interest on delay and there are so many promises not kept.... Sometimes people leave getting bored simply.


That is the one annoying thing about illustrating a physics problem without a formula or going through the math. Verbal explanation always takes much longer and scientists rely on symbols for shorthand. But the underlying concepts are not too hard to grasp.

rich ed

who is the we you speak of? leave if you must, the rest of us addicts will not


Can you tell me what happened on last chapter and its moods today or the chapter before last. Have you seen how the F5-ers are coming down. Everybody knows when requesting becomes futile. The 'rest of the addicts' include all but that doesn't mean there will not be voices.


The chapter is ready when it’s ready. Telfler has repeatedly said that the dates are projections and not promises. He puts out a great product and is one of the most regular authors out there. Given the amount of pledges, I am doubtful that the “we” is more than a handful of people.


Yeah, I’m really only on this thing to support Tefler, I wouldn’t know him from a bar of soap, but I do know that he’s as perverted as me and that he’s built this pretty cool universe that we ‘all’ love to indulge in from time to time. I’d love to give up my day job, hook up an IV and read his literature non-stop for the rest of my life but thankfully for my employers Tefler is pretty sparse on these updates. Last thing I want is for Tefler feeling pressured doing this, then not enjoying carrying on the story that we all love.


Tom cho. Caseless rounds i. E. The prejectile and primer directly inserted to a solid propellant but with no case at all were used in a Heckler and Koch prototype assault rifle design in the '80's. Ive actually fired one


H&amp;K G111


Sorry G11. Keyboard stutter lol


Interesting. So the round is basically a small rocket. I was thinking more like a rail gun where the projectile is accelerated by another method. In essence, a very high tech ballista.


Ok rus. How do you switch channels on discord? Already have a channel going for my blacksmith group but do not see how to switch


Didnt they have problems with reliability and repeatability. Seem I recall something like that as the reasons for not continuing research and development. Of course I was just a lad when they were working on that model. But I am old enough to have fired my 1st .45 in the service.


I think I noticed a typo in last drop of Chapter 124. "It sprayed a hail of bullets at the neighbours house, trying to neutralise Commander Sharp who was covering their escape." Shouldn't it be 'neighbour's house' (possessive) since ISD is shooting at just Joel's house?


Another possible error. "The most shocking sight of all was the four black-clad operatives lying contorted where they fell, steam rising from the glowing holes punched in their armour." Doesn't Black armour belong to the TF Special Forces and Green armour to the ISD bad guys?


I was confused about the armour/armor colors also.


Questions: Does the Progenitor Dreadnought have large enough hanger deck space to tractor beam up the fore and aft sections of the Invictus for wormhole transport to the Genthalas Station in Maliri space to make repairs sooner? Are they able to contact Rahn'hagan? Just wondering!


Good question. The answer can be found in the earlier chapters in which it was indicated that the ship had transported other vessels into previously protected regions without detection when Larn’kelnar was moving the Drakkar around, if I recall correctly.


I based my remarks for troops on the station on what Lynette said: "“B-but what about the troopers in black armour?” he stammered. “Shouldn’t we hunt them down?” She let out an exasperated sigh. “No, they’re with me. Tell your men to stay out of their way.”" I was only referring to the troops attacking Henry Voss's office, not those after Maria.

Jedi Khan

Well, looks like at least one unforeseen delay got in the way of Tefler releasing 125 by today. Here's hoping life mellows out for him so he can get paid this month.


Jedi, I wasn't expecting it today, so I'm not at all disappointed. I'll be happy if he posts it by month's end, but either way works.


What happened...did he post something on Discord?

Jedi Khan

Nope, there's been no word from him regarding the chapter since last week. The most recent sighting of him was on here when he put up the final version of 124.


We need a poll: what single power of what crew member is the most entertaining. Not the most potent, but the most entertaining. My vote is Danas’


CRAP......I meant Dana’s ability to goop the black metal....


Hey Tef whenever it’s ready it’s ready my man I can wait for greatness.


https://discord.gg/zu7S8f this should be it


My vote would be Jade , what's cooler than a Giant Green Glowing Tiger or A Dragon ….seriously a DRAGON!!

Big Dude

Maybe 125 will be a double feature (length) post?

Who Me

I am getting so desperate I have started re-reading TSM from Chapter 1 again. For the FOURTH time!


Tefler's release date promises are more empty then my soul. :)


Life happens Jeff and with children going back to school life will happen more regularly. Try to cut him some slack. How often do you find an author that can craft the story we are getting in the same amount of time. And what's worse is when people start pressuring the author it just makes them burn out faster.


Hopeful estimates. I like that. I'll have to use that one with my clients. :)


Tefler, please create at your own pace. The old adage "A watched pot never boils" seems to be the truth for so many. I am as addicted to this story as anyone but realize with the intricate storylines that


you are weaving that it takes time. I for one am willing to wait.


the progenitor infiltration shuttle is corvette sized. Half the size of a destroyer. I'm sure it has shields, but not a capitol ship sized shield generator. Maybe raptor or mech sized?. Too small for a wormhole generator, and not enough power


Ugh another day with no TSM :( i mean i get that a saga like this must be really complex and i have tried writing so i know how the muse is either off or on and they dont care about our plans.....but damnitdamnitiwantmyfix,lol.

Big Dude

Seems my truthful post was eradicated. Why Patreon?


So I was just thinking, they might have sent people after Jeanna's family, that would clear up that barrier to join the crew


i am as antsy as anyone here ... but I have been a parent and grandparent also , i understand the distraction that life's ups and downs can have on creativity , and all i am doing is wood floors , i don't have to worry about keeping track of timelines and characters , plots and tying everything together . all i have to deal with is making inlays and borders , still life can make that difficult and slow .


If you make a point of giving a date then you keep to the date. If he said by the 25th of each month that would be fine, but don't promise and skip. I tell my kids that all the time.


That's pretty cold..... kill off Jehanna's family so she can join the crew .... really?

GDay (FMS)

All I can say is "WOW" get a life some people and let Tefler work at his own pace. I for one truly appreciate what he does on a regular basis. It is one thing waiting in hopeful anticipation for a glorious new chapter, but another to project your own insecurities into a reality that is the sole domain of Tefler. Be thankful for what he provides and not derogatory and belittling to make yourself feel better.....


I am seriously looking forward to the next chapter and would love for it to posted. But I want it to be to the standard that Tefler has set for himself. If he has not released it, it is not to the point he would like it to be, and while I believe his stated goal on patreon is multiple chapters a month with the current word count he is pushing, i am happy with one chapter a month. If he were to say set a date then I feel he should try to get it to us by said date, but he has yet to set a date for release, instead stating projected release date, cuz life happens. I want to emmerse(?) myself in the story and for it to be done, but that isn't how life works, Tefler is writing and it will be to us when it gets to us. I do wish he would pop on here and update more often, even just a "all is well, still writing" would be lovely, had a few series I have been reading just drop off with no warning and I'm left feeling empty because there is no resolution to the story. Please stop pestering Tefler and let him release the story when it is ready.


Tef has a habit of posting what he aspires to do instead of what is realistic to accomplish. Under promising and over delivering is a discipline that everyone should embrace, but most don't. If you look back over the last several months, he has only managed to squeak out one chapter a month on the last day regardless of what dates he provides. Just check back in a week folks.


Really???? is this necessary to say, or are you just trying to pontificate? People are people and life happens, do you really think that this comment is going to result in a positive outcome?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Oh the world owes me a living Deedle dardle doodle deedle dum Oh the world owes me a living Deedle dardle doodle deedle dum If I worked hard all day I might Sleep badder when in bed at night I sleep all day so that's alright Deedle dardle doodle deedle dum There once was an old grasshopper Who could only think of fun He looked on work as something too Unpleasant to be done He loved to sit in the summer sun And fiddle all day long While dozing there he played this air And singed this little song The north wind blew the leaves away When winter came one stormy day The snow fell fast upon the ground No food nor shelter could be found This old grasshopper sad and weak Could hardly hop or view his feet He slipped, He fell Poor Chap, Farewell Some ants stayed in their hilly home Looked out and saw him sneezing They soaked his feet in mustard sauce He grew better soon Now every day they hear him play And sing this little tune Oh I owe the world a living Deedle dardle doodle deedle dum, ah-choo! Oh I owe the world a living Deedle dardle doodle deedle dum, ah-choo! I got a bad cold in my head You ants were right the time you said You've got to work for all you get Deedle dardle doodle deedle dum, ah-choo

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

When Tefler produces he gets paid. Good morality. When Tefler is late producing those who only pay when he does complain about it. Very questionable morality. Thinking because they have previously payed for what they received according to a contract they had a hand in creating and believing it gives them the right to bitch: Laughable.


don't they get the advanced copy like us PLR??


Totally agree, I have watched what happens to authors who post on a free site and the backlash they get from people who aren't even paying for the story and their response is to stop writing.


I'll just say this. Tefler, thank you for writing an engaging story. Take all the time you need to maintain your high quality standards.


Everyone take a pill. Tef I hope you're doing well. We are looking forward to more. Oh and again my wife thi KS your a horrible person for killing fay. Like she did when we thought you had killed jade. Bring it all when you cns brother I just hope you're making enough still to keep writing for us. Entitled and otherwise.


This may have been commented on before (haven’t read 725 posts) . . . I would happily pay for the more frequent delivery of smaller chapters throughout the month. It seems chapters used to be smaller, hence easier to get out to us.


Either way I love what you write good sir. I’m a devoted fan 🙂. Hope you’ve had a great summer!


PLRus, I agree with your sentiments regarding the whiners, though your soliloquy was perhaps excessively long. But, I have to ask: how does one singe a song? (LOL; I believe you meant "sang" instead of "singed". This isn't one of those instances where the British conjugation differs from the American conjugation, is it?)


As a matter of contract law, you can "form a reliance" on promises and commitments; if you "change your position" as a result of those commitments, your counterparty is then liable for any damages you accrue as a result of relying on their commitment. I grant you that it's unlikely any reader could establish damage had occurred, but contra @Steve's point lower down, this is long established contract law (indeed, contract enforcement can be seen as a specific case of reliance), not whatever damn-snowflakes-MAGA nonsense he was on about.


Its out when its ready, I've probly said it before but each of Tef's chapters is the same as other writers WHOLE stories in no of pages....


My thought is he is at very pivotal point and needs to make sure it flows correctly. It will be ready when it is ready


I've finished the next chapter. I'll give it a once-over tomorrow morning, then post it afterwards! :-)


Which country / time zone are you from Tefler ? ( always wondered that )

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Really good news - looking forward to it.


Did Tefler move from US to UK sometime between chapters like 30-60? I thought I noticed a change in word usage/slang/colloquialisms etc.


Great work on 124 Tefler. Looking forward for the next👍👍🤙🖖.

raymond sisko

Got to say Tefler you have my admiration . Your a master storyteller who is adept at his craft and pulls the reader into the story. Kudo's to you sir. And I don't mind waiting however long it takes to read another installment. Should make a movie of this, but I don't think the public is ready for that! ;-)


Thanks Tefler, as always an amazing chapter

Who Me

Oh No! It's too soon for a new chapter! I'm only on Chapter 26 of my fourth time re-reading TSM!!!!!!!


Refreshing.......any new forecasts?


About every 10 chapters I give it a re-read.