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*** EDITED (27th July) - FINAL version. ***

Hey everyone!

I'm still writing the final scene, but I'll give you the bulk of it now. I'll update the rest later tonight or tomorrow morning if it gets too late.





Thanks telfer!!


Woo 1st? Lol


cheers mr


Finally, I can breathe again.

Jim lynch

Yes it’s reading time cheers tefler


Thank you, Tefler!


F5 worked this time!!!!


I've been waiting all weekend for this thank you.


Thanks Tefler!


I wanna start now, but I think I will wait until my vacation starts and I can enjoy it properly.


Awesome I'll wait on the full thing




Thank you, Tefler!


Thanks Tefler


Thanks for the Christmas in June present Tefler

rich ed

Cheers Tefler


Thank you good sir, some reading on the plane

Bp Hlpt

Thanks Tef!


wow, thanks Mr. T....


Great, thanks for all the hard work!


Thank you Tefler


I finished off the final scene. I'm thinking about adding another, but I'll have to have a think about the timeline for that one. :-)


Edited file seems broken, it's 97kb in size, seems a bit small. Among other things. Edit: Update, it works now.

Florida Reader

Nicely done -- still setting the scene and moving the pieces. The stakes just keep getting higher.


Can't open updated file


Nice cliff hanger you got for us. Once again lmao.


Thanks Tefler! Get some rest and recharge. Cheers!


We are behind you! Do what you need to do.


Not just any cliffhanger, but a "Oh shit, I need new underwear!" cliffhanger.

Old Cruiser

Thanks Tefler!!!


I'll wait for tomorrows final version.



Jedi Khan

Thank you. Time to read.


You know, I'm really not a fan of all these cliff hangars! Other than that, I enjoyed the chapter, thanks!


The growth of your writing style, the interweaving of story threads is most impressive. I do wonder why none of the characters thought to enlist the Maliri against the Brimorian invasion. They are the only possible power left in that part of space.


I feel like John's going to go all mr.steal your thrall 😂


Alyssa has already stated that she bonded with Helena. It seems strange that she is now unbonded in this chapter.


Tefler, when you get a chance there are some edits on Discord. Another excellent chapter.


Tefler you are too cruel for letting us wait with this big cliffhanger.


Was really hoping Faye would be recovered at the start of this chapter lol


It looks like Walker is being set up pretty good , it's too bad it will take Alyssa about 2 seconds to read him & clear him & then go looking for who would want so bad to set him up .


Worth waiting for. Was hoping little one would make an appearance but the resurrection will have to wait it seems. Battle speed!... Attack speed!... Ramming speed! Young Chuckee's in love. Will Rahn do the right thing and win back his love???? Good start...

rich ed

wonder if John will steal this new prog's ship (after he has wasted him, guessing Sakura will fight his champion from the arena) and save the day for terra again? also the suspense for Lynette, Jenna and Maria ratchet's up for another chapter.....

Rick Barker

No Rick chapter, thank you


Tefler you are evil with those cliff hangers. Hey if you get some time, can you please remember to put 121 on lit? I'm sure there are some people wondering where you are there.

thomas rodrian

Nice way to end the chapter. Thanks

Jedi Khan

Well now, I bet the crew is real glad they set up the stealth field and holo projectors ahead of time. Hopefully those hold out and John now has a chance to grab himself a new ship.


John and helen's first time together ?!?!


If i remember correctly they have already bonded right , thats why shes psychic and i thought alyssa can talk to her telepathically , cant seem to remember the chapter but im pretty sure they have bonded already

David Shmilowitz

Any word from the editors about the final version of 122? It's been over a month now since it first went up.


Chance at a ship, but will this be like all the other black hulled ships? If so I dont see them taking it. Also did Rhan just jump to Trank space?

Jedi Khan

They don't need to keep it, just "borrow" it long enough to get back to civilized space with the Invictus in the hangar. And yes, Rahn is apparently back in Trankaran space as that is where he invaded all those years ago.


If Dana knows she is an experimental baby, why is she bothered by being abandoned by her parents and able to empathize with John's abandonment by his mother?


Because she only knows that she was an experimental baby since realy recently and would have had to live with those feelings of abandonment for a long long time

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Would it not be expected to send the TF a few Maliri battleships to assist in making Brimorian fish soup.

Jedi Khan

Not necessarily. As that R&D guy said, there's been no formal declaration of an alliance between the two empires. Of course Edraele would be more than happy to have a fish fry if John asked, but John is adverse to sending the Maliri into a fight without him being there to back them up. If John did have Edraele send in a task force to smack the fish around, it would be more prudent to have them go directly into Brimorian space from the Protectorate rather than into TFed space first. The Maliri and the Brimorians do share a border after all. However, again because there has been no formal declaration of alliance, the Maliri would effectively be attacking the Brimorians unprovoked.


@tefler - to confim - the crew never got a chance to get the Progen. Shield generator - in 122 "There’s a functional Progenitor Shield Generator there too, although the projectors have blown out all their focusing crystals. It’s too big to transport in the shuttle though, so we’ll need to go and pick it up when the Invictus is capable of flight again" --- nothing I see in 123 confirms if they did / did not have a chance to get this from Rahn's old ship


Also a random thought - if John is the Protector of the Maliri and basically the T.Fed's; why not request Edraele to put a peacekeeping force in place to assist?


Yep, they had to leave the shield generator behind because it was too big to transport.

Jedi Khan

Politics. While Lynette might be okay with the idea, the other Admirals and probably the populace in general would not. Put yourself in their position. Would you be okay with a foreign military power - a superior military power at that - in your territory that you had no control over, even if they were there to help "protect" you? That would be a very hard sell for Lynette. Maybe once they get the joint operations base setup between the two of them, then it could happen.


Just a thought, when John and Dana were talking about Faye and his feelings for her, it would have been cool to add a line about Little One overhearing the conversation. the Node Collective was conspicuously absent from the chapter and it feels wrong. It seems unlikely they would just completely ignore an unknown AI collective without trying to get to know them. There was also the plan to rescue the repair bots in orbit that needs completion. The shuttle could do that.

Bp Hlpt

AFAIK, neither 121 nor 122 have had their final versions posted yet.

Ken Moreau

All true, and Irillith can track down the hacks. But as Calara has pointed out in other venues, is this the best use of their time? Getting the Invictus in range of the T.Fed communications network is going to take a month, and then they are immediately going to leave to go fetch LK's now idle fleet. Priorities: one guy with solid evidence against him, vs billions of people at risk with Progenitors on their warpath. Besides, how will they even find out about him?

Bp Hlpt

Not to mention recovering the Raptor since that could be a big giveaway to their presence there.

Bp Hlpt

Re Helene bonding with Alyssa: Chapter 118: Alyssa could feel Helene’s mind brushing tentatively against her own; a pure, innocent spirit that she just wanted to wrap up and keep safe. Taking a deep breath, she modified her mental fortress, permitting the empath to enter deep into her subconscious. The blonde pulled Helene down for a kiss, holding the teal-skinned girl close as she opened up her mind. ... “You two have been out of it for over an hour,” Calara said, kissing Alyssa’s shoulder, then looking at Helene with concern. “How are you both feeling?” ... “I never realised bonding would feel so... intimate,” Helene whispered, gaping at her matriarch in awe. ... *I had no idea how much you worry about John,* Helene thought, hugging her back. *I just eased some of the burden.* The above seems to indicate not only that the bonding occurred, but that Helene can telepathically communicate with Alyssa. It was also confirmed again in Chapter 119: Alyssa’s expression brightened and she blurted out, “I bonded with Helene!” ... “So... I hear you’re one of Alyssa’s inner circle now?” John asked, quirking an eyebrow playfully, as he slotted in the last wine glass. Helene leaned against a counter-top and nodded, her beautiful face lighting up with joy. “It feels so wonderful to be a full member of your family. Alyssa speaks to me all the time...” “Sorry about that,” John said, feigning a frown. “I’m sure you’ll get used to all the teasing eventually.” She laughed and shook her head. “Alyssa’s never like that when she speaks to me telepathically; she’s very kind and thoughtful. I’ve discussed it with the other girls and she’s that way with them too.”


Another amazing chapter, and as usual another frustrating cliff hanger! Totally love the work you're putting into these chapters!


Another Progenitor is already here? Will it give John an opportunity to reach for Terran federation's help faster? Or will allow to learn more about Progenitor? I think 1 month timeline to assist Terran federation's troop is too long... Something has to happen to shorten the time line. There were special troops landing on Olympus supposedly to attack Lynette. What happened of them? Doesn't Terran federation have a counter intelligence unit? Last we had them guarding Maria but they don't notice a threat like this or report to Charles who is incharge of Olympus? Brimorian's where looking for all planets with water as they are aquatic so surprised at assumption made by TF generals that Brimorian's would stop after capture of Calopian shoals. Also there was the case of genetic mutation being done by them on humans. Both of these are know to John and crew. Response seemed very muted considering in past Brimorian's were to be wiped out and all. May be change in priorities 😀 If an attack on Lynette did happen she can just recover to be her young alter ego.

John Doe

Masterful writing and control. Hats off Tef. While others will nitpick typos and slips, I think it’s important to appreciate the fine nuances of storytelling - a contrite Rahn to a dominant tyrant Progen to a strong but loving John! The brutality and razor thin suspense on the Brimorian border continues - while subtle revelation of the perception the powers that John and his girls have creates unrest in our minds and forces us to shift uncomfortably. Absolute power corrupts absolutely however painstaking introspection from Lynnette to Alyssa provides a glimpse into their own discomfort. This sort of planning requires lot of brainpower - it’s easy to expect all that from watching complex sci fi plots and games however one must realize they have armies of people designing them. If we compare Teflers world to other solitarily written classics like LOTR we can appreciate his effort and much evident class. Take a bow Tefler and it’s ok, take some rest - you deserve it!


Thanks Tef, yet another Cliffhanger Yay! Out of the fire into another, bigger fire.


For once I actually regretted a sex scene being skipped: Helene submissively taking care of John. She is probably the closest in character to Faye, so having her ease the pain of Faye's (hopefully not permanent) loss was very appropriate. Involving the nymphs more (in part as a consequence of Faye's loss) was another nice touch.


I also really enjoyed the "power corrupts" theme, contrasting Rahn'hagon, Lynette and Alyssa. Whereas Rahn'hagon and Lynette have strong partners challenging their decisions (in the latter case while still deeply loving them), John has essentially been neutered by events and Alyssa is looking increasingly psychopathic.


Although I mostly enjoyed this chapter, a couple of nitpicks diminished my enjoyment. First, while I appreciate the dramatic merit of treating space battles in a physically unrealistic way as sea battles (with not even Newtonian, let alone relativistic, physics), I find it impossible to suspend disbelief when the three dimensional nature of space is ignored. Borders are not lines, they are surfaces. It makes no sense for a fleet of spaceships to head on a bearing of 090 or 235. If there are mines both ahead and behind, how about below and above, or even left and right? This one or two dimensional thinking was parodied (somewhat ironically) in Star Trek:Wrath of Khan. Secondly, if sensor nets and comms beacons can be so easily compromised, why is it not routine to check for this? Why do border fleets not send out probes regularly to check the sensor net readings? And why do the communication systems not make regular (and unforgeable) handshakes to check that the comms beacons have not been disabled, so that crews are not caught by surprise when their urgent requests are met with no response?


I'm guessing, this is something like the Progenitor Quick Reaction Force or the Fast Response Force. They were on site in an amazingly short time.


The obvious response to the Brimorian invasion is for John to send a Maliri fleet into Brimorian space. With all the Brimorian assets deployed in Terran space they would immediately fall to pieces.


Evil. Yep, I said it. You. Are. Eviiiil. Don't stop.


These cliffhangers make me feel like a masochist. Thank you Sir, may i have another?

Big Orca

The last few chapters have really gone deep into a rabbit hole. Self doubt, self pity, wallowing in grief. Ignoring assets that have in place. Imagine what John can do to the Brimorans had he kept the progen ship. Somehow, the fate of the galaxy does not matter while he stews. Faye would have slapped him around a bit.

Bp Hlpt

While I continue to maintain that John should have, and still needs to, get a copy of all of the data from the computers in Larn's, now Rahn's ship, if he had kept the ship I'm not sure if it would have done much good. He would have probably still been in the area when the new progenitor arrived, recovering the Invictus for future repair and trying to familiarize and train the crew and himself on the new equipment they knew nothing about. As mad as he was at his father, what would he have done with him? If he had decided to leave him on the planet, with or without his mother, to then be destroyed by the new progenitor, the guilt would have crippled John for sure, no matter how much he hated him at the time. [Also note that the new progenitor had no problem finding Rahn's ship on the ground even though the Invictus had been unable to do so, only being found by a visual scan by Faye.] If John kept Rahn on the ship, could there have been any cooperation between them? And even if there could have been, it would probably have taken more time than it seems they had before the new progenitor arrived. In the ensuing battle between dreadnoughts, Allysa wouldn't have been much help, being unable to touch anything made of black metal and overwhelmed by the psychic imprints. The Malari girls would have been able to read the various controls, but they are not expert pilots or gunners. John, Calara, Jade, and all the rest of the girls would have needed to be told what to do and how to do it, with weapons that they weren't familiar with. Just because Dana now understands the schematics of everything doesn't make her an expert in their operation. Even if Rahn was still on board and cooperating, would they have been any match for the fully battle-hardened crew of the dreadnought of the new progenitor? I can't see how. They are just not ready yet for a progenitor battle. If they are successful in hiding for now, it gives them a chance. How much of one if the new progenitor sticks around and starts causing trouble, possibly hunting for John if Xar’aziuth clued the new progenitor in to John's presence, is very unclear. On a positive note, the time needed for John to get ships and crews together and ready for a progenitor battle, much less take care of all of the remaining progenitors and all of the various side plots, implies many more chapters before TSM is finished. Yay!!! Take all of the time you need Tef!

Bp Hlpt

Quick question Tefler, have either 121 or 122 been finalized? I haven't seen the announcement for them, [such as *** EDITED - FINAL VERSION (__th _____) ***], but I just saw that 121 has been posted on Lit, so .....


the poo has definitely hit the rotating bladed device this time!


Smaller chapter this time but lots of info


It’s interesting to see this chapter underscore how Alyssa’s motivations are becoming less human and more progenitor. First she writes off Faye’s death as less consequential to her since she couldn’t develop an attachment to a non-organic lifeform and then later on Charles highlighted her alien nature with his comments that he’s worried that Lynette is becoming too much like Alyssa.


Wonder why little one isn't at the meetings and offering to run surveillance while they sleep


I just finished reading the battle of the shoals and I'm more than a bit disappointed in it... it was almost complete repeat of the second battle of the dragon March. So far all the bad guy aliens are so weak and cowardly they can only win if the so e how get a human ghe betray there own people... and there seems to be no end to human traitors left sigh... here is hoping it gets better soon.


I do want to say overall I'm really liking the story. Thank you Teflar for the many hours of entertaining and enjoyable hours of reading :)

Big Orca

Or work with maintenance bots to get the ship fixed quicker. Or actually asked “Any ideas on how the team can help?” You know, treated as a sentient being.


Oh sweet jeebus....I will never be able to listen to the song purple rain again


Thanks Tefler! As usual, I enjoyed the chapter very much. I look forward to future chapters with great anticipation! Keep up the great work.


I don't know if anyone else has brought up this point, but the first action Staff Sergeant Moorland should have taken, once Admiral Chapman was in hand, was disarm him, and probably restrain him. That seemed like an odd omission to that scene.

The Crimson King

I feel like there’s one sentence that perfectly sums up this chapter..


I've expanded one of the scenes, where John has just been informed that the Brimorians have attacked the Terran border fleets. The dialogue covers a possible Maliri response to an Enclave invasion.


Tks @tefler. A small typo - this line "Alyssa trashing his shields and drilling his leg through with a psychic lance? All you. Sakura stabbing him with a Crystal Alyssium sword and freezing his balls off? " I think the "All You" is there accidentally or its incomplete.


I was going write you about missing not bring the Malri into it, but after I took a second read thru.


Ben J, it is easy to delete each of your posts here on Patreon, so please do so. If you need help ask, most of us are willing to help as we can.


Dana is telling John that all the the powers used have all come from him hence the "All you"


Does anyone besides me feel that the Brimorian/Terran war is as relevant as a playground squabble now that the Progenitors are coming.

Bp Hlpt

Quick question Tefler, have either 121 or 122 been finalized? I haven't seen the announcement for them, [such as *** EDITED - FINAL VERSION (__th _____) ***], but I just saw that 121 has been posted on Lit, so .....


I updated chapters 121 and 122 with my final versions. Not much changed, it was just a couple of typos since the previous updates.


just wanted say happy 4th to tefler and the crew


I'm just getting a "attachment not found" message


What happened With the commandos from chapter 122?


Tom is the patsy yes... Mace isn't named as the traitor.. No one was named just called the traitor in the escape pod is broad casting in Brimorian. The Lahlenori are the Maliri who escaped the lock down on the black market city.

Big Dude

Thank you for that expanded Maliri scene Mr. Tefler. I want to read about a nova lance destroying a Brimorian battleship. How sweet it is...

Big Dude

All Alyssa would have to do is scan Tom's mind and determine he's innocent! Chapter 126? Rahn’hagon will return to Arcadia from visiting those "primitive silicon lifeforms ". I bet his ship has some homing device in it to alert him to it being attacked. We'll soon see right everyone? Or, somehow this new progenitor will do something stupid and John will greet him with honor and dignity this time (destroy him immediately) since all his women are at FULL POWER! Remember he has Larn'Kelnar's special lance!

David B

Hi, any updates??

thomas rodrian

As long as he stays under the shroud, I doubt there is a problem.

thomas rodrian

Just that the US plays soccer better than the UK,


The ending is the same I wonder if Tefler will let us know if he has done the final part


In the end, I decided to push the scene I was considering into chapter 124. It actually appears later in the chapter, because I wanted to continue the current final scene with John and the girls. I expanded one of the earlier dialogues to include Edraele's feedback on the Maliri, so the final word count is just over 30k.


The update is nice, but I still think team Blake are missing a trick: Maliri fleets on the border with Brimorian space have the potential to influence Brimorian actions not so much by heading for the Callopeian Shoals and Terran space, but by threatening Brimorian forces on the border and on the route to Brimor, which is pretty close to the Maliri/Brimorian border. A surgical strike on the border, as a response to Brimorian aggression is easy to justify diplomatically, and it could penetrate to a Brimorian shipbuilding system, or even Brimor itself. This threat could easily be used to prevent the Brimorians from over-extending their forces, and hence neutralize their attack on the Terran Federation.

Jedi Khan

The Maliri don't even have to cross the border to give the fish something to be worried about. Because the Maliri have superior sensor range on most of the empires, their ships tend to hang back from the border, out of range of their neighbor's sensors. Edraele can simply have the border fleet move closer so that the Brimorians can see them. That should be enough to make the fish worry.

Jedi Khan

I was just reminded on the Discord server that the Maliri actually have free reign to travel through Brimorian space. Considering that TFed High Command might object to having a Maliri fleet enter TFed territory again, perhaps there is an alternative? Have Edraele park a fleet opposite the Callopean Shoals in Brimorian space, and they can act to blockade the Brimorians when the TFed makes its eventual counter attack to reclaim the Shoals. A classic hammer and anvil tactic.


I think John & Alyssa should make several Invictium based Golems that they can take on boarding/land based actions. Since Tashana can control several fire sprites independently, I’m pretty sure they can control a couple or several subconsciously. Even if they have been shaped only 1 or 2 times there affect on a battlefield would be devastating. They could be like the Nymphs only made of metal with the ability to them as a conduit for there senses. Or even one shaped as a dinosaur like a triceratops (inspired by Jade) couple with the fact the metal is able to channel psychic powers. They could be covered in any of the elements they control. And can use them like a remote controlled avatar. Just think if they used them they on a boarding action they could probably just wait at the airlock while the Golems run wild on the ship.


It is relatively insignificant in comparison to a galaxy-wide Progenitor War, but is still much more significant than a "playground squabble", due to the situation with the Abandoned and what to do about them, I think.


Tefler, I looked over the last three chapters, that were recently posted and found some suggested edits for all three. A suggested edit for Chapter 121, is as follows: Page 125: Her lip curled in distaste as she picked up Larn’kelnar’s severed hand and (prized or pried) the black rod from his gauntleted fingers.; an edit for Chapter 122, is as follows: Page 31: *I didn’t have time (to make an) or for an exact count. There were dozens...*; and a couple suggested edits for Chapter 123, are as follows: Page 60: *I could made (make) diplomatic overtures to High Command suggesting an alliance?* Edraele quickly suggested. Page 70: “What the fuck was that?!” Dana blurted out, he(y)r eyes wide. As always, if you disagree, I completely understand. Good luck with Chapter 124. Thank you and Cheers!


It' s Better to Burn out than it is to Fade away Uhhahhh . There can be only one!. Opps wrong story haha


My my hey hey got to love the one and only Neil Young don't ya


It's come up a few times and the thread probably will be revealed soon. That passage, John's sword and Rahn's itch when he sees white (I suspect the white hair will have a relationship to the answer as well) all suggests there is some 'game afoot'.


Any word on a final cut?


Hi Tefler, I continue to enjoy the story you are spinning, but considering the events at the end of 123, I do not remember seeing any mention of hiding the Progenitor craft they left parked nearby the Invictus (I assume). It has it's own cloaking device I expect, but would also need to be visually hidden like the Invictus so it would not also be spotted and possibly give away their location. Take care of yourself.


Whilst entering orbit, the still didn't show up on sensors at all, and was only spotted by Faye doing a visual scan.. That's why they needed the holographic emitters when salvaged the stealth fault emitter


Golden-one I believe that was how the Invictus spotted Rahn's crashed ship. My question was that after landing near the Invictus with the Progenitor "Shuttle" was this ship also hidden by the holographic emitters. They made a big effort to put the 2 halfs of the Invictus together to include it in the holographic camoflage, but a black shuttle parked nearby would kind of give them away, or become a "target" for another progenitor to shoot at.


Hey, does anyone know if there is going to be more info about Dana's space station project and Alyssa's financial projects?

Jedi Khan

Probably, but the team's got a lot to deal with first. Besides, as far as in story time goes, those were discussed only a few weeks ago.


Good point. It's "over 75 meters long".. So it's either got its own stealth systems, Dana over engineered the heck out of those holo emitters, or they shoe horned it into the primary hanger. (And now I'm picturing it fitted with one of those beeping reversing sensors, backing right up to the back wall of the hanger)

John Doe

Hey Tef - congrats on the English cricket World Cup win! Hope you and the family are having a great time this summer!!!


The Cricket World Cup win could delay the next chapter. It could be worse though, the hangover after beating the kiwis won't be too bad. If they had beaten Australia like that in the final, most Poms would have a week long bender. 😜

rich ed

We were robbed of the win, mutters under his breath. Kiwi's so close yet so far

Who Me

Why would ANYBODY worry about a bunch of insects? Crickets ARE insects, ain't they?


but everyone loves the beatles and Buddy holly and his crickets were pretty good in their time


Anyone heard from Tefler on how far out is the next Chapter?

thomas rodrian

In the poll threat above, @Gungan Mobster said: The last we heard from Tefler was on July 7th a little before 9pm central. Jedi had asked "so, anything new and interesting we should know about, Tefler?" and his response was: "Nothing off the top of my head. I've sketched out the scenes for chapter 124 and I'm just working my way through them now." he said a few other things but I feel that's the most relevant.


Tick tock


I uploaded a new version with a few minor changes. Nothing particularly important, other than Brimorian particle weapons changing colour from purple to yellow! :-)


so no real need to reread it a 5th time then🤣


sooo is this like a post dated check written today dated the 27th??

thomas rodrian

With MS Word you can compare two documents and it will show the revisions. By doing this you never need to wonder, Read or don't read!


I had the last chapter up and the new side by side I did not see a difference.


It's mainly just single-word additions/replacements, not justifying a reread - other than the story justifying it nonetheless #D


Hey, has anyone else noticed Tefler's warping of the space-time continuum: the final revision date for chapter 123 is listed as July 27 even though it was posted on July 23 - and it is still only July 24.


I'm not sure whether to "like" or hate that response. Although it looks as though you may be right. As long as Tefler doesn't pull a George R. R. Martin, I think we'll be okay. "Liked" it is.


I was really mad that an entire border fleet got wiped out because of a traitor which should have been watched anyway as a result of him being the son of the former crazy fleet admiral. However, then I got to see the other admirals/high level navy personal really give it the Brimorians and coming up with really smart ways to deal with the Brimorians. I am hoping that the two fleets along with some help from Terran high command will be able to deal with the Brimorians without John coming to the rescue like he has done in basically all of the past major fights the Terran Federation has been in. I can understand/accept the Maliri coming in to help because the Terran Federation is still rebuilding and they did not account for a traitor along with a small contingent of rogue Maliri(that fault lies with Edrael atleast in my opinion it does) so they do need the help. Again however, eventually the Terran Federation does need to stand on its own two legs without John or the Maliri helping them and hopefully we get to see them do that while also proving that the Terran Federation is a force to be reckoned with, before the end of the story. Also I am not sure that John hiding from a progenitor and then basically letting that progenitor have free reign over his part of the galaxy is a good idea. He is basically letting a wolf out in a flock of sheep and hoping that in a month the wolf wont just slaughter all the sheep. He also doesnt how the progenitor will react after having temporarily freed himself from the devourer and what that might mean for the people within his galaxy. Admittedly it will be really interesting to see all these Progenitors come to his galaxy and then develop their own twisted personalities that will probably lead to wars amongst themselves(maybe we will see some morally decent Progenitors). Last thing I want to bring up is I hope that the missing bots will lead to Faye being revived quicker than anticipated because I dont want to read this amazing story with Faye up until near the end of the story. I can handle them needing maybe a month to do whatever they need to do for Faye which would allow the nymphs to take up their own roles thus freeing up Faye to do other things(like leading a robot army to bring destruction upon the organics). Those other things hopefully including John finally taking that final step with Faye. Honestly the more I think about Faye's death and all the things it did for John and the lionesses along with accidentally pushing forward Johns relationship with Faye.The more I realize how smart it was for Tefler to temporarily get rid of her to allow the crew(including John,Dana,and Illirth) to realize how important Faye was to each of them and how admittedly they only knew at most about half of who Faye was. I would love to hear from you guys and gals about any of the vomit of words that I just unleashed upon you.


I feel terrible for being kind of okay with Faye "dying" as a way to move the characters forward. I agree with your analysis of everything, I feel that she will be gone up to the point John takes on his guide. Which I think should be fairly quickly as that is really what is limiting them all atm. I kinda feel like they should scrap the Invictus and start with fresh bones, but also love John's idea of having it be like a full on Dreadnaught but like 1/2 or smaller in size, tactically it makes more sense. Loving the story. Though I reread this chapter after this final edit, I think I missed the changes made.


Can anyone point out the differences in this chapter before and after the Final Edit? Or was it mostly just typos and stuff.


Has anyone seen sign of chapter 124?


Bill, we are ALL still waiting. ;-)


OMG...more! Must have more!


It was easy for the new progenitor to find Rahn’s ship because they stole the cloaking device out of it and are using it on the invictus.


Potential edif...


Near the Thai scene.... She whirled around, her hazel darting. Needs eyes adding...?


has anyone seen sign of chapter 125? I agree with Stevens assessment about faye. As she doesn't need air to breathe she is floating in space waiting to be fount Little lone will be the one to figure out where she is


Fayes server was destroyed. the body which I believe was still on the invictus was only a shell powered by faye primary. I am hoping that she has a backup somewhere yet to be discovered but finding her body (if indeed it was lost) will not make a difference


My guess is that Faye upgraded the "boys" with much more memory and that when they recover the missing robot the full set plus Little One will be a complete backup.


Her body was present during the ceremony. It wasn't lost.