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Hey everyone!

I was contacted recently by DaveB who draws and writes the webcomic Grrl Power (see link below). He's a fan of TSM and decided to do a painting of the girls...


I was really impressed by his attention to detail and it was awesome to see the girls together like that. I think he did a phenomenal job of capturing their personalities in their expressions... and making them look gorgeous! :-)

If you'd like to see more of his work, here's a link to his webcomic:






Wow. Very nice. Pass on appreciation to DaveB


He even added the gold coronas to Dana's eyes! :D

Hendrix Morton

Have been reading Grrl Power for a long time...nice to see his art used for this....


amazing job with their faces and capturing their personalities


Really nicely done...


Wow, amazing work


You should commission him for future portraits. It’s REALLY GREAT art and he’ll be consistent with the product. Also since he is a fan the pictures will show all the little traits that relate to the girls. I would love to see him do more.


Yeah, I agree. I've asked him if he'd be interested in doing some individual portraits and he said he'd get back to me with some rough sketches when he has some free time. :-)


That is so AWESOME !!!!!!! Really looking forward to them.


I added the hi-res image as an attachment. Check out the girls' eye colours, in particular, Dana, Jade, and the twins... amazing. :-)


Fantastic! I would absolutely love to see his take on Marika, Leylira, Neysa, and Betrixa.


That is awesome. Can’t wait to get to my desktop and really look at the details you mentioned, not doable on a phone.


Awesome, and even that is not enough said




Very 90s comic vibe which is very cool. So happy to see new art! May this be the start of something wonderful!


A bit too soon seeing how they're all dead though. *salutes holding the TFed flag*




It's very well done, However I share the criticism again that the girls don't look 18, they look closer to 28. A lot of artist do this, I don't understand why

Dave Barrack

The difference between an 18 and 28 year old face is kind of subtle. It's easy for our brains to discern, but it can be a real challenge to put into pixels. It is one of many weakness in my art, and if I do some individual portraits I will endeavor to make them look a bit younger.


Dayum! I've been a fan of GrrrlPower for a couple of years now (has it been years? Wow) I must say his art style fits the TSM girls perfectly.

Hinterlands Man

Really excellent memorial. Just kidding I'm sure they'll pull off something.


Wow. Just... WOW


Outstanding Work. WOW


Extremely impressive, but I have one question. Which twin is which? I see Sakura, Rachel, Dana, Alyssa, Calara, Jade and the twins, from left to right. My guess is that the newer addition to the crew is on the right. However, that is just a guess. I really can’t tell.

Dave Barrack

I mean, they're identical. Maybe I'll do one with them wreathed in their respective elements.


What about Helene & Faye?


The first is too new to the crew. Work such as Dave did takes time. I didn't expect to see any of the other Nymphs in this picture for the same reason. Faye hasn't had a body all that long, so I can understand Dave's not including her at the time.


Very nice work. Not sure why I like Calara's face best. Now to find time to read as I'm still stuck trying to finish 116.

Who Me

I have a question - Where's Faye? Ain't she "one of the girls"? I really wanted to get a visual of her!


So does this mean Faye and the other four Lenarrans didn’t survive


Up until now it didn't occur to me that Andorians in the Star Trek universe are just the children of Maliri and the martians from Spaced Invaders. RIP TSM girls, you were leaves on the wind.


Those are very well done, Dave. Thank you! I also think that Calera has the nicest face. Alyssa's expression kind of looks like a sultry version of Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent -- "I'm cummin', Beanie Boy!" :->


Calara's probably my favourite out of them as well, but they all look good. :-)

Jedi Khan

Nice piece of art. Looking forward to the next piece. Although, I do have a question. From what you said, Tefler, it sounds like Dave did this without prompting from you, so does it still count as "commissioned art" in that case?

Jedi Khan

I thought something was up with Dana's eyes. Just zoomed in on the high res image and she's got a lazy eye! Looks like Sakura has one too, but not nearly as noticeable as Dana's.


I don't like it the girls r not classy enough


Rachael has one too.


I would love to see the before and after images for each of John's recruits, especially Sparks/Dana.


Actually, even more amazing would be a sequence of images of Alyssa in ecstasy at different stages of her Change.


So... finally seeing this as I just patron two days ago :-D just wondering why can't see Jade's stripes... and calara being Latina ancestry I'd think she'd have a slightly darker skintone then she does. I absolutely LOVE facial expressions and think tashana is closest to the other girls as the other maliri pictured has a more... in your face kind of vibe to her... at least to me and that's more the vibe I get from Irilith.