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Hey everyone!

I've just handed over the first half of the chapter to my editors. It comes in at 22.6k words, so about 50% larger than usual. The overall chapter might be a bit bigger than usual too, as I want to end it at a specific place in a very specific way... but I'm still on track for 31st March. :-)

I'll release another couple of Invictus deck plans over the coming few days (Decks Six and Five), so I hope you find those interesting!

Only 32 hours to go until Arcadia... (in story time of course!).




Potentially 3 chapters in one month... that's incredible!


Three chapters this month? *swoons* You spoil us Tefler! 😍😍😍


F5 pressing starts NOW!


It's like the good ol' days!

Old Cruiser

Thanks for the updates Tefler !!!!!!!!


Looking forward to Acadia!


Outstanding! Thanks Tefler

travis btmb

thank u for ur hard work tefler


Acadia Acadia Acadia

Jim lynch

Rock on tefler I feel John is going to whoop some ass very soon.


Hey Telfer is it possible to get a word count for the entire story to-date


Thank you for the update

Dave Barrack

32 hours till Arcadia. So... 17 sex scenes to go, hah hah.


While excellent news the 'a specific place in a very specific way.' does make me somewhat nervous, why do I suspect a whopping great cliffhanger is coming our way?!?

Jedi Khan

Well, whatever it is, we know it'll be interesting at least!


That's called a teaser.


Looking forward to it!!!!!


No not early, well planned. Late 31st release by the time you get finish, to the cliffhanger / April fools joke it will be the first!


Nothing like a cliffhanger for a cliffhanger,... hahaha


I've written 30k words so far... just a bit more to wrap up. I should be able to finish it for the 31st assuming not too many interruptions. :-)

Horny Rhino

A possible ETA?


As he said, he’s trying for March 31st.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

LOL....11:59 Pacific time....makes for a great April Fools joke with the upcoming cliffhanger and also gets it posted in time for the March payday.

Who Me

April Fools - No new chapter this month!


I believe that if it’s posted within the next few hours, it will still be considered as a March posting by Patreon. However, I won’t be upset if it’s how we start off April, either!

Horny Rhino

ETA: Estimated TIME of Arrival. EDA: Estimated DATE of Arrival. See the Difference?


Don't you dare think such thoughts! 😉 The only times a real delay has been due to some unforeseen complication (like Tef getting the flu). Other than that, he has been pretty good about deadlines. Albeit, he has updated a chapter with supplementary or extended scenes. I am pretty sure that the updates are gratis.


I think Tef goes by EST or GMT-5 for posting. Even though I live in EST zone, I usually download it the next morning.

bob lakhanpal

Well, it’s GMT + 5.5h at me place, 0730h, 01 Apr 2019....F5!!


Globulous magnificent orbs!! This chapter is incredibly entertaining.


Darn not posted yet. 01:12 in Ontario Canada


Holy sh*t