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Hey everyone!

Here are some links to audio recordings of the recent Q&A session I did last week:



Thanks very much to Lillith for editing my rambling monologues! I'd also like to thank Nichalada and Raizuto_Gaming for their assistance with the files.




As a note - the first link (on Soundcloud) will let you listen directly to the files. The second link will let you download the 2 MP3 files for listening to locally. There are two parts and each is just over an hour in length.


LunarLilith is my spirit animal. <3

Hendrix Morton

Ended up having to miss most of this, so the recordings and editing is greatly appreciated!!!


Is there a transcript/reader's digest version available?


I will be working on a transcript this weekend and eventaully there will be a video (basically the transcript plus audio) available on youtube.


I found the Q&A interesting. Background noises made following some of the recording troublesome.


I did not realize there was a youtube site... is it under Tefler or ???? thanks Lilith


There is not a YouTube site for TSM/Tefler, however, we wanted to make it available there so one will be set-up.


Yes, I cleaned it up as much as possible, but some of the issues couldn't be completely resolved.

thomas rodrian

Thanks very interesting, Glad you posted this.


Thanks Lillith, very interesting to hear Tefler's views and thought processes as he was writing TSM. Tefler, in reply to your question on the balance, I think you have it right. I find I tend to skim over the sex scenes, but that doesn't mean that there are too many, or they are too long. I also agree with you, that you don't have many cliffhangers. They just seem that way because I, (and I think many others,) am eager for the next installment.


Thanks to everyone involved with arranging that - great to hear Tef's dulcet tones! The only issue I could see with a TV series is that the story occurs over a year... as a series it would probably last for years, so you'd have issues with the actors/actresses aging too fast. I think CGI or a fully animated series would be the best option.


Honestly considering the content a high production quality anime with adult themes would make sense. Or do it like heavy metal. ;)

rich ed

In chapter 93 there is this - Faye nodded and grinned at her. “I know, I’m looking forward to it so much!” She glanced down at the ornate jewellery adorning the redhead’s right ring finger. “Could I take a closer look at your engagement ring?” Should it not be left ring finger or am I missing something?


I'm not sure how I goofed on that one. I remember double-checking beforehand too... weird!